Sci-fi Edition
Show me that hot, sexy, reasonably designed female armor anons.
Sci-fi Edition
Show me that hot, sexy, reasonably designed female armor anons.
to be honest, given what guardsmen normally fight, would running around in bikini armor make any difference beyond propriety in the Imperium?
>third movie has tony be paranoid about his friends and loved ones being hurt and being unable to protect them
>he never actually makes pepper her own fucking suit.
Flak armor makes guardsmen's outlook from "certain death" to "probable death". A marked improvement.
I'll take armor that stops a high velocity flesh eating beetle 33% of the time over no armor at all.
>to be honest, given what guardsmen normally fight, would running around in bikini armor make any difference beyond propriety in the Imperium?
When you put it that way I guess, I mean Orkz can fight marines naked and still have a chance of killing them so there's that.
>Halo Reach was 7 years ago
Those extra robot arms don't seem to serve a purpose here. The extra weight would make the wearer's legs collapse under the suit because looking at the knee joint you can clearly see a lack of robo assistance.
Muh-wolverine-stabbies. Veil thingie is cosmetic and could catch wind or block vision.
Kat's arm is to small. Spartan armour is suprisingly decent aside from their retarded color schemes.
Iron-man armour is retarded/runs on comic dislogic and should have killed its wearer from the g-force long ago.
No helmet, personalization of army equipment, exposed legs & gut, and that gun will catch on her pauldron literally 9/10 times when she tries whipping it out for a firefight.
wtf are those gauntlets? also that shirtneck is not very good.
She's still got long flowing hair.
It...probably works.
>it's "autist goes through and responds to every post in the thread thinking that anyone gives a shit" episode
>armour is expensive, thus a very limited resource
>people are not
>women are shit at fighting, the purpose for which armour exists
>consequentally, there's no such thing as reasonable female armour
what did he mean by this?
That means the image is in the clear, user.
As far as i know, flak armour is designed to stop shrapnel, rather than direct projectiles or energy attacks.
Wouldnt want enemy explosives to be TOO effective when orchestrating human wave attacks.
This is pretty fantastical, but the closer I look the more I see some elements I think I would incorporate into heavy power armours in my own settings. Something else that does weird me out a little between the two of them in the lineup is that almost every single part of the armour is different even though it looks like the artist just made a copy and added a mask and tail.
I really struggle to find "practical" female armour operating on the principles I want. I've done a few doodles and I can't see any reason that you can't just represent the presence of boobs with something akin to the glacis plate of a tank, wherein you get away from the Unisex/Man Armour issue and have clearly female appearing armour that isn't channelling bullets towards the centre of mass. Ironically the Evangelions, being armours for technically female entities even if they are 50m tall, are the closest I've seen, even if they are covered in a lot of superfluous and odd design choices like the shoulder and knee sections.
I can't find a picture offhand, but the forearm protector things the one lady has are historical. IIRC they're either for fencing/sparring or when you're too broke to afford actual arm protection to go with a brigandine/coat of plates. It makes it so you can't get slashed properly or cracked across the forearm with a sword during fencing. There are versions that go all the way up the arm and leg ones as well.
I have a thing for armor that isn't all metal or ceramic looking.
Damn, love the aesthetic.
>plz make this a thng, Nu-GW
That aside, I feel like the head is misplaced, it seems to high, and too far back on the shoulders to be anatomically correct.
We can go farther with this. :^)
Even in the grim darkness of the far future, shrapnel is still one of the big killlers.
That looks like some kind of sororitas mechanicum hybrid.
Most reasonable armor posted so far.
>pauldron on the wrong arm.
>heavily ornate plate in seemingly useless locations when it could be fashioned into a half breastplate at the very least
>belt over the gambeson for some reason
> I don't want to judge armour by real world standards in a thread about judging armour by real world standards.
Has cat ear themed helmat and a goddam tail. Her leather pockets don't fit in with the rest of her suit and have no reason to exist the way they do.
High heels of a space suit.
Pauldron is to bulky and those boots are to fashionista.
Pretty much fine besides them all having long hair. Last one has some questionable build choices but i'll let it pass for being a holy armour.
Exposed arms, long flowing hair and her battle skirt is exposed between the legs.
The breastplate and pauldron do not provide effective protection and she's wearing furs under the armour which is a bitch and a half.
Long flowing hair and she's got these silly hexagon-chest-plate-things.
Chainbonesaw is badly placed. She should be holding it.
It's fine.
Oversized pauldron.
They would both have their legs crushed under the weight of all that huge ass metal plate that they're wearing. I don't see any "powered" sections on their knee joints. Also those two are going to be both legaly blind and deaf with those pathetic eye holes as their only means of using sight.
Has forearm spikes .
Surprisingly kino.
Ike the last sisters of battle this fine lady should collapse under her armour's weight. Thankfully she can still see but her head is completely exposed
.You have good taste in movies.
I don't see you disagreeing so please kindly go fuck off.
Are forearm spikes necessarily a problem? especially if they have a method of being retracted.
Post better or fuck off.
You expect us to unpack every like of austic faggotry that hinges entirely on personal taste? I mean, this is Veeky Forums and everyone's personal taste is clearly objectively the best but let's not make more work for ourselves shall we?
>I don't want to judge armour by real world standards in a thread about judging armour by real world standards.
'Reasonable' does not mean 'by real world standards'.
I don't think he is doing anyone any harm, I enjoy it.
Thanks for letting us know that your opinion is worthless.
No, I mean that noone gives a fuck about you, stop revieving every fucking pic in this thread, noone will read it. Pick one pic, shit on it or whatever or write up a meme response and fuck off.
>Try to sound smart
>Fail at it
>Look like a retard
Honestly I wouldn't mind an armor critique thread.
>Ironically the Evangelions, being armours for technically female entities even if they are 50m tall, are the closest I've seen, even if they are covered in a lot of superfluous and odd design choices like the shoulder and knee sections.
Not actually superfluous in the case of the Evas. Its important to remember thats NERVs control over the Eva is pretty tenous. The knee and shoulder pylons dont have a protective purpose, but when docked in their cages these points provide areas for the cage to lick down, preventing the Eva from moving or escaping it it somehow becomes active.
In addition, the shoulder pylons flip open to act as storage spaces for weapons and other items. We mostly see them used to store backup weapons like knives.
She's wearing the same armor as everyone else
My autism has evolved into advanced autism: the only thing that triggers me more than women in impractical armor is female warriors in impractical armor with zero muscle definition. There *is* a difference between a warrior and a stripper dressing as one.
I wished they looked like that for real. They don't really look like a force to be reckoned with unless you have a fear of screaming nuns wearing boobplates.
>wtf are those gauntlets
Jack chain.
As bizarre as it looks, it really was a thing used historically to supplement a padded gambeson.
Nice suros pleeb
>but user, that's just regular sci fi armor
Yes. That's the point.
I can dig it.
>that AK conversion
Do better
It's an AKU-94 with a plastic shell over it. Are you seriously going to defend the AKU-94?
Do better
How would one actually armor a tail?
You can't even tell that many of these contain a woman. Practical, yes, but sexy?
If this stuff excites you sexually, maybe it's time to admit that what you want isn't a practically armored female, it's a man.
Tuck it in the armor, obviously
Practical tough girls are sexy.
But it's good for balance
Cut it off you furry. Seriously, look at fighting/guard dogs
Maybe a skirt you hide it under, or a series of rings chained together to protect from incidentals. Not her that is actually armor. Because, again, it should just be docked.
Dude, the reason it's sexy is you know it contains a woman. If you just saw the person in the armor and didn't know what their gender was, it wouldn't turn you on. But knowing it's a woman makes it sexy.
Cutest in this thread, my dick has transcended states of matter
No u
But user, dark angels are literally gay
Surely there's a girl in there, even if she is a lesbian
they are gay MEN
But this is a thread about women in armor, that means she's a chick.