>*dominates the market*
*dominates the market*
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Well, except for the part where fantasy flight games BTFO them.
40k will never have a chance against Star Wars franchise.
GW should have invested in this rather then lord of the rings.
It's the evil deal they made with CA.
So many redshirts on this board.
They picked up on something that was popular at the time and it did okay for a while. It wasn't a bad decision but it wasn't a great one either.
They also fucked themselves in the ass by discontinuing every single one of their specialist games at once, which left huge openings in the market for space combat and skirmish games, when battlefleet gothic and necromunda were their most popular specialist games.
This was of course during GWs pants on head retarded dark age. They outright created openings that allowed competition to exist even though they could have trivially crushed almost all ot them.
I wasn't sure before but I'm fairly certain now. They even do some of the typical GW sales tactics like how "[new box] might not 100% fit your army, but you could convert it to, so why not but it anyway?", just like they do in stores.
I hope it is GW staffers anyway, I can't imagine being sad enough to cheerlead for them for free.
>Eternal Crusade still in alpha
>Battlefront rising from ashes of shitty reboot
Star Wars just can not stop humiliating 40k, didn't they?
>It wasn't a bad decision but it wasn't a great one either.
It's actually was really great decision (first two years since release LoTR was most popular GW game), but they've killed it with War of Ring
I just can't bring myself to enjoy Star Wars anymore. It's become too clean and sterile and I just get tired even thinking about it. I'm glad normies can find joy in it like I used to, but it's just not interesting to me anymore. 40k at least has every kind of emotion and tone possible depending on the faction and author, so it's always interesting to me.
>not clean and sterile
>not for normalfags
Well memed, user
War of the ring was better than the hobbit, even if it was a bigger money sink than 8th edition fantasy and 40k combined despite their 24 men a box of $25.
I don't understand how OP isn't bannable shitposting.
>War of the ring was better than the hobbit
Yep, but actually killed the game
With those entry costs and poor balance it's hard not to see why.
I'd still love to see the Legions units actually exist though.
But it still has more freedom than Star Wars does in terms of tone and creativity. I can't even imagine starting XWing just because the complete lack of "Your Dudes" freedom
>>Eternal Crusade still in alpha
>they literally used UE4 just to copy 3th and 4 th editions models
How can 40cucks even compete?
>But it still has more freedom than Star Wars does in terms of tone and creativity.
Yeah you can play space paladins, or space cartoon edgelords, so many space
That says something about their customers
Oh wait I see what's going on here
He's not wrong, most 40k players play some variation of guy in power armor to the point that's what everyone assumes they're going to be facing.
But he is though, there is far more variety in 40k in terms of factions. Just because meme marines are popular doesn't remove all the other non human factions
Eternal crusade is absolutely junk but I still enjoyed it for what it ended up being, just have to ignore the promises
Battlefront looks just as bad though when you compare it to the old titles
People need to actually play those factions for them to count.
>Veeky Forums's still relevant, guys! We're so relevant that corporations send agents to infiltrate us!
There are more Imperium factions than non-human factions, even counting all Space Marines as a single faction.
>not playing space soccer hooligans
I preferred the Fantasy orcs, they actually wore armor.
Shame they were squatted.
Why did they take everything good out of fantasy?
>doesn't remove all the other non human factions
Except it does since all non-SM factions are just statists NPC-armies
There are more users and especially more normalfags on Veeky Forums now than ever were before.
They needed to pander to the LoL and WoW kiddies, so they added more in the way of giant shoulder pauldrons and zany steampunk shit to do so. Mummies and knights sadly didn't fit the bill.
More like they had to get copyright-able names.
40k is one of the very few things out there with an atmosphere that isn't 'just another generic 21st century scifi'
More people play the niche xenos factions in 40k than play all of Warmahordes/Infinity/other shit game that thinks it's "competition" with GW, combined.
I actuall don't mind GWs place in the miniatures market. The quality of their kits is really good (if expensive) and they provide a fun simple game to introduce people into the hobby. I inevitability moved on to other games but if GW wasn't there I, along with many others, wouldn't have ever gotten into war gaming.
>that isn't 'just another generic 21st century scifi'
20% is 20%.
Sounds like they can be copyrighted.
>Geee I wonder why people prefer armies with large support
>40k is one of the very few things out there with an atmosphere that isn't 'just another generic 21st century scifi'
Not for much longer user
Shit like sisters hasn't had new shit in years and DEldar went over a decade with nothing.
How old are the goblin kits now?
>How old are the goblin kits now?
They are OOP
Thank you for reminding me.
yeah, I'm kind of worried about these things too. Let's hope for the best. But as it stands right now, 40k is still basically the essence of 80's heavy metal.
>But as it stands right now, 40k is still basically the essence of 80's heavy metal.
Lolno, 40k is or outdated models (eldars, astra millitarum)
>But as it stands right now
Right now is the start of the incline into the glorified space opera: Age of Sigmarinemaines and Xeno Friends what are you on user?
I just want to keep believing
Knights could fit, but they were made like most of the IG ranges were, as a blatant way for the brothers Perry to make historicals while still being paid by GW
Unlike the niche IGs, they didn't actually sell much
Still no need to kill the TK though, especially with their new shit like the sphinx and the snake things
>Phoenix Lords are ancient flatpose pewter bricks
>we will never see a new aspect in plastic
>40k is one of the very few things out there with an atmosphere that isn't 'just another generic 21st century scifi'
That was true once upon a time. Unfortunately, in this day and age, 40k is now so popular it IS "generic scifi" - although it did create a template of horrifically dystopian scifi.
First of all fuckface, our shirts are black.
>being this bad at baiting
get some rope buddy
>as a blatant way for the brothers Perry to make historicals while still being paid by GW
>GW shill calls something blatant
>playing manlet NPC-race
>just have to ignore the promises
When the developers - LITERALLY CAME HERE - to us on Veeky Forums to make some of those promises?
I feel sorry for the folks who bought into it.
Maybe next time they'll think twice before listening to a Québecois
>XWing just because the complete lack of "Your Dudes" freedom
Bullshit. You can drop "ace"wing and play "your sqard" if you want. Xwing has as much freedom as 40k with it "marines inside the marines".
I'm surprised this isn't brought up more, but 40k is essentially Dune. I mean, I'm stoked the general idea is packaged in a way awesomer less space-jesus-also-cilantro way but Herbert did 90% of the legwork here.
I think he means xwing is kinda like having to choose a guard regiment rather than have nigh-omnipotent creative freedom. You could make that goofball whacky squad of jedis or an ork who rides a carnifex.
All of the xenos factions are more collected than the non-generic space marine factions.
>dominates the market
>drops their original flagship game because of low sales
Nobody wants to play AD&D Wars
>Kids want to play Thor instead of Witcher
fair fix
>look like they're wearing long shorts and shoes with knee-high socks
>breastplate curved to expose as much bare chest as possible, well past allowing for mobility
>skulls look like cartoony halloween masks
Who signed off on these?
40k audience.
I think current 40k too suffers from the same disease as Star Wars do, that there are limited number of things you can actually do with it, at least before purists nail your skin on the door. Just to a snaller degree.
Nobody wants to play AoS neither tho.
>Nobody wants to play AoS neither tho.
When will you butthurt fags realize that AoS is not only doing better than Fantasy Battles, it's an overwhelming success? It's the 4th best selling miniatures game on the market and GW is reporting record sales.
>[citation needed]
>the 4th best selling miniatures game on the market
It's litteraly selling less than Warmachine at its current all-times low. That is, despite having more releases per month than WHFB ever had. There is no large AoS events, nobody actually plays it.
Face it. Even here the WHFB general is more lively than the AoS general.
>that AoS is not only doing better than Fantasy Battles, it's an overwhelming success?
Any numbers, or percentages?
>It's the 4th best selling miniatures game on the market
Only in US (if we are talking about top-5 non collectable miniatures) where it holds the same position as WHBF in 2013 (year before ET launch).
>and GW is reporting record sales.
Gee I wonder why supported game makes it better than non existing and not supported (last two years of WHFB).
I've seen this posted multiple times in similar format.
Are you actually okay pal?
Nice shit thread. Get a life, mate.
>It's the 4th best selling miniatures game on the market
Which means that it's doing worse than Mk3-gimped Warmachine. And is in the exact same place Fantasy was in before it was canned.
>and GW is reporting record sales
...Of 40K stuff. Which makes sense, considering that GW have gone all out to redeem the shitty launch of AoS by basically just releasing all the shit 40Kfags have wanted since forever, like Primarch models and actual bargain packs.
He's the Barneyfag of Veeky Forums. Don't mention AoS, lest you summon the assmad AoSfag.