>Easy to build
Easy to build
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You do know that they are for beginners right?
I might get that mini just to use the head. Shave off a bit off the sides and it would be a good fit for the boss of my Necromunda gang
c'mon son
That's exactly what I will do, except to a Infinity model.
Oh shit son, you just gave me a sick idea for a White Scars successor.
I'm like, what, the millionth person to decide to do this?
yes but its still cool
That is exacly how I see Veeky Forums fags complaining about starter set minis.
They are stil plastic so little work and some GS can make them look difrent. Try this shit with some Infinity minis where smalest drill I could get was 0,4mm and it was still to fat to go in arm(hand snaped in transportation).
Do we have some rules on those IMMORTANS?
If it finally pushes people into giving a shit about White Scars, I'm totally down with it!
thats really what you deserve for playing infinity though.
Metal minis are for masochists.
Ehh...plastic SoB.
Veeky Forums will defend this.
Of course it will, /the/ is full of millennial snowflakes that grew up playing Heroclix.
Why wait? Fuck this thread let's get some of this rolling.
>Sons of War
>Planet-based chapter. Radiation blasted desert/deathworld
>Revere the emperor as a god. Gothic degradation has led to them calling him "The Immortan E"
>Chapter culture revolves around speed, sacrifice and displays of worth and valour. They believe the emperor cannot hear or see most of mankind, and so his attention must be drawn
>Screaming "Witness" is how marines attempt this
>Ties to mars are non-existant, the AdMech actively despises them for their near-ork levels of jury rigged vehicles and willingness to crash and destroy them
>Chaplains serve a similar purpose to those of the blood angels death company, or commissars assigned to Krieg. To ensure that battle-brothers don't waste their lives
>Defects in the Melanochrome and Larriman implants as a result of constant radiation exposure have left marines pallid and, a first for the chapters, prone to rampant cancers
>Chapter strength is stable at approximately 600 marines. Their process is crudely refined, well-suited to the dregs they produce en-mass as chapter serfs/aspirants
Dammit, now I want them to have ties to a penal regiment of the IG that consists of reformed Digganobs.
Not bad.
Painting scheme?
Perhaps then their world is a rad-soaked penal colony that double dips in tithes. These are closer to your proper war boys. Disposable shock troopers who can be relied upon to call in artillery on themselves while every guardsman in vox range screams to the heavens that the emperor might witness his sons.
Unpainted save for a bit of white and black to highlight. The focus is on sculpting and engraved decorations. The chapter sigil, an eagle-winged skull inside a flaming ring is common, as are basic depictions of astarties physiology. Helmets are uncommon, low-tech and, as with their armor. Tend to be modelled after the chapter master and their vision of the emperor
Not really.
Most of their easy kits have very odd pieces, like the Death Guard, that make it impossible to edit things like the legs without tearing into the entire model. Weapons and heads are easy, actual posing? Not so much.
I'm very confident in my conversion skills, and even I would shy away from messing with the cape of Kranon.
We're not whining about MUH COMPLEXITY! We're whining about the inability to use other pieces for kitbashing, or just as props.
For regular marine players, they usually have cleaner sculpts and it doesn't really show the lack of options. But for chaosfags like me, easy builds are really bloody noticable, which is worrying if this is indeed the path they want to take for new sculpts.
I can't imagine what misery an entirely easy-build ork army would wrought.
Than w8 for proper boxes, all starter sets are monopose.
So far I dont like that new champion and they could tone down on tentacle thing with Nurgle, but I can get rid of them and put some more nasty in place of pink(heresy) tentacle.
Do you have some pics of difrent DG painting? I thinking about more pale and rusty aproach than nice and clean green Nurgle.
>I'm an honest guardsman sir, a proper god-emperor fearing man. But these war boys sir, they unsettle me.
>We lost a hundred taking the ork factory. They stormed the place, mined it then hunkered down until they had greenskins abandoning the charge
>Like I said sir. I'm an honest man, I'll die for the emperor if that's whats asked. What the war boys did though..they mined everything they could and voxed the Basilisks, it's not my place to question how another regiment worships him-on-earth and there's worse ways to go then yelling "witness me" before the shells hit
>It's the..well, it's the marines sir. I've seen a handful and none of them..howl like that
>They where listening, when the war boys started screaming the marines did as well... Just pounding their chestplates and just..roaring "witness" over and over
Easy to build, hard to stomach.
if i take off that mask, will you die?
Are people seriously going nuts over a fucking Call of Duty skull mask?
it will be extremely painful
youre an ultramarine
for ultramar
Difficult to look at
Hot damn if that isn't a great place to start. I'm gonna be up all night working on this.
...maybe I'll add their lore to my current dudes lore.
Is there anything stopping an underpower SM chapter from loading up a bunch of expendable humans into their ships and taking them fighting? I can even imagine the Marines do it as a kind of favor "You'll die either way, so ride with me and die history on the Fury Crusade!" Sorta deal.
Yeah you are, and that's okay. I did the same thing except with Dark Eldar.
>Black primary colors with purple highlights
>All helmed models have silver spray-painted on their faces
Deldar already have chains and skin dripping off everything and ride in paper-boxes traveling at mach 3, so the jump to warboys was pretty intuitive.
This edition is the one to do it
Vehicles charging into close combat... Shiny and chrome
The White Scars got BTFO by the Tau. They don't deserve anyone's attention.
>WAAAH, some people like modelling models in a model-based hobby and don't care about people with Parkinson's/recovering superglue addictions who can only use snapfit model kits!
>Why is everyone so annoyed about model companies putting out low quality model kits?
>Why can't people just make do with converting snapfits?
This thread, and every other thread discussing these fucks, gave me cancer
You mean exacerbated the years-long cancer you got from Veeky Forums long ago.
potato, patahto
You say termater, I say termatamort.
Should I be glad that I have more time to finish my backlog before running out and buying a bunch of multi-part kits, or should I be pissed that it's going to be even more months of waiting since GW decided to tease and release worthless snapbuild shit.
Nothing at all stops them. I'd go as far as saying they NEED the IG and navy to prop up their non-existent armour pool. Marines in Valkyries
These guys are just screaming raven guard
Dude, that first one.
Seriously, putting aside all grousing, cardinal rule should be to finish what you've already got first!
I mean, if you want to be *annoyed* that people new to the hobby get their Primaris before you do, that's okay, but if you've got plenty to keep you busy, it doesn't seem like anything to be pissed about. (Unless the rules have got you really hankering to run a Primaris army.)
There is no gladness in the grim darkness of the far future.
>no malifaux plastics
Although I only picked them cause I was asian...
Obligatory gif.
Have them fight Immorkan Joe and you're golden.
This is the way it used to be back when minis were made out of metal. It sounds like you're just spoiled by multipart kits.
Nothing is pre painted, user.
These plastics are still easier to deal with than metals.
>big hype up new release get the new blood in for the new marines in the new edition
>announce newbie friendly starter boxes afterwards
>also marines vs plague marines
Who is supposed to buy these?
The "I must be the first one to have the new thing" crowd.
This, they did the exact same fucking thing for Age of Sigmar but none of you faggots would know because you're too autistic to notice.
>Metal minis from GW are for masochists
Fixed that for you, friend. Their leadless, brittle shit they dare to call pewter is hands down worst material I've worked with after Finecast. Other manufacturers may use soft metal, but I've found the alloy CB uses for infinity to be just right.
It's mostly tin, so it's overpriced and hard on your tools.
And then they land on Angelis.
ADB sighted REEEEEEEEE activated
Could have been worse
>tan raven guard
jesus christ was this for second life?
Niggers make everything worse.
make pic related the chief Librarian and your on.
Late, the lot of you