>PCs leave the most dangerous quest to save the world to two 1-level commoners
>then they fuck off to murderhobo some orcs
Why the fuck was this allowed?
PCs leave the most dangerous quest to save the world to two 1-level commoners
Other urls found in this thread:
>the setting's leveling scheme scales difficulty exponentially
>Villain's mind control is buffed to the power of your highest ability score.
gee, I wonder why you would do that, its almost like it was already explained.
Why not? Man supremacy is more important than democracy or gay marriage.
They didn't have the Ring and had no clue where it was. Their best option was too fuck as much shit up as possible to draw attention away from those they hoped were continuing the quest.
I don't get it, orcs have no feelings, no nervous system and thus feel no pain, and it would be hard to call him a sentient being instead of an automaton of carnage.
Orcs Must Die.
How do they move if they don't have a nervous system?
They have a highly efficient musculature system, like cogs on a machine.
might as well powerlevel until the dm drops some hints on where to go
also legolas player really wanted his skateboard feat
That's... Not really how it works?
The Bagginses were basically hobbit aristocrats.
Okay, how do you forward that your finger but not the entire hand should move?
How does it work then?
And Sam is a Paladin.
Orcs can't do that. They are not efficient craftmen because of this.
The point still stands. How do you forward a signal that you should move something that is beyond the first muscle or a joint?
A scream. You are an orc, not a tactician.
>make tunnels as good as the dwarves
>make tools as good as anyone else
>not efficient craftsmen
Don't mix up your orcs.
>They are not efficient craftmen
One of their whole shticks is building machines of war that kill well.
1) Frodo and Sam stood the best chance of not being corrupted by the Ring as they didn't have much ambition.
2) Their chances of reaching Mount Doom alone were far greater than together with the rest of the Fellowship.
3) Sauron was convinced that Aragorn had the Ring and would try to use it against him to claim his power. Best to let him keep thinking that so that he doesn't notice the Hobbits.
How do you crouch, how do you you lift things, etc. For fucks sake, I wouldn't be asking any of these things if you would've just said that their brain is incapable of understanding pain. You are aware that there are different kind of nerves, right?
First age only.
user, one of two things is going on here.
You're either talking to a belligerent retard.
Or you're talking to a troll.
Why do you feel like either one is worth your time? Why do you feel like it's worth shitposting over?
It's time to take a break.
No, always. Orcs are supposedly responsible for conceiving many of the most deadly and crude weapons even in the modern era.
The whole point was that Sauron didn't even consider that they'd try to destroy the ring. If he'd actually guessed, known, or had a hunch, he could have put guards on Orodruin, made it totally impossible.
Hence why playing pretend that the new lord of the numenoreans was getting too big for his britches was a thing.
Because getting upset about meaningless things is what still provides some emotion to me.
I find enjoyment in it
But Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn went after Merry and Pippin. They knew for a fact that they couldn't catch up with Sam and Frodo, so they tried to save the ones they stood a chance of helping.
The same way it works for all vertebrates you autistic sea shell seller! They have a central nervous system, they're not actually that dumb either. They're just so fucking evil and full of hate that they don't bother with anything but whatever leads to the most pain and suffering. Their minds are literally ALWAYS clouded by anger and sadistic hatred for themselves, other orcs, and anything beautiful.
>no nervous system
First age is when they created apcs.
Orcs have plenty of feelings. They feel loathing, shame, schadenfreude, belligerence, envy, and many other emotions all stemming from a genetic memory of Melkor's raging plutonium stiffy pounding them into the deranged little mutants they are.
Pls stop bullying orcs, they good boyz (and girlz).
>When murderhoboing is actually a viable strategy
Orcs are like pugs, they're ugly but it just makes them really cute, CUTE!
>GM introduces GMPC
>he is wise old overpowered mary sue wizard
>immediately becomes party leader
>makes all decisions and railroad the game
>suddenly there is a great danger and he sacrafices himself to save party
>it was really cool and unexpected
>everyone thought that from now on we will be playing game our way
>somehow he return from dead even stronger than before while other cool PC stays dead
Why the fuck was this allowed?
Gandalf wasn't the DMPC. Gandalf was the one player the DM really trusted so he gave him a level or two on everyone else to be the safety net.
I actually prefer to think of the GM being a dick and having them all roll 1d20 at character creation to determine their starting level. The Hobbits all got somewhere between 1 and 4, most of the rest of the Fellowship were around 7-10, Aragorn was somewhere around 11-4, and Gandalf rolled a natural 20.
DMPC was Faramir.
Wrong. Faramir was Aragorn's animal companion that the DM killed off and wouldn't let him replace because he thought they were OP.
A self insert is not necessarily a DMPC.
And act so boldly as to make Sauron think they have the ring. Let us not forget that Sauron knew that Frodo had the ring only when he put it on in Mount Doom.
It´s called trusting your friends.
>nervous system
Why was this allowed?
"Brains" would have been funnier anyway.
What the fuck?
Not hardly. they're the social equivalent of a country squire.
Sam is just a bagman.
Your memes are misplaced.
Because they had just dumped the OP as fuck DMPC, the That Guy had just been booted and they were sick of Railroad GM's destroy the maguffin mission.
That's why it's a deleted scene user.
Explanation is in DM Of The Rings
>where did the npcs go holding that ring?
>steve failed a sanity check and freaked them the fuck out, they're gone bro
>Does anyone have tracking
>I do but they took a fucking boat
>well fuck it, lets just hope that shit turns out for the best
>Implying that Frodo's and Sam's players didn't quit the game because their characters were useless
>Implying the other players didn't jump at the opportunity to get off the rails
Man, I loved that paragraph in the book when Sauron realizes Frodo has the Ring mere feet from annihilation.
>they're the social equivalent of a country squire.
For Hobbits, that's practically royalty.
I'm pretty sure Pippin is noble. I'm less certain about Merry.
The only one among the Hobbits who isn't a noble is Sam.
>Implying Sam wasn't the most noble of all
Pippin comes from the Tooks which are upper crust.
Merry was Pippin's cousin. His mother was also a Took. And so was Frodo's for that matter.
Sam was a noble man, but he wasn't a nobleman.
But Gimli had his axe in its central nervous system!
Man he was OP. And the Ranger with the Ghost feat was over the top.
Saruman was a maia, just like Sauron. If they hadn't spanked his ass a little he would have eventually been just as big a threat to the world of men.
In that I've quite literally misplaced the screen cap, yes.
Gandalf was literally setting equivalent of angel and extremely powerful being. He was a textbook example of DMPC.
>>PCs leave the most dangerous quest to save the world to two 1-level commoners
>> to two 1-level commoners
Did you a word there user?
>PCs leave the most dangerous quest ... to two 1-level commoners
read it again you donut
This thread has reminded to rewatch the extended editions.
Time to be comfy for the next 10 or so hours.
Tooks were honest to god Royalty. They were the Thanes, so the military leader of the hobbits. The Brandybucks were the original Thanes, but handed power over due to the Thane at the time leaving the Shire to establish a new settlement on the Brandywine river. They were the Oldbucks at the time, and didn't feel like they should rule over somewhere they were not living. By the time of Lord of the Rings, the Master of Buckland held the same level of respect as Thane did, though it was not as historically based, hence why during the scouring, the Tooks led the resistance, not the Brandybucks
Honestly, while I don't have a list in front of me, I remember watching the Extended Edition stuff a few years back, and thinking for just about every scene
>Yeah, I can understand why they cut that one
A lot of them just seemed to thematically clash with the rest of the movie(s)
>implying lotr had a level-based system
or were too humorous and distracted from the mood. Like Aragon throwing away Eowyns soup. Unnecessary humour that distracted from the "Normal human finds out Aragon is old enough to be her Grandaddy and so gave up on boning him"
But he's also the textbook example of why DMPC's are not bad
the DM played him with enough limitations that the various PC's still had their legitimate moments to shine
Then after the end of the main story he manages to hold a technically elective title of supreme authority for such an extended period of time he might as well have named himself Augustus
>title of supreme authority
>Whose biggest job is to preside over banquets.
Nigger, do you even understand how the Shire works? The fucking postal service is the single biggest branch of government.
>We're an Anarcho-Monarchistic commune!
Simple, Frodo and Sam's players wanted a different style of campaign than the rest and couldn't make it during the normal sessions for a bit.
Afterwards they all came together for a bit before all breaking apart and quitting the game before the next campaign against the blue wizards began.
The Shire works because it's populated by hobbits. If it was populated by men with no hobbit sense it would be a Somalia without the beach.
But hobbits are too sensible and kind hearted to go around hurting each other and don't need much oversight.
In all the Shire there were something like 12 policemen and until a deposed wizard fucked it all up they were never called to do anything more exciting than round up escaped pigs.
What about orc raids though, I mean there was atleast one
I wonder what kind of GM would Tolkien be with his god-tier worldbuilding skills.
They have at least slightly better than human hand eye coordination, are extremely good at hiding and have as a percentage of the population more able bodies that are capable of fighting.
Basically they could Vietcong the ever loving shit out of trespassers and are proven to be good archers.
I don't think they have a standing army, but then back in the day armies were traditionally a things you built up for a war and dismissed in peace time.
>Basically they could Vietcong the ever loving shit out of trespassers and are proven to be good archers.
>"Welcome to the potato fields mother fucker"
The Shire is protected by the Rangers
Halflings are serious business
The sort that you get one campaign every ten years out of.
LotR movies are great but there is no excuse for you guys to be movie-only-plebs. In the books Saruman survived and conquered Shire with leftovers uruk-hai army. When Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin came back they gathered hobbits and beat them.
>Moral of the story: don't fuck with the hobbits or they fuck your shit up.
>with leftovers uruk-hai army
It wasn't even the Uruk-Hai, Saruman just hired a bunch of thugs to help him.
>When the wizard attempts to improve the infrastructure in your shire and brings in foreign workers, thereby violating the NAP,
None of my characters in Skyrim are good enough to even be allowed IN Rivendell so how can I judge? Murderhobo is the way to go.
>implying I'm a movie only pleb
>implying hobbits being good shots wasn't mentioned in book 1
>implying hobbits didn't manage to supply an entire regiment of archers in the last war
>implying hobbits natural ability to be light on their feet and easy to hide hasn't been mentioned in the first chapter of The Hobbit
>implying hobbits didn't manage to supply an entire regiment of archers in the last war
>implying they did
there were no records of any hobbit archers
I always thought one of the best jokes in Bored of the Rings was taking that passage, and slightly amending it to
>Although who they sided with is unclear.
Gandalf is the played by the power gamer who seeks to make the most broken character they can. Then they just suicide and remake the same character because they realized they didn't optimize correctly.
There's a bit in during the scouring, a little line, my favorite line, which implies at least how half-orc incursions end.
"And those who surrendered were escorted to the borders of the Shire."
>character is killed off partway through the game
>no new character is brought in to replace him
Do you think Boromir's player raged off after his awesome death?
Nah, he just took up ad hoc roles as the narrative demanded, guys like Eomer and Imrahil and Faramir.
>DM: Too bad about your character, Frank, but I have his little brother all rolled up and ready to go for you.
>Frank: No thanks. I wasn't really into this campaign anyway.
>DM: What? Bu-
>Frank: You know, this is the first time in several months that I've felt completely free. No more of your railroading bullshit for me!
Merry and Pippin were also nobles. One was literally the heir of the King/Duke equivalent.
I think Boromirs character had to move away and couldn't play anymore so they sent him off with a bang.
>no new character is brought in to replace him