ITT we post the perils of the warp
ITT we post the perils of the warp
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A slav is not peril of the warp
(turning into one is)
Yes but a Slav with the powers of the warp is truly proof that the warp is evil
Look at this Astropath
God I hate 21st century weirdness
This is honestly disturbing.
By the emperor
I have questions yet I'm not sure I want answers.
This is not okay
furry holocaust when?
most convincing evidence of the existence of chaos and the warp for sure
Is that a furry angel guiding the assassin of Archduke Ferdinand?
Came here for this
If only you knew how deep the furry hole goes.
I gagged a bit
What is that Gondola doing so far north?
Imagine only being sexually attracted to the thought that you are actually an important part of history.
Its sad.
Every day makes me feel like we are becoming more and more like Weimar germany.
No. No. The whole point is that we want to get nowhere near the furry's hole in the first place, let alone close enough to figure its depths.
An acurate depiction of the Age of Strife and the unregulated warp perils that haunted Humanity.
The decadence of Weimar Germany was overstated.
Fathers prostituting their wives and daughters is a level of degeneracy that cannot be overstated.
That is just fucking sick.
Weimar was a sick society in it's entirety and had no redeeming qualities.
>80 years later, people still buy Nazi propaganda
Calling truth propaganda does not change it's nature.
Weimar was a sick society and it is sickening that you are defending that fucking disgusting state where child prostitutes walked the streets, and sexual degeneracy that even modern, tolerant west would be appalled at, was known and accepted practice in basement burlesques and brothels.
Weimar culture, was decadent to it's core.
>substantiations: 0
It was Nazi propaganda meant to make their political opponents seem less favourable to the generally prudish Germans.
>inb4 a citation from that anti-semitic, conspiracy theory rag
M8, the sexual decadence of Weimar is well documented historical fact.
You can read about that shit in fucking wikipedia.
Weimar republic was accepting of prostitution even transgender stuff, the arts and film had tons of smut in them, the "science" of sexology was founded in Weimar.
Why on earth are you denying this shit? Because the nazis pointed out the sickness of it?
Also, funny how you use the term "prude" as if it was a bad thing. "liberated" sexual culture is a symptom of a dying civilization. There is nothing good about it for it signals the breakdown of the moral fabric of society.
>M8, the sexual decadence of Weimar is well documented historical fact.
He said, with zero citations.
>Weimar republic was accepting of prostitution even transgender stuff, the arts and film had tons of smut in them, the "science" of sexology was founded in Weimar.
Not degenerate in the slightest. Several of the greatest civilizations were accepting of prostitution, and the most prosperous societies on earth now are accepting of the rest.
>Also, funny how you use the term "prude" as if it was a bad thing. "liberated" sexual culture is a symptom of a dying civilization. There is nothing good about it for it signals the breakdown of the moral fabric of society.
>literally current year
>being this spooked
Kek. Go to bed Spengler, you aren't taken seriously by anyone outside of Russia.
Go neck yourself, Berkleyfag.
I ain't about kinkshaming or whatever, but there are some things I just don't get.
>According to the following trustworthy sources:
Oh look it's fucking nothing.
Read for yourself. There is plenty of material about the state of Weimar and it's decadent culture.
>Not degenerate in the slightest.
Yes it fucking is. Acceptance of prostitution typically occurred when societies were in their decline, before they collapsed, and unless you failed to notice, west is in decline.
Oh shit he's gettin' mad!
Literally just came into this thread to tell you to kys. Not the Nazi Fag you're arguing with.
I can smell the virgin overweight white boi on you lol
Man, you people sure get trigged about shit that has nothing to do with you.
Is strawmanning people you disagree with the best you can do?
>shit that occurs in every large city on earth, exacerbated by post-war conditions
Yep. You really proved it to me uncle Himmler.
>west is in decline
Our economy continues to grow and we continue to be in charge of the largest nuclear stockpile on the planet. We're untouchable.
>implying Leftists have any actual recourse in debates other than fee-fees and strawmans
One side argues with facts, the other with opinions. It's still the same old story, a fight against degeneracy and ignorance.
I hate the story of Newton and the apple because while its questionable that it happened, the story thats actually supposed to have happened is much more enlightening: it is not that the apple demonstrated gravity, its that Newton saw the apple fall at night when walking the grounds of his estate and asked "if an apple falls, does the moon also fall" which is profound in its implications and importance to understanding orbital mechanics!
Im mad now.
And in 100 years, Europe will be a muslim Caliphate because Europeans literally are being replaced in their own homelands.
In USA, people of European background will be a minority in even less time than that.
How are we unstoppable exactly, when we are under invasion as we speak, and nobody is doing a thing to stop it?
Autism: the Postening
HOLY SHIT I've been seeing that pic for so many years now, but I've only now copped, is that supposed to be SCP-093's world?
This is a moment of revelations for me, It's been years since I first started reading SCP foundation and I've been seeing that pic in various dystopia art threads and the like here for equally long, but I only put the two together now.
I need to calm down.
Yes, you've made it clear many times that you've swallowed the whole "fall of empires" brown pill whole.
However, if you had even the slightest critical ability you would've realized it's a correlation vs. causation mistake.
Of course prostitution is going to be up in times where there aren't any decent jobs to be had. Everyone's got what it takes to take it up the ass, so if there's nothing else then that's what you'll resort to.
And, certainly, if your city has a big sex industry then you'll get sexual tourism.
But that's just a consequence of economic factors, not some magical civilization-ending curse. Stop being so fucking gullible.
I heard about this guy.
>Literally just wants to be a dog in real life
>Enters a "dog" tournament for humans
>It's actually just gay guys in latex bondage humping one another
>He's the only guy actually dressed like a dog and not getting fucked
>Just doing tricks like rolling over or playing fetching
>Somehow wins third place or something
>one side argues with facts
Both sides argue with interpretations of facts. He posted a discussion of the state of Weimar Germany and took an interpretation from it, an interpretation the left disagrees with.
>tfw another thread gets derailed by triggered leftists and /pol/acks
Can we just post weird shit?
>But that's just a consequence of economic factors, not some magical civilization-ending curse. Stop being so fucking gullible.
The death of the moral and cultural standards which would otherwise have prevented that decadence, is what spells the death of the civilization itself, for the civilization was BUILT upon those moral and cultural standards.
The sexual decadence is simply a symptom of the wider collapse of unified moral standards of the society, upon which the whole damn thing rests. Without the cultural and moral unity upon which civilization rests, the whole thing comes crashing down.
>implying I'm wrong
Only disenfranchised bitchbois with no accomplishments and nothing to fall back on whine about "degeneracy" on an anime imageboard
Have fun secretly jerking it to cuckold porn and crying yourself to sleep while I'm BRAZILing white american women lol
Who gives a fuck about Europe this is America
US, Canada, and Mexico will just ally into a super state, form Voltron with the help of Japan and turn the middle East into glass before blasting off on a rocketship to Mars
Also /pol/ stop shitting up this perils of the warp thread
Actually panoramic photos in general are great sources for this shit.
>And in 100 years, Europe will be a muslim Caliphate because Europeans literally are being replaced in their own homelands.
>Europeans are taking in a small number of refugees.
>In USA, people of European background will be a minority in even less time than that.
Are you retarded? Wait, stupid question. The main demographic shift occurring in the US is from Mexicans, who, newsflash, are descended of Europeans.
>How are we unstoppable exactly, when we are under invasion as we speak, and nobody is doing a thing to stop it?
You're a histrionic nutcase. There is no invasion.
sounds good to me
>The death of the moral and cultural standards which would otherwise have prevented that decadence, is what spells the death of the civilization itself, for the civilization was BUILT upon those moral and cultural standards.
Civilization was built on material conditions, and it's these material conditions that dictate the employment people will pursue.
>The sexual decadence is simply a symptom of the wider collapse of unified moral standards of the society, upon which the whole damn thing rests. Without the cultural and moral unity upon which civilization rests, the whole thing comes crashing down.
Moral standards are typically established in times of material security and abandoned during times of material insecurity, and before you try to make some claim about the Nazis fixing things, they came into power as the Weimar republic's economy was recovering (which they actually slowed down with their assassinations and forced resignations).
Deranged speaking in tongues of maddened half truths and half lies is a valid peril of the warp.
/pol/kun is just sharing what the thoughts of someone whose mind has been shattered by the weight of infinity is like.
>enter thread about weird images
>then starts a tangent on 1920s Germany
>people are now calling each other Antifa terrorists and pasty permavirgin cuck-wannabes and how everyone else doesn't believe in facts
I am morbidly curious as to if there are more. What is the psychology of this abomination and the person(?) who created it?
Hopefully there will be a humanity reset button soon
The amount of migrants taken into Europe outnumber the amount of people in my homeland, and they intend to keep importing them here with no end, and EU has every intention of forcing them to every member state. The main source of population growth in my homeland was immigration to here, which in practical terms means that more foreigners come to this land each year, than natives are born. You don't need to see the future to understand where this will lead, if these trends keep up. We are being replaced.
nice baconposting
That was just the thoughts those degenerate dog freaks caused.
You know if you lost some weight, got a tan, and contained your autism instead of screeching about degeneracy on a website made for japanese culture maybe you could fuck a bitch and be less upset :^)
Well reading this thread certainly makes me feel as if the gellar field has failed.
>weird shit and arguing about ideology
Yeah, that actually sounds like something that would occur in the warp.
Do you hear the voices too?
Goddamnit I hate you faggots. Here I am trying to make a semi-funny thread and you piece of shit /pol/ fucks just had to ruin it didn't you? You just had to argue with each other didn't you? Pathetic.
Once more and as always go to with this shit.
Civilization was built on material conditions, and it's these material conditions that dictate the employment people will pursue.
Utterly materialistic view of the world.
The actions of people is determined by more things than just their material considerations. Culture plays a vital role in how people will act.
>The warp is /pol/
>Chaos worshippers are /pol/
This makes a disturbing amount of sense
>Millions of Refugees
>a small number
You also fail to take into account the difference in native fertility rates, as well as those of the migrants.
> Mexicans, who, newsflash, are descended of Europeans.
user, Mexicans are mostly mixed race, being a mix of European and Native American. Most illegal immigrants as well are from the lower classes, and due to the historic social stratification based on race present in Latin America, you tend to have more people with predominantly Amerindian heritage migrating.
You also fail to mention that Mexicans aren't the only nationality illegally migrating into America, many of them are coming from the Central American nations further south of Mexico, and among them are even higher proportions of Amerindian Ancestry, to the point that many of those migrants don't speak Spanish, but rather the languages native to those regions.
pic related, the historical caste system of Latin America, which is also the foundation for how demography is viewed in the region
can i get the source for this?
Yep. Though let's be honest here, this thread is spergtastic and cancerous, but it's ENTERTAININGLY so, so it's actually of higher quality than your standard shitpost. I'd normally step in here... but honestly that'd just ruin the fun.
An interpretation the middle also disagrees with.
In fact, an interpretation shared mostly by people who are easily convinced by exaggerated polemic bullshit.
It's a huge leap of logic, and the only thing convincing about it is that arguably clever people have said it throughout history, but how many of them truly believed it is very doubtful, as the people who espouse it always have a vested interest in the convenient narrative it creates:
"Out with the other guys who are totes being decadent, in with my revolution/ideology/'superior culture'."
To me, all that's obvious is that it's a huge leap in logic, and it's been hugely convenient to the people who've said it. Either to promote their own politics, or as cultural schadenfreude e.g. "our culture is the bestest and look how much better it is than poopy poopoo".
It's embarrassing when people don't need a better explanation, from a better source.
But I guess if you're toxic and loud enough, and make enough weird hand gestures to the crowds, suddenly what you're saying becomes convincing no matter how obviously unfounded it is.
>mfw the white man will finally die out in the next couple centuries
You say that but I think the story laid out by is way cooler than the apple simply hitting Newton. Questioning whether or not the moon would fall (and not having a good answer) sounds like the kind of thing that brings on some interesting existential dread.
>armenian genocide
>Utterly materialistic view of the world.
Physicalism is the truth (more aptly, any distinction between physicalism, spiritualism and idealism that isn't a dualism is nothing more than a naming convention, and there's no reason to think reality is anything but physical). So a materialistic worldview is the most likely.
>Culture plays a vital role in how people will act.
Culture is dependent on material conditions.
We're gonna take you with us Squanto, gonna repossess your casinos to pay off the deficit