What are the arctic Elves like?
What are the arctic Elves like?
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They like the cold.
Enslaved Toymakers.
They live on islands carved from Permafrost, and eat seal meat and winter kelp, and drink a libation made of vodka and butter.
Lounging in paradise and laughing for thousands of years at a time at the stupid humans that they successfully convinced that snow was real, thus locking down the most fertile and resource laden continent all for themselves.
Seriously. Snow! Those stupid roundears now think that if it gets too cold WATER freezes. Hilarious!
Depends on the setting.
It's called Greenland for a reason, and they still don't get it!
Cool and artistic
Father Bugbear has some dark secrets.
They probably also beleive that the earth is round and that aliens wouldn't actually care about me since the infinite vastness of space is just that and I'm just some nobody elf haha
>Probably have a color scheme for skin color like blue or white.
>Probably feminine and difficult to identify gender.
>Probably really shit but talk like they are God's and act like pompous jackasses.
>Most likely attuned to magic of cold and ice n shit.
>Basically normal elves but with a theme.
Realistically they are dead, gay, and dumb.
That's a shitpost.
Is Finland still a "European" country or is it Middle Eastern country now like Sweden?
>lulz elfs are gay
>lulz elfs are androgeeenus
>lulz elfs are super dicks
Where the fuck is this canon in any setting, ever?
You need to stop reading fucking tumblr gay porn and start reading some real high fantasy.
Iceland. Iceland is the fertile one. Greenland is the frozen mud hole.
They don't actually live in the arctic. That's just the easiest place to make a giant ice mirror to summon a rainbow bridge that leads to their hidden city on the moon.
The amount of shitskins here is thankfully few, but our treasonous leaders are eager to fill our nation up with them as well, following Mama Merkel's example.
I am quite pissed off about that.
/pol/ please leave
You are a dense one, aren't you? Also Greenland at some point was much more habitable, settled by the norse who even did some agriculture there.
Express is and make a point to normalize Expression of speech.
Harsh and cruel
deeply practical with no time to waste for emotions
likely carnivorous
and have no sweat glands
pale maybe bluish pale
I was a Veeky Forums poster long before I found /new/ that later was reborn as /pol/, so no. I won't be going anywhere, and if asked a question about my homeland, I will answer.
I respect you sir.
Elf fag triggered.
I would believe it that the Finn's are the most pure European race. What with all the others being mixed as fuck with each other and non-euro.
>the joke
They're Mongolians.
Mongolians raped by swedes and ruskies.
A pure Mongolian that stays in his country is still more pure then a half nigger Frenchy with Italian, Asian, and Jew mixes in, living in Germany.
I think to make the snow elves more modern themed you should have a bunch of goblin refugees flooding into the country raping the people who scream for help but the politicians only bring in more goblins.
> Everything has alcohol in to keep it from freezing. The food, the 'water', everything.
> Very little use of heat or fire; it's stupid to light a big roaring fire when your house is MADE OF ICE.
> Pure white fur covering their bodies
> No nudity taboo; better to use your fur to keep warm than harm anything just to cover yourself.
> Whales are farmed for oil, meat, and blubber.
> Baby seal clubbing parties to balance the ecosystem.
Would the be living in symbiosis with yeasts that can ferment things?. Like snowelves could start fermenting stuff by shedding its skin.
Moi Jesse.
And yet another interesting OP post ruined by /pol/ faggots. Why can't you dickwipes stay on your own board?
Väärin tunnistettu kamerus.
>One random Euro makes an honest statement about his own country
>Only posts discussing it after are ones whining about 'muh pol'
The thread is fine. Just chill
Well, you could just contribute to the thread, which does far more for this thread and this board instead of bitching.
This, but paler
Here is a question. If you hold a minority opinion on what policies should be implemented within your country should you get your way or should the majority opinion be put into practice?
Depends on the policies in question. If the one held by the minority is beneficial, and the one held by the majority is fucking destructive in the long run, the majority's opinion must be disregarded.
I want tribes of elves that live in old soviet Era subs that have been frozen in the glaciers of neo nuclear-winter earth. They keep warm from the radiation of the decaying reactors, which also grants them their long life.
Is this some alternate universe Conan?
There's like two posts you fag. I swear the people that shout /pol/ every thread have been more annoying lately than /pol/.
they wear coats
White Walkers/Others.
Which mean that they have my full support in whatever they choose to do.
At birth, everyone is given a sacred parcel of yeast. They nurture it, they keep it close to their skin to warm it, they feed it, and they parcel out tiny amounts to grow and ferment things.
>There's like two posts
Can you count? There's at least 10, and what looks like three posters, or at least two and a samefag.
Containment. Go.
I counted. There is more bitch post than /pol/ post.
Fantasy settings tend to have politics in them. Not every political post is a /pol/ post. Lurk longer and chill out.
Some sort of weird webcomic with a naked woman lying in bed telling a story to two talking pugs.
The world was much warmer a few centuries ago. Then it cooled. Now it's warming again.
>hairy ear
probably going feral and blind in the underground caves of the dwemer
Giant faggots. Like all elves.
Elves are commonly described as being haughty and aloof. That combined with their delicate features make for the easy misrepresentation of all the things you list. Also, elves are gay and only faggots play them.
I'm a huge faggot, please rape my face.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold. The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold. The northern lights have seen queer sights...
would you even go so far as to say they seen things you people wouldn't believe ?
The queerest they did ever see was that night on the marge of lake labarge where I cremated Sam McGee
This desu.
Democracy and (classical) liberalism was a mistake.
In a democracy, the people themselves decide if the nation succeeds or fails. They can choose death and destruction or life and relative prosperity. However, it has no means to defend itself from ideological subversion, which is why Cultral Marxism and Globalist powers can destroy the west, and democracy.
Like all elves
Same goes for tribalist petty facists
Except the people are often stupid, which is why they should never have power in the first place.
>inb4 politicians are just as dumb as the people.
They are, because they're scooped from the same clay.
Aristocracy should have never been done away with.
>A failed Communist idea that continues to fail and only on a rise in America by idiots that are an embarrassment to a terrible political ideal.
I admit though if we can keep pushing away from this left wing mob mentality we will be better off.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe, didn't know you shitpost on Veeky Forums.
>Tribal facist
Do you even know what facts is? Or know anyone that actually supports the idea of full facism?
The right wing America and republican party are opposed to most ideas that relate to facist.
Bernie Sanders was more like Hitler than Trump in every way.
Very rarely, do people who label others fascists, actually know what fascism is.
>Everyone is stupid
But user you are part of everyone. But you should really only speak for yourself you idiot.
That isn't a dictionary, just someone redefining facism to fit the definition of Stalinism which has some similarities but is different in function and intent
I prefer hobbes tbqh.
Exactly, I would not trust myself with governance beyond only local municipalities, like hell I'd trust anyone who wasn't raised from birth to govern a nation.
Brb doing a drawing of an artic elves
Good. You also shouldn't trust yourself to pick a form of government. Dumbass.
Representative Democracy was made because people have learned that other govts fail.
>Representative Democracy was made because people have learned that other govts fail.
But we've already established that people are dumb, how can they be trusted to invent a new government.
>yes goy, the system of government that has only existed for a few hundred years is superior to that which has been used for the near-entirety of human civilization
Oy vey
We established that you are a retard who needs to be told what to do.
And look at what those old forms of government brought. A lot of failure and shitty people, rape, corruption, mass murders, and then some. Just because people use to do it doesn't make it smart or ok.
Though this dose explain why Democrats and liberals love Communism so much. Your all retards that want free gibs and need to be told how to live. Because your so dumb and unaware of yourself you can't self govern.
Threads wouldn't be ruined by /pol/ if people didn't get triggered and reply to them.
Trying to get the thread back on tracks
We make an artic elf race post by post
I'm starting
The elves can't go outside without "sun glasses " or else they become blind the second they put foot outside
Looks like a cool guy, would listen to stories about hunting whales.