My Femarine can't be this cute edition
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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
My Femarine can't be this cute edition
Last thread: >FAQ
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
First for tau making people salty... again
First for Faith and Fire!
Let's settle it- can non vanilla Marines use Marine stuff in the index as their own? Like a chaplain Dreadnought being able to be chapter for buffs n shit
2nd or 3rd for samurai jack story about M31 primaris marine thrown into the 41st millenium and now has to deal with the emperor being a god and the Imperium being a living hell.
thou hast screwed up thy prime epub link, brethren
>When your Tankbusta uses the Tankhammer just right
I love Orks...
As soon as you sacrifice your first born son.
No, unless it already has the Blood Angels chapter name, only units from that list may be given the Blood Angels tag.
...yes? The rules you included spell it out pretty clearly. Was this in dispute? The non-vanilla marines list what vanilla units they're allowed to take, and those units have replaced with whatever is appropriate.
To clarify, I'm agreeing with . If it's on the list, it works. If it's not on the list, you don't get it. This is why there is a list.
8th edition promised to make tau shit
Classic GW fucking bait and switch
So... Guilliman?
Rate my hands
How iron out of 10
So I just built my sammael and he won't really stick to the base, the stick is smaller than the hole.
What do I do?
They promised to make all armies balanced.
So far they've more or less delivered on that promise. Even the lowest tier armies can now take games off the highest tier ones if you play well.
Any gross unit imbalances that exist now will be addressed in upcoming matched play points updates.
Get a plastic piece of terrain and never use a flying base stick again, you'll thank me later when you realize you wont have to deal with the stick breaking off in the hole
plot twist
this time it's the tau players !
>be playing a game of 40k at my local club
>local autistic person come up
was that you?
Yeah, I don't get it. I've read a lot of criticism that it doesn't have base building, but neither does the tabletop, so ???
The big disappointment for me has been a lack of some factions. 6 is okay, but I miss necrons and dark eldar. But, the factions we do have are better designed than their DoW1 counterparts, so there is that.
Overall, both it and DoW1 are solid entries.
God, I can't wait for new Primaris stuff. Building army lists out of six units fucking sucks.
Use small pin drill and insert brass rod or other rigid metal to help support weight.
They all share a similar background but it would be more interesting for a more humble view on it.
Proper thread
abandon this shit
>£10.00 for these sexy fuckers
I wanted to buy more boxnoughts but now Im conflicted!.
>Blood Angels
You mean Blood Ravens.
Well the librarian, non-gravis captain and reivers are only a few weeks out and we've already seen pictures of the repulsor which should finally give hellblasters a needed transport option.
raw you cant give a chaplain dread the BA keyword but you can take him in your army cause hes imperium and astartes. he just wont benefit from any of the BA traits
>Blood Ravens
kys desu senpai
But it's a flying bike, do I just put the terain in a weird way under it, to make it look like he's just passing over it?
I don't own any pindrills, wouldn't just filling it with greenstuff work`?
I literally have no idea what the difference is besides the anime picture and if thats the only reason, you're a fucking faggot for trying to split the threads again.
>buying boxnaughts with fatnaughts around the corner
make it look like he's smashing through it or something
This thread is fine. OP tried baiting, but everyone seems to have successfully ignored it. No reason to start thread-war drama.
It's quite depressing how these simple rules confusing so many people remind me of the crushingly high amount of idiots on this planet.
Butthurt anons starts threads wars because of ""troll""" OPs.
>10 bongbucks
Wut ? how are they so cheap ? Does this mean the DG stuff will be cheap too ? I Need to buy a fuckton of Poxwalkers for my army
It's not even bait. It's just plain cute
>when he also hits with the tankbusta bomb before chargin in
>the stick is smaller than the hole
Maybe your girl isn't a whore and you just have a small dick
I know right? I think they know, deep down, that they're wrong, but they think they can break the game so they deliberately misinterpret things. Like how some people think you can run Haemonculus covens units in a ynnari army. Just deliberate ignorance. It isn't even wu-tang-clan, which I think was mostly satire.
dude, buy a fucking pin vise. how do you drill your barrels??
>Primaris get a "scout" equivalent release
>only 3 models, that will be more points expensive than scouts
>Primaris are still fucked for chaff
>will never be a tournament-worthy army
>new players buy them when they get into the hobby because they are the cool shiny new models being pushed by store managers on the scrubs who don't know any better
>realize they suck ass once these kids get good enough to start entering competitive play
>will have to buy a whole new army to be able to compete
>GW rubbing hands together justasplanned.jpg
Snapfit, so, maybe? Hopefully? I do want proper kits though, konverting these fuckers is hard.
What's event he point of the tank hammer, why would I ever want my tank bustas in close combat?
>tfw played since 3rd ed
>tfw started primaris
>tfw going to get good with them
So far, a lot of mine have been hollow, and my local GW did some for me
They're small box snap fits, surprising that they would release a whole new unit with a snap fit box first.
The tabletop can't be compared to a real time video game because it's not real time, idiot. And of course people are going to complain about no base building when not only did the first one have it so people are familiar with it and enjoyed it, but it's a FUCKING RTS you dipshit. You think SC3 won't flop if they remove buildings?
Im getting that one too but considering its size I cant see using more than one in my army as it'll probably be around 200-300pts each.
Why do some things have Hovering and others do not please help
a lotta royalties for a monopose guy
It's only 3 models so I don't know if that's really "cheap", you're still paying around $40 for ten of them
>a completely arbitrary rule says players RAW not allowed to take units RAI would allow, but clearly people trying to check if it's a mistake is trying to break the game
I swear to God you're the type of fags that wouldn't let that tau flyer shoot the macrogun cause it's "waacfag"
I forget I dont have to use a Busta to sctivate the squigs either now
Rerollable 3+ auto wounding D3 Mortal Wound, and its obviously for after they get jumped across the board by the Weirdboy and you didnt quite annihilate the IG parking lot
Nothing a bit of greenstuff and a modelism knife won't fix but yhea.
I'm currently working on trimming down the starter box plaguemarines (I find their design too busy) and it's a pain in the ass.
Lucky guy. I hope they drill your barrels well.
Total War doesn't have base building afaik and it is fine.
They removed base building from command and conquer and it destroyed the entire franchise.
what's your fluff justification for covens in a ynnari army user? Cause that's completely against fluff, RAI and RAW.
Primaris are about as mid tier as any other vanilla marine army atm.
They do seem to be focused on shooting enemies off of objectives in order to grab them instead of just contesting with numbers but frankly this is probably for the best.
They're either going to be 3 or 5 man units. Everything else in primaris are 5 man units.
Take it you haven't paid any attention to AoS releases...
This is what your future is destined to look like, game after game.
But the marine has already won in that image
When a character is 20+ euros I'm happy with 10 pounds for 3 marines.
I think Imperial Soup with be pretty good with a Hellblaster+characters gunline, conscripts to hold objectives and a knight.
Base building is stupid in RTS. Inevitably, it always ends up with people placing the same static structures in the same static spots for the same static effect. it's a tax on my attention, when I would rather be focusing on watching muh dudes kill ur dudes.
If they were 5 man units they would have shown us 5 models.
Inceptors are 3 man, these will be too. And they will be absolute fucking garbage.
That's because of how the models we got are. GW just gave us rules to field the models/units as is, not options or anything. Those come later.
So I am in in need of a box to carry my minis in, do I get the GW ones or is there a better alternative?
>t bronze tier noob
Not the Eldar shit, the BA taking relics. By RAW, neither SW, DA, or BA (or any of their successors) can take ANYTHING from the index because FW is shit at writing.
It's really fucking annoying since those chapters would have more reason to have relics from HH because, ya know, they were there.
Why wouldn't I just keep them locked up in my battlewagons where they can fire off rokkits all game?
Close combat sounds like suicide for them.
Sure, conscripts or even ordinary infantry squads are plenty good and fluffy for marines to be fighting along side.
Remember most marines are deployed at the sub-company level, so seeing one or two squads helping out IG should be perfectly normal.
No, Primaris are almost definitely going to remain 5 man units at tops. They have twice the Wounds of normal Space Marines so 5 Intercessors is the same Wounds as 10 tactical Marines, and that's how they want to keep it.
98 marines in 10 rhinos is 2000 points
counter my list
quick rules check:
Can dreadnoughts use drop pods anymore?
Then don't play with Forge World garbage. Their indexes are so poorly written it's a fucking joke. Requires homebrew literally to even function.
That goes against the codex though.
not regular pods.
Fair enough. I didn't realize we were talking about the FW stuff, which is poorly edited.
>not out-hording horde armies
abaddon and 349 cultists
>That goes against the codex though
>caring about the Codex Astartes
>when G-man himself favours them and is already talking about how the Codex Astartes is not that big a deal and he fucked up with half of it and how he thinks all the Chapters that follow it to the letter are fucking retards who missed the whole point
No, only Dreadnought drop pods.
7 Blobs of 50 conscripts+priest+Commissar+commander
FW is fine
What is wrong with some time travel? And not all guns are made to fire you know
Will you be fielding them as Sternguard, dumpster-user?
>Close Combat into vehicle you get rerolls to hit vs and have Rokkit pistols/Tankhammers
There is no way in hell any vehicle without arms could win this fight
Ghazghkull and 300 Boyz
The Berzerker "fight twice per fight phase" does not specify whether the second fight sequence is made immediately after the first one.
Say, I charge with several squads. They fight first due to having charged. Do they make their two fight sequences there, or only the first, and the second is made in the alternating process?
>The Berzerker "fight twice per fight phase" does not specify whether the second fight sequence is made immediately after the first one.
Then it isn't.
Then why do terminators get to come in 10 man squads? That's 20 wounds in a unit and that's against the codex!
>just don't play, dude. It's on you they made something literally unplayable, not them.
Thanks fot the thoughts, ace.
Terminators aren't the Primaris Tacmarine equivalent.