Alive Game Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread
Alive Game Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread
First for Seraphon finally being relevant again
2nd for dead thread.
Im gonna get it too
/aosg/ give me your power
together we can BUILD. THAT. WALL.
>No It's been 3,000 years edition
One job
So we will see the Path to Glory before the GHB2 release, right?
while secretly everyone in Azyr pays for it.
I'm super stoked for the realm based time of war rules. I can legit run a fluffy campaign outside of the "totally awesome and brass" realm of fire. I want some guerilla war Shit in the realm of shadows.
vietnam war based armies when?
Whatcha working on, /tg? Building up Arkanauts and an Ironclad for me.
What's a good starter greenskin army?
ironjawz mate
Another ten clanrats are waiting until I will pass my exams I'm also gonna buy a start collecting tomorrow so I will have a lot of stuff to paint this summer
God damn! Im so pumped for gh2 and slaanesh special rules!
Trying to finish painting my Aetherstrike Force but I keep getting distracted with my new Tau army
Hi Mike
I am not named Mike
Just want some feedback, jumping from 40k to this for now because irl m8 is starting AoS
Seraphon Bros unit!
Hey I bought the starter kit and some saurus guards, thinking of getting skinks kroxigar, some riptordactyls and chameleon skinks. Want a sunblood and slann starpreist. Anything else I should look at getting/worth it?
Cant go wrong with a Bastiladon and Stegadon
I would probably wait for GHB2 before making too many big financial decisions
Fuck mate, you are posting this list for a 3rd time I think which makes me literally sad. I wish I could help you but I'm not playing Tzeentch. Did you try to ask on leedit? I know thay are fags but maybe you should also try other sources of contribution?
I swear i've only posted the list twice now
Either way i'm posting this here, dakka and reddit - i want a variety of feedback but i enjoy the bluntness i get from here and 40kgen the most
that they*
Mein Gott, I'm tired
As someone newer to AoS, how would YOU go about creating a starter 500 point slow-grow list for Tzeentch demons?
I know for sure that I want a Gaunt Summoner on foot and some pink horrors, but what after that? a box of Tzaangors? A thaumaturge?
I know everyone will suggest a LoC, but I were to buy one then that would be my only tzeentch model
start collecting box would be a good way to... start collecting
yeah I'm aware of those boxes, just wasn't sure if they were a list with actual synergies or if they just shoved a few tzeentch units in a box and called it a day. No point in buying the box if the units dont work well together
Its 500 points, not big enough of a game to care about synergies
Just pick the models you think look cool and go from there
Jungle goblins being napalmed by freeguild. Free guild whom are hopped up on a speed equivalent.
I know that newbies hate the "pick what you find cool" advice but if you are not playing 1000< that's how it works
alright, i figured that's the advice I'd get, just wasn't sure if there was a for-sure "best" build for beginners.
can't wait to see the allegiance abilities that makes this faction viable.
I am remaining optimistic that the points cost rebalance will actually be good. Nothing wrong with being optimistic.
So I'm going to give you some insanely anecdotal advice here. I started of with a LoC and bought the starter box. And honestly out of the two the starter box was a far better purchase in regards to points for money value. If you are at all inclined to do the "hobby" end of things i.e. kit bashing, magnetising and the such the starter box can give you all the bits you need to create 3 characters which is fantastic and you probably won't find in other boxes. The three are the blue scribes, the changeling and of course a sorcerer of tzeentch on disc/foot.
tldr; buy the start collecting box and write an army list so you don't just buy things without a real idea of how they will fit into your next purchase.
I don't know much about Tzeentch but I'll do my best.
IDK why you have three shamans when one will do. They're squishy as fuck and their unique spell sucks in matched because you cant summon for free. You have too much of the same magic in your list.
Minimum battleline requirements are bad. If you're going to do that you might as well go for acolytes instead of regular tzaangors because tzaangors get stronger is larger units and you're missing out on that benefit.
Honestly, I would drop 2 of the Shaman's + the arcanite cult, then convert 2-3 of your battlelines into acolytes and either spam more skyfires (always good) or make a large unit of 20-30 tzaangor's.
They better not nerf Stormfiends by raising their point values
yeah there like the only thing skaven got going for them at the minute
exactly, Im thinking of getting some to buff up my current skaven army, but there are so many forums full of bitches whining about them that I am worried GW will up their point values. If they remain the same, I will buy three boxes of them. Otherwise, Im just going to stick to BloodBowl...
I also don't play Tzeentch, but couldn't you use the Shaman's spell to replace casualties into an existing Tzaangor unit, as long as they don't go over their starting size?
this, dubs of truth
>The skull is pretty big, I dont have it to hand right now but its about 38mm, what were you planning on using it for?
It's for a 40k Ork Warboss on bike, specifically for the bike's front plate and wheel guard. 38mm sounds a bit on the big side though.
truth they gonna change or the truth they gonna stay the same?
truth that if they do change the points that playing skaven will be ruined to the point of going to play something else
>another dubs
Jesus, stop it user or at least use a meme magic for something good. I just started building up a Skaven army and I want to have some fuckin fun with it
dont worry, your dubs just cancelled mine, so thankfully skaven are saved now
stormfiends are one of the newest kits on shelves in stores. Seems unlikely that it will see anything other than a points decrease or stay the same. Same goes for the rest of the new kits on shelves. They are running a business after all.
>Tfw Stormfiends sell because they have good models, and good rules no doubt help
>Tfw you recognize the hole dug by making warpflamers too good
>Tfw you want to call a guy out for fielding multiple Stormfiends
>Tfw newfags will insist it's what Skryre is all about and it's fluffy + battleline rule encourages this
>Tfw GW is so embarrassed by half the Skaven models all they show are Stormfiends, Verminlords, etc plastic kits and artwork
>Tfw self fulfilling prophecy
>Tfw cannot sincerely promote things like Ratling guns or Acolytes with such awful models no one wants
>Tfw no clan is designed well in AoS
Skaven are in such a poor position right now, and this is just the tip of it. Gobbos and elves too for similar reasons. Christ these factions need a real release or model update badly
But at least we aren't Beastmen
Jokes aside, I just started assembling and painting my rats for real and I'm still not sure if it is a good idea. I'm worried that I'm losing some part of this hobby fun by picking a faction with no battletome (inb4 pestilens - not playing them). I really hope that GW will finally give Skaven some love and maybe a new kit or two tho
I actually like ratling guns and would use them on the stormfiends...
Not what he meant
>Alive game edition
Is AOS a good start for someone who is new to wargaming? Or should I start somewhere else?
Im also they up their Skaven game with some more battletomes, who knows maybe they will re-release Mordheim next year and make skaven great again
Look at this
- Do you want to paint stuff and have some fun with plastic? If yes, then go next - if no, pick x-wing
- Do you want to play with 20+ models? If yes, then go next - if no, pick Infinity
- Do you prefer high fantasy over grimdark sci-fi? If yes, pick AoS - if no, pick 40k
I started with pestilens and it's pretty much all I have. They're not that bad, if not repetitive and lacking variety.
It's about as simple as games get. And very shallow because of that.
Miniatures are pricey and many are poorly designed, so it's up to whether you like them or not.
Honestly you'd better make a separate thread for this question since most people posting here are AOS fans anyway.
This is probably the most biased and least informative chart I've ever read.
Picture related
If you don't like the hobby aspect (kitbashing, painting etc.) then x-wing is a nice skirmish game.
If you want to make some magic with brushes and glue then you have to ask yourself if you are ready to fuck with 40 models or you prefer to play smaller games with low model count squads. If yes, then there is no point to fuck with AoS Skirmish or Kill Team if you can just play Infinity - it's a really good skirmish game tho.
If you want to fight battles instead of guerilla urban fights then you should pick AoS or 40k. Right now they ruleset is so similar that it's all about theme and aesthetic. You can always just buy two SC boxes for Nurgle Daemons and play both
their rulesets are*
Huh, I like your niggercasts mate - nice scheme and now show us your space commies
As an enterprising Chaos Lord of Undivided, how do I make one of these little Skaven assassin shits remain '''''''loyal''''''''?
Pay them
What does one pay a filthy rat with?
Is it skulls? I'm sorry, but I'm investing those in Khorne. Its a growing market!
Aelvish meat should work
Still in the building, magnetizing, and primer stage
Still need to build 2 railgun broadsides, 1 riptide, and another hammerhead
Oh my, it's like a porno for me. I wanted to drop AoS for 8e T'au but I went to far with my current army. I hope that GHB2 will make me believe I made a good choice
You could, which is why I recommended keeping one shaman and a unit of tzaangors.
Start collecting is almost always best value and every model in the box will likely have a home in all of your lists. Start there, test it out, figure out any weaknesses and work on patching them one unit at a time.
Anyone got the ePub or PDF of Plague Garden?
Is the black armor bright highlight bright enough?
it's okay mate. I would even say that it is a little to bright so I woulnd't go any further with it
I agree, almost too bright. Stop there and possible go a bit darker on the future models. otherwise it looks like they have black and light blue armor. Also had to do 80 years of Captcha to post this.
Never ever
Get over it faggot, tomb cucks are gone for good
Second this
Third this, I know one of you chucklefucks has it.
Which factions do we expect to get allegiance abilities and which won't? I can't see factions with only two units getting any allegiance stuff.
Please GW just give me Soulblight already
Was the night goblin squatting confirmed or was it fear mongering? Important as id love to start a small 500 point army.
My guess: Eshin'll get new models, or at least some new rules, definitely a battletome, once the narrative gets to Ulgu.
It fits with their fluff, it's a place that's ripe for exploration, and Eshin did get a new model with Silver Tower, same as the Aelves from Ulgu.
So, Skaven release alongside Aelf release.
40k ruleset for AoS when? GW can't fix this game soon enough!!!
I think Dark elves will be getting something in general. The Points preview for GHB2017 had points cost for Shadowblade. And that guy has been dead for ages. So I wonder if they'll add him again or something.
Fun fact, if you glue the Arkanaut special weapons model's arms to their weapons but not their bodies, they can more or less slide into and out of place. It's like magnetising weapons, but for poor/cheap/stupid people who don't know how to magnet.
They should just limit Stormfiends to the amount of weapons in the box. 1 Gauntlet or Fidget Spinner, 1 Drill or Gun, 1 Projector or Mortar. Maybe even drop the point value a little bit?
Oh and release plastic jezzails with a slight point drop.
BOOM, Skaven Skryre fixed and that means Verminus is also fixed. Just add some cool mixed battallions and voila
Looks pretty baller, although please tell me you are at least gonna do some washes plus easy highlights?
Warpstone/Token you doofus
>legacy armies
pick one shiteater
Disregard notions of some games being too complicated for beginners, or other games being "more suitable" due to being less complex.
Find a game that people play in the area that you live at a venue that you're willing to travel to in order to play. Learn to play that game. Having a place to play and people to play with is what you should base your choice of wargame on. No game is too hard for an adult human to learn to play in more than a few hours.
In your own way you kind of raised an interesting point.
Iron jaws
Steam Dwarves
That's four factions GW actually managed to flesh out/update or introduce in any meaningful way.
AoS is now 2(?) years old?
They are moving really fucking slow still. Especially considering they are trying to start a new franchise there.
I really don't understand why GW didn't make updating and reorganising the legacy armies into new AoS battletome factions a priority. Tons of armies are stuck in limbo and look like they will be there for some time still, which makes the entire game look bad.
>They are moving really fucking slow still. Especially considering they are trying to start a new franchise there.
I don't it's that slow, people in these threads have unrealistic expectations if you ask me. In WHFB we only saw releases once every 5-7 years for a faction.
I do agree with this user, that it's really weird that they didn't do a band-aid/index fix for all the existing lines. The grand alliances books could have easily been way better than the bare minimum of fluff+battallions we received.
>In WHFB we only saw releases once every 5-7 years for a faction
And now it's dead
I don't think fantasy failed in the end because of the (lack of) updates for certain armies. Maybe people need to be a bit more realistic that Warhammer is a long term hobby, not a FoTM every 3 months you collect new army kind of thing. All the people that I know, and this is anecdotal of course, have collected the same group or faction of miniatures for more then 10 years.
I'm hoping we get some regular dwarf shit. that'd be wicked
Skaven wishlist
When general dies.. Rat with command ability takes over unless chieftain did a coo. This rat doesn't gain any ability not even inspiring presence
Allow clanrats to buy weapon teams or one rat orge and it gains the verminus battalion ability against wounds
Give giant rats a rend -1 on six to wound.. Allow mystic shield to give them 6+ save
Clan mors gets stormvermin battle line
Pack masters and assassins can be bought in groups of 1-3 for one hero slot
Plague monks and Stormvermin can buy magical banners
Non general warlord can wield a fellblade ;)
Master clan models counts as all skaven clans for purpose of allegiance abilities and battleline
Mortars are a upgrade for Acolytes who provides wound buffer for the team
Rattling guns and warpfire throwers change unit size to min 1 max 5
Doomwheel can be upgraded to a hero/wizard who can cast warp lighting even if its already been casted but suffers d3 wounds if it fails
Not a fan of your mixed unit+upgrade idea. I could see weapon teams work as special weapon upgrades for the clan rats, limited to one in 10 but they are not in the same box, and making them a part of Clanrats doesn't feel right to me. And making all these units upgrades will just add the same issue WHFB had with bunker units for everything. This will also unbalance shooting again since one of the reasons shooting is good in AoS is because you can use it to eliminate threats.
>Mortars are a upgrade for Acolytes who provides wound buffer for the team
I think Acolytes should become a plastic kit with multiple options for weapons.
>Master clan models counts as all Skaven clans for purpose of allegiance abilities and battleline
This one makes sense.
>Rattling guns and warp fire throwers change unit size to min 1 max 5
How is this relevant? just for buffs? IMO weapons teams should be cheap, powerful and very fragile. If you want something robust you get Stormfiends. Like I said above, Acolytes would be cool as the 'squad version' of Skryre tech.
>Non general warlord can wield a fellblade ;)
Should just be a Skaven Artifact.
>When general dies.. Rat with command ability takes over unless chieftain did a coo. This rat doesn't gain any ability not even inspiring presence
Flavorful, but useless in almost any scenario, I think the current rules with the Chieftain and the Warlord scurrying special rule already convey the cowardly and backstabbing part of Skaven well enough. The Chieftain should just get an official model like the Warchanter.
>Give giant rats a rend -1 on six to wound.. Allow mystic shield to give them 6+ save
Different topic, but Rat Ogres should just be battleline for Moulder Allegiance. And then an Arch-Packmaster should be introduced so they have an actual character in the faction.
>Plague monks and Stormvermin can buy magical banners
Guys help me
so it's seems AoS has been turning out into a pretty [spoilers]fun[/spoilers] game and I want to try it out. I have about 500 old empire minis ready to go.
I gues I need the generals handbook for matched play.
But do I need the GrandAllianceOrder book or can I just as well use warscrolls from the web? What's the point in getting the alliance book?
Are there more specific "army books" coming along later?
what the fuck is a battle tome
what the fuck is a battleplan
guy in GW store told me that square bases are fine for now but "maybe not in the future". what
Got the AoS starter and so far I'm really enjoying it, but I have a question to do with damage allocation.
Say I'm fighting 10 Blood Reavers with 3 Retributors and I inflict 2 wounds. Each wound does 2 damage. Does that mean I kill 4 enemies?
I think I'm right because the quick reference sheet says, "Most weapons have a damage characteristic of 1, but some can inflict 2 or more wounds, allowing them to cause grievous injuries to even the mightiest foe, or to cleave through more than one opponent with but a single blow!"
And also, is there anything I should know about the game in regards to rules that can be easily overlooked? Like adding 1 to a units bravery for every 10 models. Line of Sight for example, is there a specific set-in-stone method?
PS: I should wait for the new Generals Handbook, yes?
>eally don't understand why GW didn't make updating and reorganising the legacy armies into new AoS battletome factions a priority.
They've tried it in the first year, but since GHB release, they've changed direction, there will be no updates for legacy armies, only replacements, because legacy don't fit fantasy sci-fi setting
>I have about 500 old empire minis ready to go.
Drop this shit.
Also, none playes 500 pts
>there will be no updates for legacy armies, only replacements
So the vast majority of the model range and people's collections will be worthless, and the game will be limited to a tiny pool of brand new factions that only gets added to once in a blue moon?
>So the vast majority of the model range and people's collections will be worthless
It was pretty obvious since the launch, GW doesn't want to see WHFB players in AoS
are they 1 point each
>are they 1 point each