Blood Ravens Edition
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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
Blood Ravens Edition
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>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
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first for thread wars
Please ignore this thread, it's some dude trying to start a thread war.
There are no female marines marines in 40k, stop with this meme.
Don't just use it to bait for (you)s
I'm not OP, and I don't care about femarines. I just don't want stupid thread wars.
fits really.
Aside from the head, Gab is a total fucking cripple and is stuck in the equivalent of a fucking turtle now(DoW 3).
Also part 5 when?
>that model
For the legion.
Hey at least Alpha Legion isn't all transvestites
So about the assault granades
Assault frag is strictly inferior to rank fire lasguns
Assault kraks would be interesting, but end up not doing that much damage
10 Krak, hitting on 4+, wounding T7 on 5+, 3+ save is degraded to 5+, D3 wounds
2.22 wounds on a standard T7 3+ tank (compared to 1.11 of rank fire lasguns)
A nice upgrade, but nothing to write home about.
pretty sure the rule says all of their weapons turn into assault so they get to shoot the grenades and the lasgun too
I have a friend who's interested in Eldar but I know next to nothing about crunch-wise. Could I get a rundown or pointed in the right direction?
The Aeldari are an alien race that once ruled the galaxy. Technologically, militarily and intellectually the Aeldari are as far superior to Humanity as Humanity are to primitive simians. They possess weapons that can extinguish stars, they tread secret paths beyond the bounds of reality, and their towering psychic might allows them to read and weave the strands of fate itself. Yet for all this the Aeldari are but an echo, a faded, splintered remnant of their former glory. Their numbers dwindle by the decade, and their battle is now one of survival, not supremacy.
Although only a shadow of their former glory, the Eldar are still a formidable power. Confident in the superiority of their technology and martial prowess, the Eldar justifiably look down on the barbaric usurpers that have overrun the galaxy. Who could compare the crude, smoke-belching engines of Man or Ork to the sleek grav tanks or streaking jetbikes of the Eldar? In combat, observe how lumbering and slow the movements of a human soldier are against the precise, graceful attack of an Eldar. Only in sheer numbers do the Eldar come up short in comparison to the other forces in the galaxy, though the quick-striking Eldar way of war can offset this lone disadvantage.
>play 1500 pts game
>have a gorkanaut and morkanaut in middle of deployment
>use large body to block majority of shots
>big mek on bike to repair them
Typhoon or twin multimelta on the raven?
Why is Yriel yellow such a fucking fag color to work with?
hehehe, low numbers. i played against eldar 2 days ago and the fuckers had more infantry than i did-- and i was orks!
Tyrannids are so fucking broken using the shitty power level system. Why would GW use this for their events?
Not going to bother to explain to bad players why Power Level is objectively and indisputably superior, so just fuck off back to world of warcraft or whatever pile of shit makes sense to "people" like you.
welp damn faggots decide to read the fucking rule as "Disembark, move something else, move disembarked."
Disembarking is a special action in my reading, separate from the move action.
Is this a Jojo reference?
Gav Thorpe has an article on how the Tau started.
They needed a new race and first tried a space Lizardmen but went against it. Demiurg were space Dwarfs and Tau were made as a "more modern army, mecha-themed force (as opposed to the far more organic anime influence in the Eldar designs)".
How would you make a space Lizardmen race? I was thinking of a return of the Old Ones and their super advanced (even more than Necrons and Eldar combined) technology that is wielded by genetically created servants (using Total War concept as possible armour example).