Tell me of interesting places from your games, elegan/tg/entlemen.
Tell me of interesting places from your games, elegan/tg/entlemen
No games of my own to speak of, but I'd love to hear of others' interesting places. Bumping.
aow games editors could probably be useful if you want to draw an area you have in mind
Might cut structures from it and place them on my local \ global maps. It had nice pixel art.
homm2 and homm3 look nice as well.
Harder to place stuff in those though, especially in homm2 since you can't place things further north behind another object, you have to paint from the top so to speak
had some editor mods for aow2sm that let me place a lot more different things, even had some wc3 models pixelated, and a lot of stuff that helped you make cities on the overworld map
AoW was great
I used the north eastern region of After the Fall where the highmen and dark elves start a bunch of time for games. A bunch of stoic northerners locked in battle with a decadent kingdom, a goblin metropolis and wizard's tower nestled in the border and independent towns just over the sea.
What do you guys think about 2 and 3 as map editiors?
how in the fuck do I use the AoW3 content creator?
I run a regular GURPS game called GrimWyrd. Theres a few places of interest
Gorgoth is the Forbidden Kingdom; it's king is dead, it's lands blighted by magical weapons, and it's people now long dead, tortured to the grave.
In the last age, Gorgoth was a Kingdom forged in the fires of battle, tempered by the Horned King. He was a fearsome Beastman warrior, and a Prince of Darkness. Some say he gained his power by slaying the last of the Ogre Mages, claiming their magic by trial of combat. Some say he made a compact with the Lords of Night, and bound the Darkness to the souls of his people forever. Others think him a simple feral warlord; an orc of brutal cunning.
Whatever his origins, his kingdom took to heel any interlopers to their lands. They rallied the Orcs, the Lupin, the Aven and the Hobgoblin; the citixzens of the great empire. They domesticated the ogres, put to work fashioning ziggurats to the dark gods. The dragons were wrestled into their caves, hidden away to be tamed, if not obfuscated for a time. And the land prospered. Fields planted, homes built, peace was kept.
The Kingdom of Gorgoth was a land of feral beauty. Uncut obsidian. Jagged and deadly, while beautiful and sharp.
And then the Dark Horned King turned his gaze North, to the fertile lands of Men, Elf and Dwarf. And he was envious. And greedy.
WAr drums sounded. Blades were drawn, armor cleaned and oiled, war machines built. The Alliance of Men, Dwarf, and Elf, was forged in desperation to oppose the terrible onslaught of Beastmen. The tide broke upon their bastions, militias raising pike and sword against tooth and claw. Blood was spilled as to redden the earth for miles. All was nearly lost.
In desperation, a weapon was built. An engine of pure destruction, it siphoned power from the Between: Pinching off a section of reality, the potential energy of the void, to simply remove possibilities from the world. It was a terrible, awesome, terrifying thing. The Ansible of Souls.
When it was used in the Last Age, the weapon was not fully powered. The thaumatological engineers feared what they had created, thought it too ambitious. Not enough restraint in it's creation.
And they were right to fear it.
The first and final test was extremely successful. The device was turned on, reality shuddered, and [redacted] was brought into the world. The controls baled at the potentiality of the destruction, but they tuned the magical energies into a wave of energy that radiated accross the lands of Gorgoth like a sickness. Black spoiled the lands for all to see. Soil dead. Life ended. Future destroyed.
In an instant, they had wiped out the fates of a million souls. They had doomed an empire to destruction. They had killed a nation.
The armies of the Horned King fell to the sword the same day he himself was struck down. His crown shattered as a blow from the Grey Blade struck him, knocking his lifeless body from his steed of pure nightmares. The generals of his armies fled, committed suicide in fear of capture, or killed their own troops in panic or fear. The shattered remains fled to form feral tribes in the wastes of the once proud nation. The Alliance rejoiced, but the hastily formed camaraderie would not last. The enemy was defeated, the old wound cut out, but the same problems still festered like a rot beneath, gangrenous.
Gorgoth was killed that day. But The Darkness remained
>An island steam punk nation of warrior women where the gender roles are reversed and men are soft and feminine
>It would have been magical realm except they invented war forged and there was a robot uprising when we arrived so it was just a setting detail
I'm still impressed that GM was skillful enough not to piss me off with the concept.
There's a peninsula on the furthest reaches of the northern coast, covered in ancient boreal forest and where the animals grow to enormous size. The very tip of the peninsula is home to an altar from before recorded history, a large flat circular disc of stone. On it are carved runes of power, some recognizable as symbols that form the basis of some disciplines of magic, others of still-mysterious origin, and some with sinister connotation.
The runes describe a ritual that can be performed there, at that peninsula, describing a dance one do in imitation of the Winds of the East and West to summon forth mighty, ancient spirits of nature and power, to test the summoner's strength. The spirits take the forms of giants, bull-men, trolls, and enormous wolves whose breath is like the coldest winter air, and the rewards for victory are blessings of strength, ancient artifacts carved of bone and wood and infused with the power of frost, and wisdom of the old world.
Beware, however, because if you falter and fail these tests of skill and strength, the spirits will simply kill you.
>the spirits will simply kill you.
Am I the only one who hates this kind of bullshit?
Looks comfy as tits
What said.
Come on user, you can do better than that.
Ask yourself why do the spirits offer the trail in the first place? Why not just give the powers to anyone? Are they waiting for people worthy of the power? What if they meet someone whit the potential to be worthy, but not ready jet?
The thing has such a good potential for a plot hook, like: "some asshole wanted the power but ended up being possesed by the frost spirits, now he is bringing eternal winter to the land" and the like
Are there people who don't fucking know what Peninsula of Power is?
Fucking hell, I didn't even play any of the Final Fantasy games besides III, but even I know that.
Is that vivec?
Just because he copied it from somewhere doesn't make it any less dumb.
He didn't copy the text, he literally described what Peninsula of Power is.
It's an area with level-inappropriate random encounters where you can grind as long as you don't get killed.
Yes, and that is dumb as fuck to actually put in TTRPG.
>About shitass weab games.
How about no.
user, I dn't really care what's your excuse. Someone put it in a TTRPG, there's no programming mistake to be had there, it's a bad idea that there was no reason to carry over to my pretend games.
At the edges of the world, the leylines become so powerful and dense that the atmosphere becomes saturated with mana, creating an uncrossable barrier. The barrier is massive, crossing several continents and seas, isolating what is inside of it from the unknown rest of the world. The extreme amounts of mana in the ley lines destroy the landscape near them, creating gorges and hills of bare rock and molten lava in a state of constant change, covered by a mass of storm clouds filled with fire and lightning, making any attempts of crossing the barrier entirely impossible.
The fringes of the world, close to the barrier are also affected by magic of the ley lines. Natural disasters are common and unpredictable and most of the animals and vegetation are some form of magical monster, turning the fringes into some of the most dangerous environments in the world. Extremely few sapient species live in there permanently, but the mana-rich environment means that unique and extremely valuable materials can be obtained from the land and the monsters inhabiting it, leading to daring adventurers and merchants to often go on expeditions to the fringes, risking their lives in the search of great potential wealth.
One of these days I want to run a historical game set during the 80 Year War. Sure, I'm biased because that's also our war of independence, but it's woefully underused in storytelling for how straight up bizarre it was as a war.
The Paderborn-Eisenstadt Works.
Founded in a fertile(and more importantly ore and coal-bearing) river valley only a few decades ago it has grown into a dizzying complex of mines, foundries, lumber yards, factories, barracks, proving grounds, airship docks,golemworks, thaumaturgical focusing arrays, enchanting vortexes and experimental research facilities tirelessly working to achieve and maintain imperial superiority in all fields and develop countermeasures aganist all the wonder weapons the older races might bring to bear when their ways will be naturally and rightfully replaced by the infinitely more adaptive humans. Especially because its not some random mistake of nature or some worthless monument to remember but something manmade and recent, living, breathing, and expanding through the dedication and effort of thousands.
Atleast from the PCs PoV who are all good, hard-working reichsvolk. An elf would name the Eternal City,and its magical floating spires incorporating non-euclidean geometrical designs, artfully used pocket dimensions, time dilation fields and similar relics of a past magical age of 27.000 thousand years ago.
A dwarf would almost certainly name the Temple(currently on its third iteration and in ruins) where they believe their nameless god gave the commandments to find their culture upon.Literally a pile of roughly hewn granite right now but still the binding moral, religious and cultural center of the dwarven race.
ah the shire. I remember it well. Shame the third one was a crock of shit.
That's Gorgoth
In Grimwyrd
FYI the possessive of "it" is "its". No apostrophe.
I slapped that out in five minutes; can't be expected to proofread on a phone post now can I?
Curious, what game did you use to make these maps?
>A train station that resides on the destroyed remains of a sunken city, the stop is mostly for archeologists and adventurers to explore the still freshly found ruins, doubles as a really good sandless beach, considering the water is not salty and a healthy amount of sunshine hits
>A lake that transports people to the future to whoever throws himself of it, life is currently quite optimistic to those that live near it, so no one really wants to throw themselves in
>A library completely run by a 14 year old girl, it has never been closed and all books are free for reading and taking for a week (After that she will personally come to your house and politely ask for the book back, helping you finish it if you haven't yet) the library is completely run by donations and a small wizard support shop that the girl runs on the side, there is no one on the city willing to abuse of her kindness, some argue it might be magical powers from the girl herself that stop any evildoer from doing anything wrong on her watch
>A 2 floored apartment complex, first floor is a cafe, second floor is were one of the strongest beings in the world currently lives, the being pays rent to the cafe owner, and is usually seen trying to get discounts on the cafe (Which sells tiger bread on sundays)
>A sea where every year, two ghostly ships are seen fighting each other in combat only to be sunk by each other at the same time, throwing curses and promising to come back to get their revenge
>An adventurer's guild that runs more like a monthly group meet up than one of the strongest guilds in the region, meetings usually consist with people asking how everyone's doing while drinking beer, and if any event needs to be addressed they usually address it after they order pizza and the black knight says goodbye to his girlfriend who's only there to see he doesn't drink too much
It's a damn shame AoW went to shit. Such great potential squandered on 2nd rate series.
What happened?
Wut, I bought shadow magic as a kid and had an awesome time with it. Now I have AoW3 and still have an awesome time.
AoW 2 basically tried to be HoMM. And AoW 3 turned into WoW-Civ 5 rapechild.
Don't get me wrong, gameplay-wise those games are great (well, it took AoW 3 a while and few updates to get good), but they are both a far cry of the original concepts from the first game and own, unique aesthetics combined with own gameplay mechanics.
In short - rather than trying to stay a thing on their own, Triumph instead decided to copy others.
Also, there is a problem with gradual lore rape, turning it more bland and generic with each installment. It wouldn't be an issue if not the fact it's still made by the same company and the same people, who always keep on taking the easiest route.
Damn shame.
Yeah. Don't listen to the other guy.