Because I don't see one up.
Filename thread
Too bad Sarkhan stopped himself existing.
Except he didn't?
Luco's foot raises a lot of questions.
The film that Doom should have been
wow...great filenames. really funny haha
>he is incapable of understanding advanced references
look at this brainlet
dude GREAT filename. i love multiple-level warmed-over memes
no u
If you have nothing of value to contribute, then stop bitching.
>The Aztec Empire and Golden Horde are touching borders
Certainly this can't go wrong.
I hate it when I think I've found the fountain of youth and it turns out to be the fountain of girl.
...Or do I? *trundles off to /d/*
Strategy game screencaps with no joke or relevance to Veeky Forums! Yes! I love it!
he only stopped his future him existing so there arent two sarkhans fucking every dragon they see
It still isn't the strangest thing ever seen on that game.
I've seen the Maid of Orleans marry the Holy Roman Emperor and in later life become the pope.
I've seen a Yazidi Calipha declare Jihad against a Hindu Ilkanate.
I've seen a Samaritan Roman Empire.
I've seen a man plow a longboat into Cthulhu's face and drive it back to the deeps.
I've even seen this
This is either some kind of robot, a really good SFX or there's a disturbed grave around.
Fucking captcha
Nah, she's a real anorexic.
Having worked as a janitor, I can say that... oh fuck it.
Circuits and diaphrams can't be fairy sized.
Men's restrooms are /pol/?
whats this from?
one vision one purpose!
peace through power!
kane lives in death!
>meta campaigns.jpeg
Although I'm a phone fag so it can use an actual filename
i want you to read what you just posted again, but this time very slowly
>I've seen the Maid of Orleans marry the Holy Roman Emperor and in later life become the pope.
Honestly the guy playing Jimmy was the crux of the movie, without him it'd've been quite mediocre.
Is... Is that?
sauce ?
Ascension is upon us, brother.
Symphogear. A major plot point, as is being described there, was that ancient super magitech humanity got BTFO by aliens (or God. Its kind of doublespeak about the whole thing) who used a memetic weapon to make us incapable of using the 'perfect language' we used to communicate. Since we couldn't speak to each other until we re-invented much shittier languages, the civilization collapsed into infighting as the civilization split.
So yes, they had guns. Which were probably pretty fucking badass, when you consider this is a 'sword' of theirs that is broken down and doesn't fully work properly.
Aliens were probably justified in their fear of us.
I think it's the 2nd season of Symphogear. But that's only because it seems to mention the tower of Babel and iirc that played a role there.
>LRR caps
I can almost forgive you for being a fucking phoneposter. Almost.
>Cultist of Nurgle.gif
That's approaching the autism levels of that Bologna-Pikachu-tied-up-in-spaghetti picture. Slightly above weapon-grade.
is this pornography?
So fucking good.
I want a TV series where he rips the world a new one.
This is destroying my diaphragm
Foreverial Tiedup Delitized pikachu? I can feel the warp overtaking me
Do you have that pic? If you post it we can find a fitting name for it, I'm sure.
just google "Foreverial Tiedup Delitized" it's on know your meme and everything. some turbo autist on DA started it, i think.
Oh, I thought it would be literally spaghetti and bologna... Now I'm disappointed.
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. Often shortened to Don't Be a Menace. Parody of old hood movies.
what is this from?
Yeah, it's weird how that one guy ALWAYS managed to create Sailor Moon. Even when it should've been impossible.
T H I N G S S H A L L G E T L O U D N O W !
Well meme'd
a hilarious anime about girls who play airsoft survival games. MC (pink haired one) has the same sociopathic tendencies as your standard PC.