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mechanic preview later this week probably

what do you want from the class?

>implying I let any of my characters have a family

Nah, loyalties are to the highest bidder and other members of the party. Too much DM fuckery to have a family.

Isn't it a choice between an AI or a robutt buddy? Personally i want a sort of cyber animal of some sort

The iconic an user dropped in the other thread.


I want full drone rigger

I wonder how complex your drone can get or even if there is a size restriction most of the art scene for them tends to show them what I imagine to be in the small category (possibly medium maybe?)

Having families... As in, having PIV rape with a cis male?

Yes, absolutely. Who else will I call upon to form up with my giant mecha so I have the strength to defeat a giant monster?

What? No in the future there are artificial wombs and penises that can do all the impregnating and child creation for the Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism that is the glorious future of Golarion.

Cis males, lolol. What a silly concept.

Do you ever get tired of being a pathetic edgelord and /pol/luter?

I thought solarians were all about making weapons and armor out of energy?
But they also do black-hole sort of stuff as well??? Or am I mixing things up?

>What? No in the future there are artificial wombs and penises that can do all the impregnating and child creation for the Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism that is the glorious future of Golarion.

That's what I thought, Paizo is really going all-out with their new setting. Fitting how all the humanoid Iconics seem to be getting more and more cancerous while the Literally Rats and Lizards are somehow doing fine. I guess it's because they don't want to associate Lesbians with Lizards?

Apparenlty the Solarians gimmick is that they balance the energies of stars and black holes to form weapons and armors. We're still a ways a way until they drop the blog post about the class and the iconic.

In general though until we're shown how the whole star/blackhole thing turns up I'm just treating the Solarian as a 1pp Soulknife (which I hope will have options for something like DSPs Deadly Fist)

They get the negative and positive energies apparently.

Black Holes are EVIL, user. EVIL.

>Implying the light of the sun can't be cruel

Tell that to anyone who's died under the unrelenting heat of the sun.

The Sun is the manifestation of Sarenrae, the Dawnflower and Greatest Goddess this side of the Galaxy.

>Pelor the Burning Hate

I'd say they should stay in the small-medium range.
Larger would be robots.

It's probably come with the mecha rules but I hope they can take mechs and ships as companions as well.

>Believing the light of the sun is incorruptable.

Are you implying Sarenrae isn't the very embodiment of Neutral Good?

There are more lights in the sky then just the one that shines on the Pact Worlds my friend

>untied shoes
That's cruising for an unfortunate accident, right there.

Every Sun is an aspect of Sarenrae, user. All of them.

Such ignorance. But I assume children should be allowed to induge in ignorance before the coming of truth...

I want Neutronium-powered Aztec Robots and I want them now.

>The Azlanti Empire finds the Star Stones
>They unviel their greatest weapon which transforms into a giant robot statue of Aroden the size of a moon

So what bug would make the prettiest Shirren?


AI waifu

Are Shirren suppose to have different bug like bodies?

>shooting your own father out of a cannon

No wonder all the hets are dying in the space-future.

No. They have a pretty standard form, considering they are a small splinter colony of a singular hivemind species.

Gross. I hope the future comes with extra duty bug spray.

I remember one of Veeky Forums's more infamous derails concerning cloned female space warriors whose ultimate goal was mutual love-suicide pacts when they had finished off their enemies.

The homos ain't got it easy either.

The Shirren are good, the Hive is bad


How dare you sir, insulting our beloved bug friends.

But these ones like FREEDOM and INDIVIDUALISM. They're basically Americans.


I would rather not be forced to use self defense good sir.

I would like to know more.

If I must I will educate you on the complex and ancient combat style of my people

Yes please. Just let me inform my supervisor.

>the Shirren are Insect America
Has one comment ever completely blown your mind? Their Iconic is even a Missionary type, everything fits.

I mean, it kinda makes sense since there thing is all about choices and freedom.

Yeah, but sometimes you need someone to point out the obvious.

>Broke away from a group that was constantly at war
>Supports family values and raising your children yourself
>Provides charity but also willing to blast people

With how often the Humans of the setting have to be bailed out by the deities, the bootstrapping Shirren really are much better.

So I guess the Shirren could be the red blooded American capitalist to the commie humans on absalom station (although I guess they are ancap really?)

Do you ever tire of being a communist meme from plebbit?

Do you ever tire of being a salty bitch?


It makes a kind of weird sense to me. The Humans of Pathfinder start seeming more and more alien as I think about it. The weird station they call home, constantly having to call in deities to fix their messes, the way the Human Iconic just seems to go all out on things. It reminds me of the Transformers, in a way, that they gravitate to extremes.

Whereas the Shirren Iconic we got is a family man trying to make things better for everyone. His Faith guides him, but I doubt Hylex(?) or that other deity he follows is going to appear before him and hand him some holy handgun, you know?

I'm just blown as these weird thoughts coalesce and make it fit in my head. Kind of like realizing the Android Iconic blows all that sexuality stuff out of the water by choosing their gender to be S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

That does not mean what you seem to think it means or you're more retarded than expected

That's what I like about these iconics as they seem to break the mold a little. I really like Quiq because instead of being a psycho pyromaniac he's a dude who just found out he likes bonking people on the head and taking their bounty and if they get uppity with him he has his custom flame pistol he made when he was a hard working maintence guy and he has his trusty sidekick robot he made from scratch and he stays in contact with his family back on Akiton.

So general idea for a spacey threat: an insectile, spider-like creature originating from a low-gravity planet. Its life-cycle consists of a larval form that gorges on anything it can find, then it uses a set of incredibly powerful hind legs to launch into space, entering a cocoon state during the first few hours of travel. The cocoon is amazingly durable, and will basically continue on in a straight line until it hits something, which triggers the cocoon to pop out an adult creature looking to feed, then mate, then be food for its hatchlings when they hatch (they're hermaphroditic, I guess?).

On any normal or high gravity world, these things are mostly a joke. Their inability to deal with high gravity makes them easy targets, and Starfinder's YouTube equivalent is filled with videos of kids going out to tape the new adults or hatchlings stumbling around under way too much weight for their bodies, or jumping a few feet off the ground and flailing about when they don't achieve escape velocity. Mostly they just flop around and look stupid until pest control comes along, though their cast-off cocoons do make for a very durable material if you don't mind the space bug guts.

In a vacuum or on a low gravity planet, however, they're basically zerglings on crack. If they land anywhere near a food source, you'll have hundreds or even thousands of the fuckers in a few weeks, rampaging across the land eating everything in sight, and if the gravity is low enough, they'll launch a shit-ton of cocoons to spread across the galaxy.

I'm also thinking that their post-cocoon state might be fast enough that they can actually latch onto a ship if they crash into it in space, just because that makes for a great random encounter when half a dozen of the things are trying to eat their way into your ship after bumping into it out in the middle of nowhere.

I'm also considering that, instead of an actual cocoon phase, they just ball up really tight, and fly through space that way. Basically hibernating while they coast on the momentum of their original jump. Obviously, their metabolism is slowed down enough that they can essentially survive indefinitely in space like this, since with no drift or warp capability, it'll take them for-fucking-ever to actually get anywhere.

I'm also thinking maybe their chitin is laced with adamantine, or maybe only the ones from their home planet which is adamantine-rich, and somehow incorporated into their diet? I dunno, I just think it might be a good way to explain the durability of their outer shells, and also a nifty form of loot when you kill them.

Probably might make for weird space weather when you're working outside the ship and a bunch of them come wizzing by.

Speaking of which it would be good to figure out what sort of encounters one could have in space itself. I think that will force players to really break out of certain habits because they think all fights will end up the same way and rely on the same tactics.

Maybe they eat metal as part of their diet? Lets them eat their way into the ship, explains the metal-laced shells, gives a clear ranking system to them as monsters (soft metals are weaker, harder metals are more dangerous), and so on. I think I might go with that.

>Probably might make for weird space weather when you're working outside the ship and a bunch of them come wizzing by.
Yeah, I think they'll launch in large groups, kind of like a bee colony splitting off when it gets too big. Too many of these things in one area, and a bunch of them decide to jump out into space to seek out a new planet. They're not smart enough to understand the whole gravity thing, so they don't know that most of them will land on a planet with gravity that's too high for them and die, but the ones that make it to a low grav planet are enough to keep the species going.

I liked the lore we got from the Vesk Iconic, but the character itself does seem to fall into the typical "made the backstory 10 minutes before the deadline". They seem to be interesting invaders, where they even left the Pacifist people mostly to themselves. They seem like they would make for an interesting Alien Invader on Earth since they seem more upset when people don't rebel.

Steal the giant bug from Mass Effect. Some of them try to eat the ship or just cocoon on it, leading them to constantly be taken across the galaxy because pirates and people constantly ignore proper docking procedures.

I'm still upset that a furshit race is core.

It's not furry until it's all about their cocks, user.

That will take at most a month after the game's release.
A beastfolk race in core is a guaranteed furry magnet.

How do we deal with our game containing furbait, /sfg/?

They're rats. No one is going to want to make them furry bate. If furries are going to invade the game, it will be with wolf-people and bear people. Even the vesk don't have much furry appeal.

you'd be surprised what kind of things people do to anthro rodents.

You... You have never been around for people going autismal over Ink-Eyes and rat-people, have you? They're not as numerous as the wolf-fuckers, but they're around and they're active.

Do you think Paizo is doing this intentionally, or are they so deep in the kool-aid that they genuinely think they're writing the Shirreen and Quig as "quaint" or even "alien" while characters like Navasi are more relatable to the audience.

pdf when?

Whenever leakanon feels like it.

Is it too early to start recruiting for a Starfinder game? And will there be functional rules for catgirls?

>Is it too early to start recruiting for a Starfinder game?

> And will there be functional rules for catgirls?
Hopefully not.

>Hopefully not.
It's too late. Paizo confirmed that all Pathfinder races are still around, and that includes shit like catfolk and kitsune

They only confirmed PF Core races. Kitsune and Catfolk aren't Core.

desu senpai it's going to be easy-peasy lemon squeezy to create a Catgirl race after splicing the stuff we'll get from Vesk and Elf.

Yeah, but what if I don't want to olymay in their setting and want to play on a tropical world with cute catgirls and ugly dragonmen?

Homebrew it, faggot.

Custom races are one of the easiest things in the world to design.

What about Kitsune?

Fuck off and die.

Solarian class sounds pretty baller.

>mfw the Positive Energy Solarion will be a proud lesbian woman of color
>mfw the Negative Energy Solarion will be the first white guy in the system


You're like a broken record. Rather, you're not even a broken clock, you aren't right twice a day; you're just a clock set to the incorrect time, so you're never right.

I just hope they don't end up making the starfinder equivalent of jedi & sith.

They've already said that the solarions do that. You're a little late to the party.

Too late, Positive Energy Solarians draw their power from Stars (which are, as confirmed in the lore, shards or aspects of Sarenrae) while Negative Energy Solarians draw their power from either the void or black holes (which are, as confirmed in the lore, shards or aspects of the Not!Rovagug, a masculine deity of entropy.)

>In every fight, the solarion starts out balanced and attunes themselves one way or the other during combat, with the side used powers becoming stronger, while the other sides abilities become weaker.

Sounds like they gain both, and just slide over to one or the other actually during combat every time.

which becomes much more interestign when you ccombine it with one form of power being masculine and the other feminine. You have androgynous cuties becoming more masculine or more feminine depending on their energy, which would really confuse their teammates during battle.

>You have androgynous cuties becoming more masculine or more feminine depending on their energy, which would really confuse their teammates during battle.

>mfw androgynous-faced, huge-chested Solarian Monk women

You could say she sucks like a black hole and squirts like a quasar.

Wait so does this mean that they're getting rid of the jyoti or whatever those xenophobic god-hating bird people were?

So what classes are you looking forward to?

The Syrinx?

A lot of people mentioned wanting to play robutts instead of androids. Aballon is still a thing in SF so I wonder how that pans out or what they do in general for the Pact worlds.

What's the stuff behind them? Google just autocorrects to Abaddon.

Otherwise, I was thinking of making a Frame race and just stealing how they become intelligent and independent from Star Wars.

It's a planet with a machine race left behind by mysterous old ones who built cities and factories across the aballon and then fucked off somewhere. I think they are in the book that talks about travelling around the solar system (can't rmember it's name) but that's the jist of it.

Distant Worlds has a write-up about them. It is only a few pages long though.

how would you handle upgrades?

The wiki has very little on them, basically just saying they are machines who wait for their masters to return, or have begun modifying themselves to become like their creators. Getting a race stats out of them is probably going to be a bit tough considering their nature.

thats cool

solarpowered murderbots that improve over time

Two philosophies are prevalent. Those Who Wait who think the First Ones who built all these crazy tech cities will return and another one that thinks it is their responsibility to become new First Ones and seed other worlds. Those are the ones that built Epoch.

Add more details to your question.

Otherwise, it's going to be as easy as:

1. Ordering parts from Space!Big5 to enhance your equipment;

2. Making an appointment at a local clinic and getting body parts installed/ replaced