Just bought Kingdom Death Manhunter expansion for $100 on eBay. Because during the kickstarter I thought he looked lame.
Biggest KD:M purchasing regrets
Just bought Kingdom Death Manhunter expansion for $100 on eBay. Because during the kickstarter I thought he looked lame.
Biggest KD:M purchasing regrets
Is this game fun? Or is it more of a filming torture porn kinda job
lurk more fag
Well, I'll let you know in a couple months.
Real regret
Game's great in the Arkham Horror sense. You can aim your characters in a direction, but other than that it's buckle up, hope you picked the right random stat, and let the story wash over you.
Lots of death by random chance, but the crazy setting does a good job making you want to volunteer for the die roll.
Why does the creator of this sell it as a boutique game?
Whats this thing?
So you're getting the Silver City expansion, right?
fuck my life.
A backhoe with three dicks and silver blood.
You overpaid imo.
>Still in stock in KD online store.
I'm not english speaker, what does boutique game even mean?
biggest regret was not going satan on kickstarter
then increasing pledge to 3/4 of a satan pledge for a fraction of the stuff
and then having to get gamers lantern at the backers kit to try and salvage some value
Not having the money to get the "fucking everything" pledge from the 1.0 kickstarter.
Oh well, at least I had the income to get everything for 1.5.
this game is pretty much a meme, right? i have never seen this played. never seen this game in real life and any video about the game never shows anything about the actual game.
How do the plastics compare to GW's plastics?
I am an English speaker, and I can't help you. "Boutique" usually means a small niche, usually one with very high paying customers, so maybe he's wishing the K:D people would sell cheaper games at lower quality? Except out-FFGing FFG by selling high quality games at nutbag prices is K:D's entire schtick, so it's a weird thing to request.
If I didn't manage to get on at the end of 1.0 ks, i would've never picked it up. 100 dollars is a large scalping.
That bad? I'm thinking of picking him up once I finish painting the Tyrant and a few more survivors
Originally they only sold limited run resin figures. Small operation does not mean cheap or low quality shit. It was very niche until the first kdm kickstarter and that blew up way past anyones expectations.
Because he is shit at business and an absolute madman.
Went all in early as i already had all game content from the previous kickstarter and knew shit was gonna get expensive. I will be selling the pin ups on ebay at ks pricing to balance the final cost out to a more reasonable level.
You must be either retarded or not looking very hard.
I'll go with retarded.
Lion god is easily the hardest monster to hunt and not seen as worthwhile after level 1. Cool loot though.
Favorably. Poots is many things, but willing to sacrifice quality is not one of them.
judgiong from the 22 other posts on this thread, I'm going to do with this gaming being a meme
No one will miss you.
Wish that had game content. Neat lore.
Wish it could be gotten again. Neat [/spoiler]boner.
Hit up aliexpress or legionforge for decent recasts.
There's no regrets where we're going.
Well, unless you got this thing
haha this is funny. In my first play through we had a very elaborate family tree in place to prevent incest. Also we had a house rule in which we randomly determined the gender based on a die roll.