>Your father was a Paladin
>Your mother was a Antipaladin/Black Guard
How was your childhood?
>Your father was a Paladin
>Your mother was a Antipaladin/Black Guard
How was your childhood?
Lawful Neutral, probably.
What would be the worst you could turn out that would dissapoint both your parents?
A Gnome druid
The problem was both my parent were human so but deep down I was always a gnome trapped in a humans body.
True Neutral Atheist.
Came here to post exactly that.
>tfw I'm an Irish Jew and break all the rules.
A history of mommy and daddy fighting.
Mommy would come home, with a black eye after daddy got drunk off the light of his god, and smote her.
I listened to True Neutral music with my friends and wore all grey during school because I hated them.
There was that movie oh, say a decade ago, where a husband and wife were both hired to kill each other. I cant remember waht it was called.
The fantasy version of that.
Two sets of each holiday.
Mr &Mrs.Smith
Have you heard the one about Solomon leaving a bar in Dublin to be confronted by a shadowy figure asking whether he was Protestant or Catholic?
I didn't even know. The day after my 18th birthday they were gone, the only clue being a note left on the table explaining the situation. It told me who they were, explained why they felt they had to settle this old score now that I could take care of myself, and asking me to forgive/murder whichever one came back.
Neither of then came back.
It's not without its issues.
A weak-willed, spineless coward.
Both Paladins and Blackguards have no love for those who lack strength in their convictions. A paladin would be ashamed to have a child that just went along with what others told him and never judged things to be right for themselves, and a blackguard would hate to have a child that came across as weak-willed when they should be the ones doing the manipulating, not the other way around.
TL;DR: both parents would hate to have a kid that always gave into peer pressure but for very different reasons.
Oh, and both mom and dad would probably groan and ask themselves where they went wrong if the kid told them they wanted to become a fucking druid
What's his deal anyway?
Did I miss the season with the episode explaining what the fuck he actually is?
A person who has absolutely no convention in anything, their faith up for sale to the highest bidder. So, a politician in the united states.
>antipaladin/black guard
choose one
Why? I thought Veeky Forums was convinced that all women are pure evil.
women are evil in the sense that goblins and monsters are evil, it's just their nature
>Sweetheart, our son got sent home from school for whacking another student with a broom handle.
>Those uptight teachers can't handle a spirited young lad like our boy.
>Well, I'm going to force him to flagellate himself for this offence against god. It's only fair I get to respond to this incident, after you insisted on castrating him for kissing a girl instead of shoving his cock down her throat at sword point.
>Fine, fine, but bring the whip back when you're done. The maid was too slow making my breakfast earlier and I need to beat her bloody for it.
>Very well, but don't forget you promised to help me hold a public execution for that criminal scum who stole a loaf of bread to feed his starving family.
Nothing stops monsters from being blackguards.
You mean like the bastard son of Sturm Brightblade and Kitiara?
He was a dark knight, but he was an honorable one. Also, he was pretty emo, but not unbearably so.