Hot traps and where to find them

years ago i came across a pdf of some kind of DnD supplement, which was just thirty or fourty pages of ingenious dungon traps.
stuff like collapsing glass ceilings, boobytrapped telescopes that would put a nail through your eye, a one-way spike pit tunnel, a chest that would collapse the roof but only around the chest/ only away from the chest.
basically a ton of tools to fuck with the party.

it was black and white and mostly diagrams of traps.
does anyone know what it's called, or happen to have a copy handy? thanks in advance.

Other urls found in this thread:

Grimtooth's Traps

Grimtooth's Traps I'd wager.
It's probably in one of the troves here but here's a link if you want to actually buy it

you guys are great.

Can anyone post the pdf?


Thanks guv.

we could make this a general Trap thread- whats some cool shit you've pulled, or had pulled on you, in a game?

I just leave them first half of the dungeon without traps so the players get complacent and assume I forgot to put them in. Only work's once per group, and they don't always get complacent, but it's served me pretty well.

These are...pretty bad, now that I'm reading over them.

>capture unconscious party
>put them unarmed in a cage hanging above a room filled with rock lobsters, with a ladder leading down
>there's an invisible wall stopping the monsters from getting you if you climb down the ladder
>at the bottom is a chest filled with treasure and a lever
>the lever removes the invisible wall, letting the lobsters kill you
>oh but the REAL solution was to use the pulley above the cage to move the cage towards the wall, which is just expertly-painted paper for some reason

>a fisherman's chair/pole at the edge of an underground lake
>spring-loaded to launch characters into the ceiling if they tug on the pole

>one trap is literally just an archer at the top of a ladder


yeah, i struggle to think of ways to fairly implement them.
i really just like the telescope and the vase


I like this one the best.


The telescope is simple and clever, and the idiot's vase is interesting, if a little weird. Not a fan of the suggestion to make the stat losses permanent, but otherwise I could see a deranged wizard coming up with it.

I was hoping for a book of traps that felt like you could actually find them in a dungeon and would keep players on their toes, but most of these seem to just serve the purpose of stroking the GM's ego by killing off PCs in ways they couldn't have prepared for.

>monofilament wire doorways
>a diamond outfitted with alien tech to heat up someone's possessions if they pick it up
>invisible, un-magic-detectable, unbreakable and of course un-dispellable walls
>a bowling alley in a dungeon, but the balls have poisoned needles in the finger holes

This is some dumb shit.

Much better trap than any of this shit.

7 second delay seems awfully long for a trap like that.

To be fair, if I recall, it's explicitly stated throughout the book that Grimtooth was a demented trapmaster wizard and that, while he wasn't particularly sane to start with, his mental health deteriorated substantially over time as he devised unnecessarily complicated traps to try and amuse himself
I'll bet it was a fetish thing too

post some booby traps that would fit modern times; viet cong, chechen, cia

Because it's not a trap. It's a disguised bomb. You're meant to deploy it yourself.

how about a concealed pit in the floor, that, when stepped in, traps the foot in spikes that point downward, so you hurt yourself trying to remove them!

also, the spikes are rusty and covered on faeces.

This document helped me a lot with planning traps and weird rooms

A wall wet with toxic paint and a wet paint do not touch sign in front of it.


It's probably supposed to be smuggled for a prisoner or something

Well you could get the reduced stats healed with a spell so questing to help Clerics in exchange for getting your stats back isn't out of the question.


>we could make this a general Trap thread