>Finish scouring meat-scum from our glorious tomb world.
>Warriors all put beddy-bye
>C'Tan in his pokeball
>Canoptek Janitor does all maintenance
What do Necrons do all day?
Fuck with the younger races.
That or slowly take over the world and turn it into a massive tomb.
What are these from?
Lords of Borsis.
I must have missed a ton of Newcron lore. This reads completely alien to me.
So wait.... are they alive in this?
Bots I think.
Wine might have a techno-virus in it or something
But they have expressions. The kind you need a squishy meatface to use.
And why even have the wine? Why was he hoping he'd drink it? To what end?
pic related
They still go through the formality of dining as the shadows of their memories resonate in their husks. Zahndrekh is famous for it.
Yes, a techno-poison I believe.
No, some of them like the guy talking about the poison are insane and think that they are still flesh and blood.
The poison dude tries to stab the bad guy Necron with a poison dagger in the finale but is shocked when it does nothing. The bad guy cron just gives him a "really?" stare and then tells the Judicator that these Lords are nuts and that he should Overlord which the Judicator agrees with.
He's the one confused about whether or not he's a 60million year old robot?
Necron make poses and signs in order to express themselves.
Yea. And has the bad-ass body guard Obyron.
If only the heraldry was Necrontir on the flag and cape.
Better watch it or you're gonna find a lot more monoliths behind lampposts
What I'm hearing is we both field Zahndrekh and whoever deep strikes, triggers a deep strike that triggers a deep strike that triggers a deep strike...
Set up a diorama of it and tell people the game is still happening.
>all that decadence
>all that majesty
>all that craziness
Necrons are the best faction and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Every Necron story has someone trying to stab one only to find out that their cutlery of choice does nothing to them.
No, go ahead, read 'em all. I'll wait.