It's not good, but I can't stop reading it. Does anyone else feel like this?
It's not good, but I can't stop reading it. Does anyone else feel like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Read something that actually IS good instead.
Goblin Knight himself has a cool look to him, but the story is pretty shit senpai
>opens portal to seabed
I know right, but I keep wanting to see what his autism cooks up next. I couldn't care less about the other characters or the edgy shit that's in it. I just keep coming back to see what kind of bullshit is going through this guy's head.
It's so pleasant to have multiple good Veeky Forums mangas going on, like this and Wizard's Soul: Holy War of Masochism.
If you can't stop reading it is good. Its the only manga I have ever bothered to read. No faggotry just rip and tear.
I don't see why it's shitty, cliche yeah, but it's very solid.
Also the goblicide autism is entertaining as fuck and the look of the dorf and lizards is cool, 6/10.
Every day is a good day for killing goblins user.
I just want to see this edgy tacticool fantasy up against the dumbass power fantasy of pic related.
>It's not good, but I can't stop reading it.
That sums up alot of Manga and Anime. Hell that sums up most RPGs
Call me overly sensative, but this one was a bit much for me. To introduce and get invested in characters just to see them slaughtered and literally raped to death, it kind of got to me.
Did the monk and caster characters from the beginning get rescued? If they did maybe I could give the manga another go, because there were aspects I really liked.
No. If something is shit I can stop pretty fast
Monk got raped rescued but is mindbroken, caster saved.
Sure is /a/utism in here
They raped people to death in the first chapter
I feel the same. Cannot wait for the next chapters.
Caster got poisoned then raped while she died. Priestess got saved.
They laid off the rape a bit after chapter one. Some. I mean there's a bit of rape but it's not the focus of entire chapters any more.
And while the story is kinda eh, it is kind of neat to see the stupid stunts that Autism Slayer cooks up.
You said rape twice and autism once in that post, this can't be good
It's only a little rape.
I honestly feel somewhat the same about overlord. I am not a fun of "videogame world" or even "world is operating only partially like a videogame" stuff. Also not a fun of lizards, their volume felt too long.
But damn sasuga Ainz-sama! He turned Baharuth Empire into a vassal state by accident. This skeleton can't keep getting away with this!
Genocidal anger born out of hatred for rapists is very justifiable, in my opinion
Here, take another pic
Holy shit that person has huge ears
It doesn't have to be good to be fun.
>Inb4 "fun is a buzzword"
Yes, good post, has much to do with whtaver I posted.
Whats the name of this one? I've seen posts from it for ages now but never followed up on reading it.
Dungeon meshi.
Dungeon Meshi
Thank you user
Oops, posted the wrong pic.
But who cares anyway. Elf>Halfling
>The not!asians look different from the not!europeans
>Everyone looks their age, you don't just have teenagers and grannies
>The women have rounder faces, the men have more square faces (except Chilchak, but he's a halfling)
>The only samefaces are the characters who are actually related
I love this woman. You'd even recognize characters from the same race and the same gender if they swapped clothes and haircuts.
>Its the only manga I have ever bothered to read
No wonder this shit looks like some kind of masterpiece to you.
I like Goblin Slayer
And Dungeon Meshi
Acutaly enjoyed it. As all manga the premise is fun but then it turns to shit.
Tried to read the novel but as all novels it is illegible.
Easter Egg, the guild papers they need to compile is D&D 5 character sheet.
Also I need my fix of edgy since Hellsing ended.
Since we talk about isekai lately I'm reading this web novel
Classic power fantasy from perespective of a you will see
Where do you read it? The wesbite I use is only at chapter 12.
Goblin Slayer was only so graphic at the start to hammer home that you should never sympathize with a Goblin.
If you reached the end of the initial chapters and felt "Goblin Slayer shouldn't have killed the children" then you missed the entire point. Especially since the most recent chapter showed what happens if you spare a Goblin child when a female adventurer didn't kill one because it was crying, turned around and proceeded to get her head smashed in by a rock.
>Especially since the most recent chapter showed what happens if you don't wear a helmet
There, fixed that for you. It all happened because Goblin Slayer doesn't share the secret of the helmet with the world.
I use an app that pulls from loads of sources. This one's from mangago. The app's called MangaBird, but it's only good if you get the APK from their website. The play store and app store versions specifically block a bunch of licenced stuff.
>Goblin Slayer was only so graphic at the start to hammer home that you should never sympathize with a Goblin.
>Especially since the most recent chapter showed what happens if you spare a Goblin child when a female adventurer didn't kill one because it was crying, turned around and proceeded to get her head smashed in by a rock.
>the most recent chapter
You are oversensitive. I thought it was great in a grimdark fashion. Not really sure how you could get invested in the barely characters so quickly.
You say that like its a bad thing.
I think someone said it best the last time this steaming pile of shit was brought up: Goblin Slayer is like someone tried to copy Berserk and fucked it up.
Overlord is literally the worst manga posted in here
It's an equivalent to a grindhouse movie.
It has no great plot or really complex heroes but art is pretty good and we get to see characters engaging in gratuitous violence.
It happens even today and he is portraying monsters so you hate them, again perhaps a bit cliche but GS autism for killing gobs is funny as fuck.
that's just stupid.
It's more whfrp player being forced to adjust with DnD
I will agree, but i was talking more about LNs.
Speaking of which, isn't the goblin slayer manga is also an adaptation of LN?
>Overlord is literally the worst manga posted in here
Veeky Forums has pretty good taste in mangas then
The fact that you called it a manga shows just ignorant you are.
People post the lizadman arc flirting all the time so it's mostly relevant as a manga
I'm pretty sure he does for free if anyone asks him.
>if anyone asks him...
I like both.
Goblin Slayer for fighting irredeemable evil.
Dungeon Meishi for the survival-cooking adventure.
That's not how it works to begin with, manga itself is honestly mediocre all in all, only useful if you absolutely cannot read walls of text. The light novel is straight out superior way to get into Overlord, judging it based on 2 'spinoffs' and not the direct source is being objectively wrong.
If i wanted a comically edgy competent MC i'd rather read Warlock of the Magus World instead of ''It's not rape if i drug them and enslave them with magic first!''...
I like neither.
Basically all the JRPG-verse-type fantasy, with their adventuring guilds and usual-suspect races and classes, just never got me. There's hardly ever anything new in them: it feels like the entirety of fantasy genre got -standardized-. which is the very opposite of fantasy.
You judge everything on it's own merit. On Veeky Forums is primarily referred to as a manga.
I think edgy and competent might be the worst combination in fiction
>Call me overly sensative, but this one was a bit much for me. To introduce and get invested in characters just to see them slaughtered and literally raped to death, it kind of got to me.
The first episode was just an intro to show reckless kids getting them selves killed by being overconfident or following an incompetent leader.
>Did the monk and caster characters from the beginning get rescued? If they did maybe I could give the manga another go, because there were aspects I really liked.
Monk-girl survived with trauma from being raped.
GS mentions that cases like her either commit suicide or enter a cloister to becomme nuns.
Wizard chick got stabbed with a knife full of rust and goblin shit.
She died by a mercy-kill from GS because the poison was in her system for too long to be cured. At least she wasn't gobbed.
But be glad. Everyone besides Priest girl re-rolled new characters.
The whole manga is just a DM using his DMPC to tutor ne players.
I can also tell you who re-rolled as what.
Monk player decided to go with the most un-rapeable race in the game and rolled up a Dwarf Cleric.
Wizard player decided to take defenses into account and rolled up a Lizardman Blade pact-Warlock.
THAT GUY who played a Human Dex fighter with a longsword ended up rolling up a fuckbait Battlemaster Archer High Elf.
it one of the very few chosen ones, along with berserk in an entirely different style
>I don't see why it's shitty
The world makes no sense. It's been likened to a world that operated on Final Fantasy logic (jrpg armor with the occasional barbarian) and then over night the logic switches to Dark Souls bUT only one person got the Memo. Also the guild of this steries is retarded.
I did enjoy this chapter but only because the highlight of the story is killing goblins. Everything else is just a contrivance to make the Main Character relevant.
Now this is bad with no redeeming qualities.
Not when the MC is spouting out Sailor Moon lines to throw of suspicion from organisations he infiltrated.
Seriously Leylin is a super fun MC despite being evil.
The problem is everyone copy pasting Dragon Quest.
At least the fucking name ''Adventurers guild'' is the most stupid shit about it,
Instead of guilds you can have mercenary companies or in case the king has banned private mercenary companies then a royal missions office etc.
Also the ranking system is shit.
There would only ever be two ranks in such a system.
Those who are trusted by the government to do their important missions competently.
And those that aren't trusted, that's all.
When does this update. You jerks hooked me.
>It was the moment about two chapters in when the rest of the party suddenly realized they had entered the Fighter's Magical Realm because it seemed a good idea at the time (if an extreme course of action in response to difficult circumstance), and now there was no getting out.
>Monk-girl survived
Only in the manga. She's dead in the light novel from the aforementioned brutal rape in
That's what she gets for following along with a dumbass and dumping Wis of all things.
GS is a DM game being played by the gods of Fantasy who wants to have a good old time with an anime fantasy adventure and Reailty who rain on Fantasy because desipte being in a fantasy world there are evil things in this world and they will do VERY EVIL things to her cute characters if they act like dumb asses
like what happens to the parties who take fighting monsters lightly
usually around the 15th of every month
It feels as if the author is more adept at writing and drawing cute fantasy but the editors told him to be grimdark as possible
>''It's not rape if i drug them and enslave them with magic first!''
that's kinda hot
>It's not good, but I can't stop reading it.
This applies to most of Veeky Forums.
It's a Jap author so naturally it doesn't get done any justice.
Stop posting that westernized manga everywhere thanks.
This is why /co/ should be banned from talking with moon authors. Their terrible taste comes out.
Needs more rape
Pretty much all of Japan can only ever draw cute things. It's ingrained in all of manga.
That's my point, GS and RM are both godawful power fantasies, one aiming to be dark and edgy while the other is just "get every desire with no real effort or consequences". I want to see them destroy one another.
Oh i certainly want to see Goblin Slayer murdering the fuck out of Rou.
GS is literall a tabletop game with low suspension of disbelief and almost comically edgy plot.
ReMonster is pure shit.
I tried to read berzerk and got bored. So nah.
Did somebody say spiderwaifus?
I feel like this everytime I come on /tg.
...5 chapter's in.
It's compelling. Not quite magical realm (although who knows, anything could come later). Adventurers' Guild World. Goblins are a Level 3 Challenge with Level 1 Treasure given out as a Tutorial mission and stigmatized as such. And they're WHFB Night Goblins played straight. Vile, utterly horrible creatures with just enough admirable qualities to be unspeakably dangerous to non-PCs and a real challenge to anything that gives them half a chance.
And there's this one high-level weirdo that is genociding them solo at swordpoint. Regarded as level-grinding scrub weirdo. Is a level-grinding scrub weirdo. But it's work that needs doing.
>sigh... I suppose I'm hooked
If you're up for some shitty "I got sucked into a fantasy videgame world" like Re;Monster or Reincarnated as a Slime, "Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka?/ So I'm a spider, what of it?" Has been a joy for me. It's got hints of OP as per the other two, but, it's got a thankfully somewhat slower progression of power. And the best waifu. It's scheduled to update today, but if you're already bored, then there's a backlog of 16 chapters.
Is there any better antagonist than goblins? Goblins are the best enemy, cruel cunning creatures who live in the dark, always skulking about. GS does them really well, as did the Skarsnik book. Is there any other good goblin media I should read?
I literally started reading it because of this picture
I liked the premise, but not where it ended up. She only starts interacting with people when she's OP, but the struggling kids were better to me at that point because they were struggling and had to deal with things.
That's fair; are you reading the light novel version?
What's the general consensus on Konosuba?
I'm having a hard time getting into it and staying into it. Basically the whole "ha ha the protags are shitty people!" gimmick isn't doing it for me since the characters are so one-dimensional that it's hard for me to get invested if they succeed OR fail, it's super generic otherwise and seems like almost every joke is I've seen done in another fantasy anime first or even webcomic or general TRPG war stories in general.
I almost wonder if it's just a weird case where I've just read/watched too many animes/fantasy stories/played enough RPGs to where I'm not even the intended audience for it.
Or like where maybe watching Seinfeld is probably weird if you only watched it like this year after watching every other 90's/00's sitcom first.
Yeah, it was recommended to me here on Veeky Forums. Went through most of it over a single weekend and drive. Did they change it in the manga?
I liked it because it reminded me of my group. It's basically the isekai version of It's Always Sunny, and if you don't enjoy the characters interacting with each other it's safe to say you should just quit while you're ahead, but I don't think having seen a lot of other shows beforehand is really a valid reason for disliking it.
That's actually an apt comparison that I hadn't noticed before. I'm not sure what it is that makes me like Always Sunny and not Konosuba, though.
I found it very earnest, sweet and the only thing approaching slice of of life I've been moved to pour my time into.
Also Megumin's a treasure.
Manga should be the same as the LN. WN is different and the only translations available (til YP releases vol 1 next month I think).
I'm bored of Berserk too but that's because the author takes a 20 week Idol Master break between chapters
She seems really dedicated and I love it
I just can't get over those fucking pig ears.
She looks cute in armor.