Tell me of your homebrew setting, Usul.
>When I was a teen I bastardized Labyrinth with a bunch of other stuff like Forgotten Realms and The Dreaming into a crazy setting.
Tell me of your homebrew setting, Usul.
>When I was a teen I bastardized Labyrinth with a bunch of other stuff like Forgotten Realms and The Dreaming into a crazy setting.
>Labyrinth 2
How the fuck are they going to have a second movie without David Bowie?
It's not real and it was made before he died.
pic related
Based Chani.
it's fake, but the poster actually made me think that Demi Moore's character had taken up the mantle of Goblin [monarch] and that could actually be interresting.
>Demi Moore's character
and by demi moore I of-course mean Jennifer Connelly, but fuckig, they're basically the same person
I met Jennifer Connelly once.
I came home from school early one day, and inside I was surprised to find her and my mom making out on the couch. My mom heard me enter and pushed Jennifer off her. She looked kind of ashamed, while Jennifer seemed to feel awkward. The tension quickly disappeared, though, and my mom made us some tea. Me and Jennifer talked and she was honestly one of the nicest people I have ever met. Quite intelligent, from what I gathered in that short time, too. I don't think I realized who she was while she was in my mom's house; she seemd familiar, but I couldn't tell who she was. The three of us ended up having a really fun and comfy afternoon that I remember fondly. I was actually kind of looking forward to getting such a sweet step mom. She was the first romantic interest of my mom since my dad died (as far as I know, at least), and since there were quite a few male takers, I wasn't completely surprised when I found out my mom liked women. Nothing came of it, though. I never saw Jennifer again. My mom never brought anyone else over, either. I doubt she has been completely single and sexless for all those years, though. She probably still feels awkward about me finding out by her making out with Jennifer Connelly in our living room. My mom never brought it up again, and neither have I, since I think she would rather not have me do it. It's weird seeing Jennifer nowadays. I always immediately think of her kissing my mom.
It's weird to think that my mother probably had sex with her. I'm proud of you, mom.
I'll take "shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.
Thread might be dead but fuck it.
>Post-apoc fantasy. Subtype nuclear winter analogue
>Generic fantasy kingdom is hit by a !not Phazon meteorite. Shitloads of particulate poison and dirt are thrown into the atmosphere
>20 years later the world's nothing but toxic snow and mutated wildlife
>Humans have built their few towns on the backs of giant ice crabs
>Land conductive to human life is the primary resource. Poisoned blizzards and toxic snow regularly force townships to move
>The people rely on a caste of corrupted !not wizards, descendants of the first people to try and study the meteorite.
>These tainted require the corruption to live and purify land for the purestrain humans in addition to overseeing wildlife control and education
>To prevent mankind going too tribal the tainted monopolise education and skills. Every family in a village is taught exactly one skill so that no single,small group can break off and survive
>Tainted live apart from purestrain humans in communal manors at the heart of corrupted land. Being fixed locations these manors form the basis of cartography in place of landmarks
I saw Jennifer Connelly at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask him for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Someone just shops the CURRENT YEAR onto it every so often.
Reminder that Jennifer Connelly has a piss fetish and probably wears diapers too
I tried to create a viable and consistent technomagical pan-animu setting years ago and am trying to work it further now
>Spirits can be summoned through runes
>some summoned spirits can be materialized as critters or molded into synthetic, semi-human entities
>Tattooed runic monograms allow you to have magic powers of spirits in your body
>Knights took a vow not to tamper with spirits, so they have no tattoos
>A whole-body tattoo allows you to magically power and control mecha
Newer ideas develop on the history of the world and the nature of runes:
>shamans develop runes by trial and error
>empire unifies writing and perfects its system
>more powerful runes allow summoning demons from the deep plains
>Babel was an inside job to obscure language and hide the power of true runes
>ultimately, the empire destroyed itself
>kingdoms now try to recover the secrets of lost runes and combine them with modern tech
All in all, I think I'll never have players for making this worthwhile, so I'll rather write a book on it.
Today i am gonna be playing a home-brew based of the hit Japanese thing called "One Piece" with pieces of 3.5 mixed in
Should i bail or attend, it kinda sounds awful, with a system set around "devil fruit" or something
I'm writing up a new one for my group because they always manage to get into political shenanigans. So this one is purpose-built to have a lot of political shenanigans for them to get into.
There are three distinct kinds of half elves -- as in culturally distinct -- two of which breed true within their own populations. One of which has what could arguably be called a state (loose feudal alliance with what is effectively Tanistry as their form of overall governance).
There are two empires: the ancient elven one that is not in decline and a younger human one that may have reached equilibrium.
The world also supports a Roman-style Republic (i.e. aristocratic) and a Duergar underground kingdom. Regular dwarves were driven out of their undermountain fortresses long ago, except within the elven empire, where their Urthane is a vassal of the Empress.
The "starting area" is The Thousands, a reference to the number of petty kingdoms in the area. The Thousands are hedged in by the human empire and semi-nomadic orc tribes.
The tricky part with building a campaign setting for politics is resisting the urge to color in too much of the map. What I'm hoping to end up with is a Points of Light framework where players know they can travel to "nation" whose capital is "city" and everything from there is effectively a blank slate that can be filled in to suit story needs.
The exception being The Thousands, which has a lot more definition as a starting quest hub. But it's the only region that has more than a handful of notations.
Developing the cultures is trickier and I'm ruthlessly plundering real world stuff with a bit of melting pot chicanery.
>ley lines are metaphysical links between people which conduct prana and are the basis of the whole Creation. If you have any kind of feelings for someone, you have a ley line connecting you to that person. If that person has feelings for you as well, the ley line goes both ways. This web sustains reality. Love and hate literally move the world.
>spontaneous combustion is diagnosed as a disease
>two gods don't exist 364 days of the year
>Repetition muskets
>a prison made from chained ship hulks in the midst of a lake
>therapeutic curses
>giant snakes made of corindon
>sea centipedes with fins instead of legs
>sultans are djinns and the superior caste of their land
>mountain dwarfs build citadels of pykrete
>two unique races
>kobolds are dragon larvae, one in a million actually evolves into a dragon.
>the above invented handheld rocket launcher pods
>dwarven war shovels and steel bows
>dwarven geomancy allows for the cultivation of geodes into city-sized chambers
>international corpse smuggling fuels the war machine of the first lich and his crawling undersea necropolis, partially made of rotten flesh. Besides other things, it uses necromancy to create explosive undead, including whales.
>imperial bureaucracy uses around 30.000 seers to find out the worth of your taxes a month from now
>a nation of megatherium herders based on gaucho romanticism
>universal Soldier-esque frankstein-like steampunk cyborgs opress the populace serving a titanic analogic computer
>sea and moon goddess is a giant mermaid whose fins generate the sea currents. She spawns spell pearls and her bellybutton is a maelstrom leading to inseide the moon. It is hollow.
>orcs are unplayable bone-scarred necrogenic apes
>the war god's avatar is made of 300 soldiers acting in perfect unity
>Slavery is legal
>samurai use firearms
>>A whole-body tattoo allows you to magically power and control mecha
>>international corpse smuggling fuels the war machine of the first lich and his crawling undersea necropolis, partially made of rotten flesh. Besides other things, it uses necromancy to create explosive undead, including whales.
These are pretty cool. I imagine fast-zombie suicide bombers would be even more terrifying than the original.
>There is a great sea, the size of the Atlantic, separating two continents.
>A two-hundred year storm with life-seeking lightning blocked access entirely. Civilisations get on with advancing to 17th century tech and having wars and shit.
>The storm abates
>There's hundreds of islands ranging in size from the Isle of Wight to New Zealand out there.
>They're full of delicious resources and lightly populated if at all.
Two great powers go colonisation crazy
>There are stones found at sea which draw energy from men's souls and can be used to power devices of great interest.
>Light without heat, heat without light, cause clockworks to stay wound for almost eternity, powderless handguns, all kinds of shit
>There are vast beasts that have eaten and been empowered by these stones
>They can eat ships
>They're eating all the ships
>God damn
>Also evil sea witches keep poisoning people and doing horrible ironic shit to us
>Also it's a cold war between the great powers now, because this huge area and its riches are not quite infinite
>Colonised peoples are actually not that happy about the colonisation
>The other side of the great war and/or the witches might pay natives to revolt and kill your dudes
>There's an industrial revolution coming! hurrah!
>The guy who controls the nascent industrial techniques and capital may not be that trustworthy
>Oh fuck he's buying our government
>Shit, is that storm coming back?
>Fuck, are those pirates?
I liked the version with the asshat who wrote Witcher books better.
Because at least in that case, it was 100% how the asshat behaves, so it was believable
This was more amusing than I thought it'd be. I'd play in it.
>tfw you will never be a female Freman death commando sworn to Usul's service
>There are people on this board who don't know Dune stuff
>on a board that loves 40k, that stole basically everything from Dune
Woah that's not fair. There is a lot of stealing going on that is not Dune. It's probably only 5% Dune. Like the skeleton on a fat man it's there and structural but there is a lot of not skeleton. And a lot of not Dune in 40k
My latest micro-setting is a generic small town-with-weird-paranormal-stuff-going-on kind of deal, but since most people in my group are from small towns, I think I can play on the nostalgic and comfy side of things and then fuck them up
I saw Jennifer Connelly once.
They were filming some sort of movie on Roosevelt Island near where a friend of mine lives. I watched them setting something up and then she showed up. I considered approaching her for a photo but they fenced off the area and I didn't want to be a wierdo or be grabbed by their security. So I waited until she stopped her conversation with some dude and she was standing around waiting, and then I shouted 'Ass to Ass' at her. She laughed and I felt pretty cool.
There's still time to join ISIS, user!
Cool setting.