Whats the worst thing you've ever used as character art for a campaign?
Whats the worst thing you've ever used as character art for a campaign?
Other urls found in this thread:
Selfmade drawings
I'm not an artist.
Did you play the actual species, user?
A suck u bus.
Isn't this from some comic where there are aliens or something and their shtick is that they have to fuck, like, all the time?
Carefully censored hentai.
Yes, I think it's called "Xenobiology"
My own cropped pornography I paid money for.
It's from Xenobiology by InCase.
Contact with humans make them horny because pheromones or something.
Their shtick is that they have an extreme arousal reaction to human smells and shit IIRC. So like off-earth they're fine but on earth they fucking lose it.
Hi Christa.
InCase draws a decent Tiefling, though.
InCase draws a decent everything
Literally wasn't aware the character was from a Sonic the Hedgehog game at the time.
>you will never leap into an InCase drawing and live in the world that InCase creates
except a different face. He has sameface syndrome.
at least it's a cute face :3
He's improving on that point though, and his expressions are pretty top notch.
>ywn be a qt alien girl who is addicted to fat human cocks
I wish I was dead.
I did use InCase art, though it was a pretty tame panel. It was a bare chested hippie in apocalypse world and it was the best I could find.
>that line going straight down the middle of the face
dude it represents the duality of man
Probably this
More like InSameFace
Everything can't represent the duality of man.
It's a fetal alcohol syndrome face.
That's what he said.
No one figured it out fortunately
You have to give us the sauce now, user.
As for what she is... at least, what I THOUGHT/THINK she is
Imagine her with a shaved head and a deep gravelly voice.
I dunno, that looks alright regardless of what game it came from.
Pic related, I take it?
If you are the GM, don't make a self-insert GMPC.
If your players are indefinitely on hiatus, if your Self-insert GMPC is intertwined with the other characters, don't try to solo-play your way through the campaign, even if you're using Random tables.
...If you do start solo'ing your way through the campaign, have your character leave the party and not come back, don't use other players' original character sheets.
If you disregard all of the above, while introducing new characters, don't introduce and intertwine a titty monster waifu character raised on a dairy farm into your party.
You guys have no idea.
>feminine looking dude in tight confines and with an expression of mounting discomfort
I think we do.
modified colours from the original. Pacifist healer cleric.
Cropped porn
And now we know.
Uncropped porn.
You don't get to judge me.
And yet it changes nothing about my erection
A very young tiefling bard
No one had the balls to call me out on the picture, if they knew
His expressions are "top notch" because he never has to worry about how different faces would look with said expressions on it
Like, seriously I can't get off to any InCase shit because EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME
>Implying you do.
sometimes premade art can't capture what you want to convey.
even if you failed I think taking the time to create your own content is still preddy cool
I am somewhat ashamed.
reminder that you're still a pedophile even if she's older than 200 years
Catfolk Master race reporting in.
Skald for love
I cannot logically accept that.
I once used an anime pic for a serious campaign because I couldn't for the life of me find a "realistic" picture for my character.
The shame still haunts me.
>not drawing your own picture
kjeh kjeh
But I do, Bob.
And I know that you use the uncropped version for your character sheet, and that it's a dedicated ERP campaign.
Wow, I thought I was the only person who used Incarnum.
>hay teeg post cropped pron XD
Good god this board went to shit.
This was a real item in my Traveller game that would allow them to add their effect in meters to their jump with an athletics/gymnastics roll.
The image this is cropped from isn't actually explicit you mong
I don't know if I should call you mah nigga or judge you for using it despite the chance of exposing your fetishes openly.
The image isn't cropped. Hell, that whole page it's from is actually SFW except for the text.
>Went to shit
If anything it improved after the quests were removed but then the general threads came. Now people openly post porn in the CYOAs and nothing is policed.
>after the quests were removed but then the general threads came.
Are you seriously trying to say that Quests and Generals didn't coexist for years? Part of the reason that quests became such a hot topic is because the catalogue would be like 30% quest and 30% generals.
We used have actual porn, but then puritan whiners like you made that go away.
What sucks is I actually really like the design and aesthetics for the Puazi species, but it's solely been used by InCase, invented for this 1 porn comic and a few other porn images, and so is forever tainted by that association.
That stuff is common
Just remember the Modifiers
What is there?
>1 Pilot episode
>some concept art
>the Zone flash
And guess which of those is known?
I don't know any of them.
By categorizing everything into the two categories of "Represents the Duality of Man" and "Doesn't represent the Duality of Man", doesn't that represent the Duality of Man?
Search for Modifuckers
Best example of the porn being more widely known than the original
Not if there's also a "Sorta' represents the Duality of Man" category.
Those tails are the cutest things ever
Well, even if they did call me out on being a degenerate fag- I could still deny all accusations and just say "It's just a meme bro"
Y u haff to be mad?
Did you plow any post apocalyptic traps?
Couldn't you then go and instead make the categories "Can be argued to be or not be, etc. ect." and "Doesn't need to be argued to be or not be, etc. ect."?
Also they have no culture beyond "wants to fuck humans"
>Are you seriously trying to say that Quests and Generals didn't coexist for years?
Nah, he's trying to say that the period when Veeky Forums had quest threads, but moot hadn't yet moved all the /a/ quests onto Veeky Forums, didn't exist. As we know, every single quest thread on Veeky Forums was Lolimoe Panty Harem #876182672485.
When you get right down to it, neither do humans.
>that tongue
My dick throbs with approval.
Honestly I want to pet their tails. I know they're not fluffy, but those tails just look like they're really fluffy.
The name of the comic is Xenobiology, I think
It's a quality wank
There's something about them moving to Earth and humans taking them in, so there might be a refugee thing going on.
But yeah, I wish there was more about the Puazi, and that they existed outside of a few InCase drawings and some fan-art of those drawings.
Does this count?
I have the one male pic!
>great artist
>more than half is bi/gay trap shit
This is not what jesus wanted
Well, we know that there are Puazi students and teachers, and that it's at least mostly normal. So while they might be refugees, it's entirely probable that either it's been going on for a while or there was, and that it is over.
We really do need more of them. Honestly, if InCase just did more comics with them they'd be fluffed out, if only by accident.
>the year of our lord 2017
>not being at least lightly bisexual
Look at this fucking fag.
Traps aren't gay.
>the year of our lord 2017
>still having a lord
Check out this fucking HERETIC!
He's a 2000 year old, unmarried fruit whose best friend was a prostitute
Who cares what he wanted.
>want to check out incase stuff
>filter out gay shit
>only like 6 comics remaining
>all 20 pages or less
This is NOT okay
They are, we're not, they gibe to us the boi pussy.
Don't worry, InCase will make you gay. It happened to me, it can happen to you too.
I'm sure they do, it's just that their neuro-chemical reaction to mankind is overpowering.
Fair enough.
It's noted that some get it worse than others.
Like the teacher, who managed to strip, get on her knees, and start giving a handjob before even recognizing that she was.
Lilianna for my Ravnican Necromancer
I find the exact opposite to be the problem. I can never find any of the gay stuff. It's all over inflated giant tits and pussies.
The only time I can get my hands on any of the gay stuff is by lurking /y/ or the rare gay thread on /aco/
And now I want one as a pet.
Would they do that?
Would a Puazi consent to being my pet in exchange for a healthy supply of dick?