Because of the abundance of shitty D100 systems, I've ended up being disgusted by almost all D100 games.
Can Veeky Forums recommend me some actually well designed D100 games so I can love this kind of roll again ?
Because of the abundance of shitty D100 systems, I've ended up being disgusted by almost all D100 games.
Can Veeky Forums recommend me some actually well designed D100 games so I can love this kind of roll again ?
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i dunno.
Anima ?
d100 in itself is just a shitty resolution mechanic. It's needlessly granular, 90% of the time you don't even care about your second dice.
Seriously, who's going to set the difficulty down to the single %? Everyone is just using increases of 5, at which point, you may as well be using a d20.
There are games that try to make the best of it by taking advantage of having 2 dice for matching stuff, or using the second dice for hit locations for example, but those are still just making the best of a shitty dice.
>There are games that try to make the best of it by taking advantage of having 2 dice for matching stuff, or using the second dice for hit locations for example
Please elaborate.
100% of d100 systems suck.
I think the 40K rpgs use the second dice for hit location.
I can't remember the name of the other system off the top of my head, but dubs made your success/failure critical. Your stats were classes, so you'd have "20% fighter" which means for all sorts of weapon related stuff you'd add 20% to your skill and roll under, for all kinds of sneaky stuff you'd add your Thief % and roll under, etc.
What's wrong with BRP?
What's wrong with the FFG wh40k rpgs?
Fallout 2.0 Wastelands,
I love D100 systems.
Runequest is fun
Halo Mythic was pretty good before it dissappeared off the face of the earth.
The FFG 40k Systems are amongst the worst pieces of shit every released. Veeky Forums only has a giant boner for it because they can either play the heroes of the imperium, the ahckshual heroes of the imperium or marines, but Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor and that about covers 80% of Veeky Forumss population. The system itself is complete dogshit.
Do you mind elaborating? I don't know shit about it except that it's 40k, but I might be trying it soon.
Couple of things. d100 roll under is mathematically identical to d100 roll over, except in order to find degrees of success you need to do double digit subtraction, which is a pointless slowdown on almost every single roll. On top of that, as mentioned, d100 is way more granular than is at all necessary. There's almost never a bonus or penalty that's anything but an increment of 5, so there's almost no reason not to swap it for a d20. The hit locations go off of the d100 system, but the problem is that the hit locations are actually terrible for a 40k game. Having bad guys explode in a spectacular pile of gibs is definitely awesome, but since armour values vary by location and degrees of success, you need to determine hit location and DoS on every single attack roll. That's fine if you're playing conflicts exclusively between small parties like it's Battletech or something, but when a squad of space marines fights a horde of orks, you have to rely on shitty horde rules because the system for a Warhammer fucking 40k game can't handle a large number of opponents.
The gap between 30 and 100 sure sounds a lot more impressive than the gap between 6 and 20, but in the end it still takes the same number of Guardsmen to kill a Bloodthirster (and that number is, like, twelve, which is another problem). Having a d100 adds a bunch of granularity and not a whole lot else.
Runequest is a really great d100 system in my opinion. It's detailed and realistic without being boring or complicated. Combat can be a bit slow, especially if you don't know what you're doing, but it's really not that big of a deal.
Eclipse Phase makes dubs crits
another reason to not play it
as if it needed more
Are you trying to shill something or are you genuinely retarded?
Go pick up Mythras or anything with the Chaosium-logo on.
>On top of that, as mentioned, d100 is way more granular than is at all necessary. There's almost never a bonus or penalty that's anything but an increment of 5, so there's almost no reason not to swap it for a d20.
I'll admit that this is a small point; but one thing I do like about d100 vs. d20 is that I can implement critical hits and failures which occur 1% of the time each instead of 5% of the time each, which I think is a little too much.
>d20 scum
The issue is your stuck in the entry zone of actual rpgs
40k rpgs use the To Hit number reversed as hit location.
The rules don't do anything outside of combat, and the combat itself isn't particularly interesting either.
>The rules don't do anything outside of combat, and the combat itself isn't particularly interesting either.
I hear this argument all the time but have never had it explained very well. It has skills and talents were pertain to non-combat goings on; what exactly is it lacking?
WHICH pertain
How non-combat checks are handled:
>roll once
>succeed or fail
Unless the GM decides to houserule some shit, that's all the rules have got.
As opposed to what? How many die rolls should it take to open a locked door? Or quietly sneak down a hall? Or notice that someone is following you?
What other systems handle this in a better manner? How so?
Only for extended tests of some sort like you'll see in Shadowrun. But a GM could easily do that in the WH40K system without issue. Player rolls and succeed/fails, then have them roll again until success or w/e bad thing happens for failure (bomb went off, bad guys caught up, etc).
It's not how combat works, so why does non-combat have to be handled in such a boring way?
Combat mostly works the same way. You roll to hit and either succeed or fail; then the target rolls to avoid and either succeeds or fails. The difference is that combat is broken down into numerous instances of those two things happening. I personally don't see what would be gained by breaking down any of the three things that I listed above in a similar manner.
And again I ask: what systems handle these more to your satisfaction and what do they do differently?
Exalted 3e is the best all-rounder I can think of right now. Charms allow for more versatility and interactability for non-combat shit, and there is a pretty impressive social system in place as well.
Fair enough. I'd have to know more about it before I could comment on it further.
>d100 roll under is mathematically identical to d100 roll over, except in order to find degrees of success you need to do double digit subtraction, which is a pointless slowdown on almost every single roll.
Only if you're bad at math. Working out whether one number is a full 10, 20, 30, etc. below a second number takes a fraction of a second once you're past the third grade.
Also, they do roll-under instead of roll-over because they know the psychology of watching numbers going up as you get better is more satisfying than watching numbers going down.
The draw of rolling d% comes from dice shenanigans, like how Unknow Armies does a thing where your attack roll is also the damage you do (add the numbers together if punching, use the roll result straight if shooting).
Here you go.
Palladium has d100 skills, and they are granular. Really fucking granular, like each type of skill has different leveling 26%+4%/level and shit.
Unknown armies is pretty good
you wot?
You were that dude complaining about Delta Green and promptly got their shit handed to you a few weeks ago aren't you?
RQ/Mythras is great. But it breaks down when you have more than 3 people playing and in larger battles you might have to get rid of hit locations
You mean lots of random and little balance? But random shit happening before you die or worse is the funnest part!
>Brags about awesome math prowess
>Doesn't know how roll over works
I heard people complain that d100 systems are too easy to calculate, but complaining that it's hard to compare 37 and 52 or divide 36 by 2 is something new. How's kindergarten?
warhammer fantasy
It plays in the most boring way imaginable. That system having high lethality is a joke.
Everybody is dissing on d% systems, but nobody has anything bad to say about RuneQuest/BRP except for hit locations (which isn't in many systems in the family)? Isn't RQ/BRP pretty much *the* d% system? D&D is the quintessential d20 system, and RQ/BRP is the quintessential d% system.
Why would you ever do roll over on a d% system? On roll under, the numbers are literally your percentage chance of success.
>On top of that, as mentioned, d100 is way more granular than is at all necessary.
I generally agree with that, but with a couple of qualifies. First, advancement is nice. You don't need to keep track of a separate XP pool and buy shit up because you can advance your skills in minute increments. Did you use a skill during the adventure / saga? It goes up a point. Or up d6 points. Or up a number of points equal to the 10 minus the current tens digit of your skill. Or you roll against your skill and if you *fail* your roll, it goes up by a certain amount.
It also gives you a bit more finesse when doing criticals and shit. You can have something happen at 1/10 your full score (rolling a 6% or less if your skill is sixty-something). You can have something happen when you succeed on a roll and get a result that's divisible by 10 or 5 (you could even have them be different levels of success). You can have 01 be a super-duper awesome success, and 00 a really big failure.
I tend to complain about the d% and dicepools because often times they are used for no good reason at all.
TSR's Marvel Superheroes. It's the greatest roleplaying game I've never played.
>TSR's Marvel Superheroes.
Is that the one 3rd edition Gamma World appropriated its action table from?
>so I can love this kind of roll again
here's the initial troll, what kind of fetish fuck wants to roll d100 but can't be arsed to make a house rule for it
and here's OP again trying to stoke shit. Half the threads in this forum look like this right now. You can't tell me that it just happens that every day someone wants to know about elves "for his worldbuilding thingy" and every day someone has a carbon copy of this question about dice.
I hope to God that these posts are created by a dumb robot, because I pity any person sad enough to spend time doing this and peeling good threads off the bottom of this forum to stoke his tiny libido, I really do.