Can't-remember-his-first-name Land was infamous for his Ultimate X Man run where he traced porn stars and models.
And there's those few pages from a venom comic that had the blatant Hammerhead traces
Can't-remember-his-first-name Land was infamous for his Ultimate X Man run where he traced porn stars and models.
And there's those few pages from a venom comic that had the blatant Hammerhead traces
Look at the model, remove the cockpit canopy, then look at the centre of the ship's dish.
>Riri aka Oppress me or else I won't be able to have a goal in life Williams
Worst comic character ever
The top of the floating castle is a paste of a 3D lego snowspeeder model. He's taken off the cockpit and some of the extra pieces along the guns, but it's definitely the same model, just stuck on top of another thing he probably got in a random 3D model pack.
You can see where the guns are clipping through whatever he stuck it on.
Why the fuck did they do this?
So Tau technology is powered by chimps?
Because the artist is a lazy hack
It's cheap and fast to block out stuff in a 3D program, take a screenshot, and then trace over it in an editing program.
Pretty much everything in the OP image is just a 3D model with a filter on it, sans the characters themselves and the stuff outside the door. Pretty sure the secondary girl has actually been drawn around her phone with how uniform the buttons look.
It's simple actually.
They enjoyed thousands of years of peace, thanks to the warp storms that encircled them, and also disturbed time, meaning when only a few thousand years went by in the galaxy, the Tau were at peace and alone to prosper for more than 10k year if I remember correctly.
Imagine if the Imperium was completely at peace for that amount of time. No chaos, no xeno, nothing.
>So lazy he couldnt just rule of cool up a flying fortress.
how do these people get these jobs.