EDH/Commander General

Spike Edtion

Last Thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
Do you have a finely tuned deck with many expensive cards to play at """competitive""" tables with?
Do you want one to be part of "that" group?

Other urls found in this thread:


>thread question
I do have Ghave combo, but it's pretty tame. I've been contemplating on building Yidris or similar Doomsday/Hermit Druid/Storm package, haven't decided on which

>finely tuned deck
>with many expensive cards
No. The most expensive card in my Brago deck is a Crypt I got from a friend who sold his collection of several hundred cards for four hundred dollars and a bottle of moonshine.

>Do you have a finely tuned deck with many expensive cards to play at """competitive""" tables with?
Not really. Got some 75% decks, but I'm mostly casual.

>Do you want one to be part of "that" group?
Again, not really. That group at my LGS is a bunch of high school memelords that play nothing but Narset, Hermit Druid, Ydris, and other netdecks that take no actual skill to pilot. It' d be kind of nice to have a deck that could stomp them, but for the same money I'd rather have 4 decks that I actually enjoy playing.

Not saying all cEDH players are like that, but man, the ones in my area suck.

I have a finely tuned Kozilek deck that is extremely expensive but it's not """cEDH""" and I'm not part of that group. I didn't want to hold back building the deck though.


opinions on what to add/remove?

Doomsday is cool as shit. Would you ever run it in a non-combo deck? Go for Hellfire and Inverter of Truth or something?

>Do you have a finely tuned deck with many expensive cards to play at """competitive""" tables with?
yes selvala stax is a deck capable of going off as early as turn 4 but usually clogs up the board and wins around turn 6 through its own stax effects
>Do you want one to be part of "that" group?
Not exclusively competitive decks are really fun but they get old fast I like playing casual decks at casual tables.

I swear, Narset is a "Custom Magic" card that they put in as a joke and forgot to remove it.

I swear Void Winnower is an uncard

I love how Autocard Anywhere reads "I can't even" as Void Winnower.

Pretty sure MaRo said that at least one card that was designed for the upcoming Un-set made it into a standard set, and this seems like a strong contender.

As to the thread question...

No and no. I have a Brago deck. I understand he's supposed to be a degenerate-capable Commander, but I'm pretty sure mine isn't in the slightest. I'm not very good at noticing combos or power-levels. At heart, I'm a Timmy, though I appreciate Johnny-style combo wins.

It's very easy to do that in Brago. Strionic Resonator, Sol Ring/Mana Vault/Thran Dynamo/Gilded Lotus/Hedron Archive, and an ETB effect like Inquisitor Exarch or Altar of the Brood.

I took apart a casual Brago deck I had because I kept getting hated off the table really early. I hate the reputation he has, because there's a lot of actual fun to be had with him, not just spikeshit.

Prime Time is back, baby! And for 1 less!

>Strionic Resonator

Don't got one, probably won't get one.

Except it's not stapled to 6/6 beater with an effect that goes off every time he shows up or swings.

I think I could count on one hand the number of times I saw PT actually swing. He was a 6 drop non-basic land fetch spell 99% of the time.

Buy your Valakuts now.

2x2/2s or trample 6/6.
Happens once. Can't trigger on flickers, swings. Harder to cheat in at instant speed.

>Ok user

Even if you never use it to go infinite it's still 2 mana to copy any of your ETBs, something you have a lot of in Brago.

>5 mana 20/20 indestructible flier

Hey, cool, don't run it. I'll be over here with Dark Depths and Thesbian's Stage. You do you.

"Made it into"? On purpose or accident?

7. You still have to pay Thespian's Stage costs.

cant you just use this?

^ not op

No. Vesuva enters as a copy of Dark Depths, which includes Dark Depth's "enters the battlefield with counters" effect.

On purpose.

Wizard's QC is pretty bad, but I think we're past the stage where a card can accidentally get printed.

Not to mention, a card can't enter the battlefield as a copy of another card that is entering the battlefield at the same time. It has to be something already on the battlefield.

Nope. You can stack the ETB triggers however you want. Vesuva can ETB, see Depths and become a copy.

You're completely incorrect.
Vesuva does not have an ETB ability, it has an ability that modifies how it enters the battlefield. The ability is applied before it is actually on the battlefield, which will also be before Dark Depths enters the battlefield.

No, Vesuva is a copy effect, not an ETB trigger. Read rules 613.1-.10 and come back.

What about leaving the battlefield, sacing or destroyed? I thought it was a no but this sounds like otherwise.

Dinosaurs are the first creature type that excites me since skeletons. I wish we knew what older cards were getting turned into dinos.

New Safe Haven

>costs 4 mana

This is trash.

>Worse cold storage

Can't be overpowered user :^)

It's not new

> was errata'd to lizard...

Oh...well, maybe?

clearly to save from that destroy all non-land perm card they spoiled

Your rules understanding is all wrong.

any good wrexial tech??

It's bretty gud

Cold Storage is a 4 CMC artifact and this is a land that taps for mana and comes into play untapped. It's easy to include in decks that don't have tons of colors and it provides slight protection for your creatures or a way to reuse some ETBs.

Malfegor tech

>two spellslinger enchants in the block
>one too expensive, other utter crap
Being an Izzet mage is suffering.

This is gonna be beautiful in foil.

You are trash as well.

It's a garbage card, stop shilling.

We need Pyromaster Ascension.

are there more orzhov cards like this and westvale abbey? reanimation is a big plus

What happens if it gets Ghost Quarter'd?

You regret playing a bad card.

>Ghost Quarter'd
in response you sac it yourself. I cant imagine someone using ghost quarter on it though.

But what if you can't? Are the creatures exiled forever?

>splash white for my reanimator because lots of fun spells, like Yosei, the Morning Star and Gift of Immortality
>realize how those specific cards interact with a free sac outlet
>don't want to ruin games with my lock-out "combo"
>don't want to cut either card though


what do

Hence why no one ever will play this card.

This guy maybe? Not really reanimation tho sorry.

If you can't activate it ability before its removed, then yes any creatures exiled by it will remain exiled forever.

Playing a new one will not be able to get those creatures back.

Yup. You'd need a Pull from Eternity.

Lock em out. Slap your nuts on the table and flip the bird.

Don't be a pussy.

They are supposed to change them back to dinos, and some other into dinos so that they fill out the tribe.

That is a worse synod sanctum what the hell.

Sanctum isn't a land, or even a mana rock.

They aren't even close to comparable. Synod's sanctum isn't a land that comes in untapped granting mana.

Costs less to activate and hits all your permanents too, whatever. Maybe I evaluated too quickly since I'm half asleep sorry.

A bit unrelated, but I need help with something. I currently want to buy around 200 specific cards for my EDH decks, collection etc and I have them on a list.

The problem is we don't really have SCG, TCGplayer etc in europe just to order them. MKM doesn't really work like that, because someone could have 1 card + international shipping making it completely not worth it, it sure helps but not enough.

I want to search some online singles stores and make bigger shipments, but searching for every card on like 6 of them would take ages.

Is there any way to setup a bot for chain searches, a script or something to just paste it there? Google gives me nothing, but I could be using wrong words.

Where exactly do you live? I only know one german online store who does that and they are quite expensive.

I could recommend you to find a certified seller from your country on mkm and see if they have some of the singles you need so you can massorder from them.

ummm, MKM has shoppping wizard (want lists) so you just enter them there and it'll show you who has the best amount/price ratio and then you can see how much the person in question charges for each card. Pic related is an example.

I know about that, but in my country people usually have 20 of that list max at a time, way above price trend. There are however singles shops that don't list their cards there, but on their shitty websites instead and usually there are more cards there.

Anuncjo, nic nie zrobisz. Pozostaje przełknąć twardą pigułę i albo brać z poza Polski, nie miałem jeszcze żadnej zaginionej paczki a brałem sporo, albo przetrzepać tylko Allegro/Flamberga/Pwalkera (który zrobił trochę krok w przód bo ma przynajmniej akcesoria na mcmie nie wiem czy karty będą dodawać). Zakładam że grupę traderską na Pejsie sobie odpuszczasz.

Koszty wysyłki zagranicznej nie są tak duże, tylko jak wyjebiesz w górę na 40 czy 30+ to wymuszają tracking paczki więc możesz sobie podzielić. Nie bierz od hiszpanów bo długo idą i to oni często mają niską cenę a wysyłkę za 3x tyle.

To the rest of anons: nothing to see here, shitpost along.

Why are the following cards legal:
>Yawgmoth's Will


>Necropotence and Yawgmoth's Will
Sounds like someone just got wrecked by black.

>wanting to play a format where you can't necro for 39

Allegro i tym bardziej grupa trejderska to szkoda nerwów raczej, tam nie do standardu sa glownie pojedyncze karty w cenach x4 normalna. Mtgnet jeszcze polecam do jakis starych commonow i takich rzeczy. Liczylem ze mnie jakos ominie tydzien wciskania ctrl + v ale no dzieki i tak.

I'd start with an alter that didn't suck and go from there.


>ironically having bad taste in 2017
newfags go

>literally using Log of Leaguends art

how can league players have such a complete lack of self-awareness

>MOBA anything

It's a garbage alter. Like, DreamWorks tier shit.

thats a fair card it just costs a lot
not fair in the slightest but it doesnt auto win you the game
>yawgmoth's will
pretty fun card no problems here

real cards that are bazaar
>food chain
>ad naus
>sol ring

>unironically same fagging
literally worse than that fag brolective

n e w f a g h y p o c r i t e


Dreamworks-tier shit you say?

Food Chain and ad naus I can see
What they really need to ban is Cyclonic Rift
Card is absolutely bonkers and isn't properly costed at all for how strong it is

that one's funny though so it's ok

I cannot get over that art. It's like something from an UN set. Smug Confidant, or something.


>cyclonic rift?
>entire table collectively groans as everyone scoops up their board while the U player looks smug as shit.
Fuck that card.

I really like how his body looks but his face is just too much

I call him Branden. He looks like a Branden.

>hurr durr I use different devices
>proves its more than one person
kill yourelf

>What they really need to ban is Cyclonic Rift
craw worm meta detected
stop being bad at magic

>kill yourelf
But I need it for lewd!

Everyone look at this faggot and laugh.