JumpChain CYOA Thread #1582: Execute The Cat Already Edition

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in the overlord jump there's the "physical powerhouse" perk, where it says:
>"You are just strait up more physically powerful than your race should
be. ... Races other than humans see a similar boost to their physical abilities in line
proportional to what would be normal for their race. Scales with level, and applies to other races you might have from other jumps"

so, does that mean it applies to races i chose after this jump or just the ones i have from before the overlord jump? And can i somehow increase the level over 100%

Given the wording after and before.

i'm currently looking at it says fully:
>Physical Powerhouse: You are just strait up more physically powerful than your race should be. If you’re a human you could easily lift and throw a full grown horse a few dozen feet, run at speeds comparable to said horse, and possess endurance enough to match three of said horse. Unlike many Innate Talents you don’t actually have to do anything or learn anything in order to make use of this. Races other than humans see a similar boost to their physical abilities in line proportional to what would be normal for their race. Scales with level, and applies to other races you might have from other jumps. Demihuman races get this at a discount.

so a human at starting level (i assume that's 0 or 1?) can do stuff like that, just imagine what one at lvl one hundred could do. Now imagine the same with a kryptonian as a starting race....

It applies to any race you have, no matter when you bought it.

As for levels higher than 100, you can't buy a higher starting level in the jump.
You could get a cap remover and train more, but strength in-jump (and after) isn't actually measured in levels. That's a holdover from the Yggdrassil game.

Yeah that seems to be what it says but it is a bit ambiguous.

Seems to basically do the same thing as Strongest of All from EVO. Not sure how the level scaling is supposed to work but I suppose it just serves to give you an edge over other individuals of the same race/class/level.

is there a way of making permanent copies of powerful items, like Thors mjolnir?

To expand on this, it still scales as you get stronger of course.

Whatever the equivalent to "throw a full grown horse a few dozen feet" is for your actual level of strength, that's the boost you get.

It's hard to put exact numbers to this, but i shouldn't have to mention that a standard human can't actually throw a horse at all.
Those suckers are heavy.

Strongest of All just gives you peak for whatever your race is.
As i mentioned above, a normal human throwing a horse dozens of feet is way, way above peak human.

The scaling is simply in relation to your base strength.
A Level 100 Warrior origin can already throw around a horse - the perk text says you can kill armies just with the air pressure of your strikes - even if he's just a puny human without that talent, because level 100.
So Physical Powerhouse would scale to give an equivalent multiplier to that as a normal human would get.
It basically makes you several times stronger no matter where you start. The stronger you are already the bigger the boost.

Minecraft Cheat Mode.


>a normal human

Yeah but this is a human from a fantasy VN/MMO. Probably doesn't constitute a normal human.

has anyone else been compelled through the jump-experience to do only good/never kill and even become god-fearing?

I mean, since the first start it was revealed to me, that there is more than just my normal life. Entirely different worlds with forces i can't even try to comprehend. That made me realize there's a strong possibility that God exists. In whatever form that may be. But he is probably out there and he may be watching me and judging all my actions.
Now don't get me wrong, i don't really like being bad either way, but this realization really makes it hard to enjoy jumps like the generic zombie apocalypse one. I feel compelled to pay to get to the earliest time point, before the actual outbreak and prevent it from happening at all, saving as much people as possible....quite boring

I assume it referes to what the reader considers a normal human, not a high level character.
It wouldn't be a very useful metric otherwise.

>he is probably out there and he may be watching me and judging all my actions.
Oh, just the Benefactor then?

On that, we can only speculate.

Invisibility cloaks were woven from Demiguise hair, which didn't permanently retain the effect. Wizard made ones used either an exceptionally strong disillusionment charm or a bedazzling hex, true invisibility seems to be beyond them.

Arithmancy is a magical discipline that studies the magical properties of numbers, including predicting the future with numbers and numerology.

Runes were symbols representing various sound values, belonging to a runic alphabet. Runes were studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the subject "Study of Ancient Runes".

Well yeah but a normal human for the setting which still obviously has a lot more potential than a regular human. Really it all comes down to the perk being pretty unclear.

I'd suggest asking the jumpmaker usually but the jumpmaker for Overlord is on another website and his rulings tend to be totally fucking crackers.

When it comes to shit like that, I always keep this line of thinking in mind. If I'm only acting goody goody cause I know the guy with the keys to heaven is watching, I'm not being honest with him. Whether he's watching or not, whether heaven exists or not, I'll live my life as I think is right and not what I think pleases the views of certain others.

If God turns out to be as good as the hype says he is, then me being a generally good and moral person, this should mean I still get the A-Okay from him, even if I wasn't the Mega Saint of Saintly Sainting and saved everyone and even if there were a few times when I was selfish or jerky or even outright nasty.

that's the thing: there is a great possibility of the benefactor just testing you. How do you know?
Maybe there is someone beyond the benefactor. We don't really know the agenda behind, so i better play it safe


Build with the only aim to make combos and get as much power as possible in the shortest amount of time.

No. I've met gods. I've killed a few of them. I'm even one myself in some worlds.
And jump-chan is above all of them, and doesn't care one bit about morality.

I mean, i'm generally helpful or at least indifferent, but that's because i like to think i'm a pretty nice guy and try not to be an asshole, not because i fear some higher power.

As for jumps like Generic Zombie Apocalypse, my assumption is that the worlds i go to are already pre-existing. They aren't created just for me.
If i roll for the outbreak already being in full progress in the above example i'm send to a world where that's the case.
If i pay for an earlier entry point i get sent to a different world where that's the case, the first world doesn't get fast-forwarded just for me.

Brellin actually was in the last thread this morning and answered a few questions.
I found him to be pretty reasonable.

As for the perk being unclear, i'm pretty sure that's by purpose.
It's a reasonable option for an imagination game.
I can certainly get a clearer mental picture from "you can throw a horse" than "you are 5x stronger".

Stop giving him attention and he'll fuck off back to whatever hole he originally crawled out of

I don't know, so I don't care. How can you plan for something where you have no idea what the thing is? You're certainly not going to please god by lying to him and kissing ass. Purposefully acting different only so that you don't displease him, rather then out of a genuine desire to do good, seems pretty sinny to me. At the very least it's definitely tarnishing the good you do.

But you have no means of knowing what this hypothetical God might think. You don't know if It would have moral standards or not, if it would judge you by it and hold you accountable, you don't know anything at all. It's just weird illogical speculation.

This makes no sense to me.

yeah but i want to also live according to my own values, that also means i wouldn't kill anyone. but with all that jumpchain power the temptation to kill becomes greater

Reflecting on the suggestions I got in the last thread, I've made a few changes to Peter Pan.

Mother Knows Best is now the 100 CP item in the Drop-In branch while Mixed Identity is now 200 CP. Dreams of Neverland now has a discount if taken with the Forever Neverland drawback.

I changed the CP prices for some of the companion options, and I added some more details to the companions as well. For instance, I enhanced Tiger Lily and Tinkerbell to make them more acceptable under their current prices.

Oh, and I lowered Marooned Moon in the Lagoon to +300 CP and added a couple more details to it.

Please let me know your thoughts on the changes and on what else I can do to the jump.

All right so you're using faith as motivation to abide by your own moral code. That I get. It's basically a RP choice.

Does it really make your chain boring or was that just an expression?

That's kind off what I did for the beginning of my chain.
Build up massive amounts of varying powers and combos, then take it easy when I've got there.

wow, I've actually gotten fanart!

Getting enough durability and regen to not die from something stupid is basic common sense, not min-maxing.
And picking your jump order so that you can pick up defenses against mind control/time fuckery/whatever before you go to jumps where you need them is also only good sense.

I mean, you could just start your chain with Investigation, Dodgeball, Career Model and so on, but don't come complaining when you slip on the stairs and break your neck or get in a car accident or something equally stupid.
Not to mention that the point of jumping is to get away from the boring drugdery of reality.
You can bet i'm going to pick up superhuman athleticism, magic and psychic powers and similar stuff at the first opportunity just for coolness factor.
I'm not playing Dodgeball for 10 years or developing videogames when i could be fireballing orc hordes or travelling the stars instead.

Hey , so after Marvel magic my sacred treasure which includes my Kinetic Cestus from Monster Hunter is indestructible, is putting a "big bang Grenade" into its ammo hatch a good idea or bad idea?

In supernatural and smite, since if the particular god is taken/already present, can I not choose them?

>Does it really make your chain boring or was that just an expression?
well, it depends on how far advanced in the jump i am. At first it's almost not noticeable, but if i get enough power i feel the strong compulsion to safe, protect...almost everything. So it's equal parts tyring as it is boring. And i do feel the strong compulsion to prevent horrible things from happening. that does include the zombie apocalypse stuff i mentioned, but also time traveling in several jumps to prevent the big bad thing to happen in the first place (thus spoiling a lot of fun/adventure)

Is the name literal? If so, that's a bad idea. In general, you don't want cosmogenic amounts of energy in a small space, it does weird and unpleasant things to physics. No one wants quark-gluon plasma getting on their rug.

I'd assume so. Unless the jump says you can take a character's place, you shouldn't be able to. That seems like just a generally good rule.

Are there any growth perks that work on things other than training? Like making things that grow with time grow faster?

Maybe try an alt chain with a more self-centered MC.

This question is both easy and hard to answer. For one thing, it seems like almost every jump in the multiverse has its own 'origin point' - creator gods, big bangs, and sometimes has active deities, other times they're totally deterministic. But...

It still doesn't explain where the multiverse itself came from or why Jumpers are reoccurring phenomenon. It doesn't explain why my 'destiny' was apparently written in stone the moment I began this chain. It doesn't explain how the memories of a world-devouring titan became a planar demi-goddess.

I don't know the answers to these questions, and it feels like the more power I acquire from the chain, the less in control of it I actually am. I try to act 'normal' a good deal of the time, blending in with the populace until the world's drawbacks manifest, because I have no idea what to do if people become aware of what
I can really do. Most of Worm was me being in hiding until I was actually needed, and people were fucking terrified of me. I almost wish there was a power I could actually consult, maybe someone to plead to just to make my benefactor's wish come true.

But the 'all-powerful' beings I speak of are either localized, disinterested, or cruel and sadistic, either way having no interest in the plight of a wanderer and his shadowy benefactor.

I don't fear Gods. Hell, I punched one out recently. I fear that many of them have no real power over the way things are, and that I have no answer for how this began or how it will end. And I fear no one has an answer for any of my questions, anywhere in all of creation.

>Is the name literal? If so, that's a bad idea

yes it is, I am the patron jumper Of bad ideas After all,so not only Have I created a set of 50 grenade launchers that fire big bangs I've also created a Society, wherein the knowledge necessary to do so is public and taught in freely Available Post-doctorate courses,it's basically the microverse battery from Rick and Morty only time is Stopped at the point of The Planck epoch rather than speeding it up drastically to create a race of intelligent beings to manipulate into Powering generators for you.

>it does weird and unpleasant things to physics.

how unpleasant are we talking here?

>No one wants quark-gluon plasma getting on their rug.

I can always just 3-D print them a new rug and, what if I need to punch something really hard?

Hey Cats, I remember a while back you mentioned a possible update for Bioshock Infinite. Do you still intend to do that at some point?

I refuse.

quantum evolution from worm.
the seed of light from kamen rider heist part 1.
primal evolution from starcraft zerg.
pandora system from heavens lost property.
karma chameleon from gunnm.
hypnos gene from resident evil and maybe some of the virus mods.
the entire eve search for eden jump.
may want to take something like social engineering eudaimonic from alpha centauri to help them work together.

no, the more power my Jumper has gained the more he has lived by the idea that power and responsibility are directly proportionate.

Just noticed that the King's Avatar jump was uploaded to the drive. Were any of the problems addressed?

I think it was only shown in the thread once.

Yeah, only posted once and never addressed the pretty bad balance issues it had.

I was there for that thread and I do not recall anyone mentioning balance issues then,could you be more specific?

Wukong, you floating around here somewhere?

>only good/never kill
My jumper kills a lot but she acts in a way that I would consider moral. Killing isn't done lightly. I don't think you can be a pacifist and be moral though, so the question as posed is nonsensical as far as I'm concerned.
>even become god-fearing?
The Emperor's love is as limitless as is ire is terrible.

I jump as though I don't have any information as to the jumps, I mean we're talking thousands of years by now and I didn't take any memory perks until about jump 30. That kind of absolves me of any obligation to intervene. If I do I have a non interference policy when it comes to laissez faire democracies. I establish humanitarian organisations in the Emperor's name and look to do good optics so the governments will be inclined to ask for help during crises.

People brought up how some perks were much more or less powerful then others on the same tier(One perk in particular was mentioned that multiplied your power five times over against any artificial opponent) and how many perks did not give any use outside of MMO games, despite other perks on the same tier having equal use in and out of MMO games. I believe Drakensis said he would try and fix the balance issues these result in.

Somebody prolly just uploaded it so it wasn't forgotten then. Put it up in WIP for the time being?

Fair enough, I didn't remember.

>I believe Drakensis said he would try and fix the balance issues these result in.

well , were they the one who uploaded it to the drive? because it might've just been someone a bit Overzealous or a shitposter trying to threaten the drives integrity by uploading it before things got fixed,either way it should be brought to Brutus's attention that it wasn't quite Ready yet.

minecraf cheat mode
>duplicate any single item you possess

does that mean i have to OWN said item. Do i have to pick it from the beginning of a jump from the item section or can i duplicate something i require during a jump.
I just wanted to quickly "borrow" Thors hammer, you see

Omniversal deities might exist, don't care. I'm not likely to die and they haven't handed me their divine edicts or anything like that. I recently killed 430 000 men in battle that needn't necessarily die. Neither my benefactor, nor this 'God' have seen fit to reprimand me.

Best perks to combine magical skills with gadgeteering skills to make magitek?

did you mean acquire ? No, you can use it on anything you Actually have which includes things acquired Or created in jumps ,you can only use it on one thing a month though to choose carefully.

To add, if one did want to send me to Hellish torment for eternity that's their prerogative. If I can't stop them, then doing so is perfectly just.

From a quick look at the two it seems that the one on the drive is an updated one and some of those complaints have been taken into account. I'm not sure if anything else is new, though

I have no idea why I'd believe in some grand unknowable judge any more than I do now. I already know I barely know anything. This universe is vast, difficult, and full of powers beyond my comprehension. I can't even mentally hold the true meaning of the number of ants on the planet. The idea that God is more likely to exist just because there's more I don't know than I thought there was stuff I didn't know doesn't really follow, though. God always had the same likelihood of existing, it's just my understanding that changed.

Still needs to be in thread and with a changelog.

How fast do Solars regen motes?

8 motes per hour at rest, 4 motes per hour at light exertion, nothing under heavy exertion.

>to threaten the drives integrity
You guys honestly worry me with how serious you take this shit sometimes.

user, it's bancho. Just ignore his ramblings.

oh! . Don't worry, You shouldn't confuse Me with people, I am just banchô-Ano.

He's not wrong though.

>Wukong, you floating around here somewhere?

In your bedroom



So if I wanted to take the three Star Wars jumps we have in roughly chronological order, what order would that be?

Kotor, Clone Wars, Original Trilogy.

Old Republic and Bane, when/if they get made, would be in between Kotor and Clone Wars

KOTOR, Clone Wars, OT.



So you have 2 wukongs now?, Do they know about each other

Clone Wars

Monkeys are not for lewd!

Thanks, that's what I had gathered from searching some timelines (man this was confusing)

Right, finished making some improvements to the Rise of Legends jump after the suggestions from last weekend.
V0.2 has a list of heroes in the Notes section for those who don't know (or forgot) what's available fior the powers/ultimates option. The rest is mostly just clarifications and phrasing and such, because sometimes I apparently can't into words.
Enjoy, let me know if this version works better.

I have picked multiple priestess options in my chain, yeah. I've been a Christian nun (by default, since that's the only religious role for females in Christianity outside of a modern setting) at least twice and an angel several times more, and so half of my memories were literally God-fearing for those jumps. Overall that's not who I am though, because an omnipotent God is limited to a single world and I'm a dimensional traveler not bound to such things. It makes little sense to care about one world's god even if he's more powerful than me.

Doesn't hurt that the Christian God is usually a bastard.

I want to put a child in that monkey.

In the game Path of Exile, there's an extremely rare drop called the mirror of Kalandra (?) which is consumed to create a perfect, mirrored copy of any item, which includes any modifiers/enchantments.

But you'd have to go that jump, find one, and wank that it works on out-of-jump items.

I dunno man. You seem to be having a lot of fun doing it.

>how unpleasant are we talking here?
Extremely. The best case scenario is that the physical constants of reality get locally (by which I mean, "in a stellar cluster-sized region") randomized, in various ways that would not make for a good environment for anything resembling life to exist in. Hell, anything resembling matter to exist in, particles wouldn't be able to bond together. The worst case scenario is that you wind up overwriting the universe with an entirely new and empty one, effectively destroying all reality.

>I can always just 3-D print them a new rug and, what if I need to punch something really hard?
No, you can't make them a new rug, because chemical bonds no longer can exist in that space.

What if the monkey keeps lewding me tho.

user, I hate to tell you this... But that means you look like a monkey.

>I feel compelled to pay to get to the earliest time point
That's kind of a moral dilemna for me in Jumps with distant eras as starting points. Do I pick the earliest one to do my best to prevent tragedies, or do I decide that doing so would be erasing the later generations and go for the latest era?

Well that would explain why women keep getting spooked away.

... Not sure how to feel about that now, in all honesty.

Alright, the first draft of Factorio is complete, now I need feedback and help balancing it.


Wasn't Worm the waifu?

That open vest made me consider breast size being linked to power-ups.

Friendly reminder that pic related is from an actual comic.

Forcing the Drop-in origin to be a biter colony seems a bit weird. Maybe change it to a drawback?

It's not just Bancho, though. Other people say that kind of stuff too.

...Why is the drop-in a hive-thing?

That seems more like it'd be another origin.

Expand the factory. Expand the factory. Expand the factory.
Expand the factory. Expand the factory. Expand the factory.
Expand the factory. Expand the factory. Expand the factory.
Expand the factory. Expand the factory. Expand the factory.
Expand the factory. Expand the factory. Expand the factory.

I like the idea of Drop-In, but it might be a good idea to give one of the regular backgrounds the option to be Drop-In. While I think being an entire hive of spooky monsters is baller, people seem to prefer Drop-In to evade any burdens or expectations a real background would bring.

Except when other people say it it's normally a joke. There is no integrity or quality to the drive anyways with all the garbage that got accepted early on.

Those are just shitposters trying to stir some shit. They don't really care.

They just bring up that argument if it's someone from SB.

We get a lot of shitty jumps even these days.

Jumps from here are a higher quality than SB jumps because there's more feedback and improvement here. So it's safe to assume that if the jumpmaker is from SB their jumps aren't going to be good.

Harry Potter and Thundercats have magitek perks.

…Are Spider-Man and Iron Man lovers now or something?
That's a little to touchy for a heterosexual bromance.

So, just to clear up, Drop-In's are /A/ bitter, a swarm of bitters, or a colony/nest on a AoE strategy deal, or just themselves with bug powers? It is not very clear.