>Maw of Chaos
>Creature - Hellion
>When Maw of Chaos enters the battlefield, it deals 3 damage to each other creature.
>Maw of Chaos
>Creature - Hellion
>When Maw of Chaos enters the battlefield, it deals 3 damage to each other creature.
>Bigger, longer, uncutter Flametongue Kavu
sign me up
>more fluctuator tech
Hell yes
Just post anything that can cycle for 2 colorless please. Everything else is trash to me.
Holy shit someone please mercy kill Red as color once and for all. Is this their version of As Foretold in red?
Is it me or this is utter trash?
It would be vaguely constructed playable if it just costed R or if it was "converted mana cost equal to or less than."
Yes. This is the kind of garbage I pull in sealed or draft.
Reminds me of a retarded Sphinx-Bone Wand.
Does Veeky Forums have threads/generals for Standard? I see one for Modern, Legacy, Commander, but nobody talking about standard. (There was a thread with Standard-Draft as the topic of discussion as well, but that seems to have been bumped off)
Standard isn't that good. It's better now, but there's not enough weird shit in the format to talk about.
>there's 4 cards in standard that can do this specific job for my deck
>2 of them are absolute trash
>this other one is rotating out
List the cards in the cycle of from best to worst.
black, white, green, red, blue?
Red is the best by far for making me feel like an idiot thinking it was Invocation Lightning Bolt.
These all seem pretty terrible to me, black being the only remotely useful non-mana ability of the set. Some of the others would be useable if not for the sorcery speed. As is, they are good for cards that interact with deserts, producing colorless mana, and thats about it. Maybe played with something that allows you to retrieve lands from the graveyard, but even then, most of the sacrifice abilities are expensive and lame.
They're all shit. They could have made a desert blasted landscape without violating the reserved list but they're pansies.
Green would have been worth running MAYBE in pauper infect, but it's an uncommon.
Anybody who actually thought it was bolt is a danger to themselves and others.
Burn had its day, it's time to move on.
Blasted Landscape isn't on the reserved list anyway
Also, the blue could get rid of something that had been placed on top of the library, but that's a really situational thing to do. (Would be so much worse at sorcery speed, atleast they didn't hobble blue and red)
This is the upswing set they said.
A man can dream, user.
A man...
Can dream.
Not like "actual Bolt in Standard", user. Just an Invocation.
>tfw EDH is rapidly becoming the only supported format
I think this is the only card other than Prime Time that can fetch two nonbasics. That makes it pretty interesting.
Doesn't "utroba" mean "gut" rather than "maw"?
Fine by me. Weird formats like EDH, Archenemy, Planechase, and Pauper are my bread and butter. WotC suck at balancing regular formats nowadays.
Why couldn't Red have been Pyroclasm? 2RR and a Desert seems closer to a fair prices for 2 to every creature over 2 to each Opponent.
Oh yea! MORE SHIT RED CARDS. Just what we needed.
They really could have costed the sac abilities a bit cheaper.
Oh look green and white get more playable cards.
HOU has been really disappointing thus far.
Doesn't help knowing that Ixalan is also weak and watered down.
Here's to hoping they are conserving power points for Dominaria next year.
Play it with the snake crucible and that desert that does damage on ETB. Gives you an engine for your other sac abilities with some upside for replaying.
It should have been both Pyroclasm and 2 to the face for that cost. But that would mean it would be playable.
What are you talking about? Ixalan is looking pretty decent.
Only because you're playing the wrong format.
We're getting more dual colored cycle lands right?
This looks like a better Shpinx Bone Wand. Needing to play your spells on curve is less of a restriction than it looks, especially considering that nu-magic is all about curving out.
Invocation, you jackass.
We had a Ornithopter Invention, a Bolt Invocation wouldn't be a stretch.
Technically also Scapeshift and Tempt with Discovery.
that's what the guy said in the reveal...
costs 3 tho
Well atleast the art is nice.
I especially like Ifnir Deadlands with its demons just waiting to pounce you.
>not a single good blue card in the set
guess we won't be having any standard control for another format
in fact I might go as far as to say that nothing in this set impacts standard in any real way so there will be 0 shifts in the metagame
That's a fair price, tbqh. 2 would have been just a bit too pushed, I think. That user who said it should cost 1 is insane.
Do any of the cards spoiled so far have art by Seb?
Why does this card exist? Honest question.
No man. Its garbage at 3. Doesnt affect the board at all when it comes down, you need to top deck or save your cmc1 spells for it, then you have to curve it. The problem is you need to draw enough cards with perfect curve to really make use of the thing. There are far stronger things going on in Standard that this. The card could MAYBE slot into a control deck as part of a win condition, but then there would have to be a viable control deck which doesnt look likely to pan out.
The thing is you cast some spells T1-T2, drop it, and THEN have to curve out.
>not a single good blue card in the set
Please, blue got the only good card in the set.
Turn 9 followup to Fumigate bruh!
1. Exile own dudes in response to removal
2. Exile more dudes
3. Fumigate
4. Return dudes and have board advantage
I don't know
It seems the card want to scream "Break me!" but can't
ETB triggers, save your creature from wraths etc.
dodge removal, EtB dickery, possibly a combo piece
>hold up 2 mana plus this land
It's shit.
protection for creatures.
ETB abuse.
>tfw 90% of the set looks like utter bfz level shit
>protection for creatures.
>Can't get it back quickly
>ETB abuse
>A bunch of turns after
its ok
it won't impact standard at all
stifle effects are pretty shit right now and a 3/1 flyer with flash doesn't really do anything
in modern it might make a bit of a splash but it faces some pretty steep competition from things like vendillion clique
either way standard is doomed to be more energy/vehicle based midrange/agro decks for the next 4 months or so
maybe Ixilan they will actually print good blue, red, and black cards
Supreme Will is a good blue card
>the name
>the art
dammit, those deserves a better card
The only thing this card needs to be good is a one-drop that can/should be played after turn 1 to act as Fatal Push 5-8. After that, the math works out really well and it becomes trivial to deal 10 with just this one card.
That, or it could fit into GB/Jund energy; those decks already play Blossoming Defense and Attune with Ether.
Actually, now that I think about it, This card would really fit well with Winding Constrictor; you could curve one-drop into three-drop on turn four, then play a gearhulk on turn five.
No we only print new cycles in allied colors each set and will only return to complete the cycle 5 years later.
It's a mostly un-counterable stifle + draw a card for 2U.
It will see play in eternal formats
Depends on the format, but in general...
Red >>> White > Black > Blue >> Green
Red: Do not underestimate direct damage to the face, ever, particularly not on a land. Have you guys never seen Barbarian Ring in action? It's a finisher. It's primarily just a land that comes into play untapped and deals damage to you if you tap it for red (and if you're playing mono-red or primarily red you probably don't even care about that), and it also happens to have "2RR, T, Sac: You win the game. Activate this ability only if your opponent is at 2 life or less." It's a land that contributes to your burn (whereas normal lands just do nothing once you've burned through your cards). I'm not saying this is the new Barbarian Ring, but I can definitely see this seeing play in Frontier at least, maybe even Modern Burn.
White: Can be a sort-of win condition if you have enough creatures and can break stalemates. It'll at least be great in limited.
Black: It's removal for a 2-toughness creature, and it reduces an enemy creature's P/T in a pinch (which is useful in limited). However, it effectively costs 5 mana and a land (if you can waste all that and you're still having issues with a 2-toughness creature, you have bigger problems), so I don't see this one really doing anything outside of limited.
Blue: Useless in competitive formats and limited (as mill won't be a thing in HoD limited) but still has some value as unexpected mill out of nowhere can make people waste tutors, combo with put-on-top effects and mess with play-with-top-revealed effects in casual. Still, sacrificing a land is a tough penalty for a one-time mill.
Green: Basically useless. It makes a creature deal 3 more damage in limited, and only if it isn't chump blocked. I can't see it being useful in any way whatsoever (very specific AND sub-optimal combos aside) with the sorcery-speed limitation.
Can the red one hit planeswalkers? Or did they sneak that through with the clever use of the word opponent?
Only players. This is why so much burn these days features "opponent" rather than "players."
Knew it. Figures, the only upside of the addition to planeswalkers in the game is that they're printing things that don't also do back damage to the person casting red spells anymore.
Noncombat damage dealt to players can be redirected to planeswalkers. Yes, this can hit planeswalkers.
This isn't dealt to players though, this is dealt to opponents.
>activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery
>appeal is sorcery speed
I just want to run mono green stompy with combat tricks. Thy does appeal have to be sorcery speed? Aspect of Hydra was instant.
Well fuck, now I don't know what to think. JUDGE!
Opponents are players, user.
This isn't a clever wording trick, it works exactly the same way as targeted damage.
Yeah, it's because it hits each one- if it was each opponent, it would hit you, if it was target opponent it would only hit one, and "each opponent" is better wording than "all other players"
>306.7. If noncombat damage would be dealt to a player by a source controlled by an opponent, that opponent may have that source deal that damage to a planeswalker the first player controls instead. This is a redirection effect (see rule 614.9) and is subject to the normal rules for ordering replacement effects (see rule 616). The opponent chooses whether to redirect the damage as the redirection effect is applied.
The questions you have to ask are:
>Is this noncombat damage?
>Is it being dealt to a player that is your opponent?
It doesn't matter how it's worded, it is noncombat damage that is being dealt to a player, which means you can redirect it to a planeswalker that player controls.
supreme will is neat but does nothing to fix blue in standard
3 mana counterspells are just generally bad and bad mana leak is also bad
slapping on a scry engine doesn't salvage it
4 mana wrath is needed
good 2 mana counterspells are needed
good card draw engines at low cost are needed
something to replace TiTi is needed
good life gain is needed
honestly if censor had just been miscalculation standard would be fine right now
But it's not something you can "redirect". It hits everyone. That rule doesn't apply here. And "player" and "opponent" aren't synonymous.
You're just patently mistaken, user.
Go ahead and check any Judge ruling on, say, Guttersnipe. This is not open to interpretation.
> bad mana leak is also bad
Good leak is good though
yes good leak (2 mana) is good. Bad leak (3 mana) is bad
supreme will is average at best and doesn't do anything to stop the decks that already stomp control
the only card in the set that has potential is Abrade and that is really only designed to stop the stupid vehicle decks.
The ability hits everyone (every opponent of yours, at least), the damage is individually directed at each player, and is being dealt by you (by a land you control). It satisfies the conditions to be redirected to a Planeswalker,
>honestly if censor had just been miscalculation standard would be fine right now
Miscalculation is crazy good, user. Hell, I'd say even reprinting Counterspell would be less damaging than reprinting Miscalculation in this block.
I like most of the Modal cards in this set
Supreme will is flexible and although only average it has lots of utility and isnt a total dead draw
Doomfall is sweet
Abrade is also the best red card from this set (but thats not a big achievement)
>yfw the hazoret and kefnet cards are just junk rares
Kefnet could almost get away with a 2UU Time Walk. It'd basically be like Savor the Moment.
Sweet jesus this is a pretty wretched set so far if you don't play EDH. Who designed this trash heap?
U for hard counterspell that has the cycle's disadvantage?
Limited shitters.
literally all it would have done is forced people to play around 2 mana counterspells
and honestly if you think that miscalc would really impact the format you probably aren't seeing the biggest power cards that impact it
right now its things like on the play longtusk cub, winding constrictor, heart of kiran, servent of the conduit, ect... very powerful 2 drops on the play is what is determining most games today
miscalculation does nothing to stop these
what miscalculation does stop is things like follow up plays that exacerbate the issue of super powerful 2 drops
right now the format is kind of in a place where either you play fatal push and hole you can have a black up on turn 1 to answer their 2 drop threat or you lose the game
this needs to change and we do that by slowing down the format with powerful universal counterspells for low cost so that midrange decks can't just curve out without thinking and win free games.
That's way too good.
Is it? It doesn't actually enable a draw-go style of play.
This looks __fun___.
>"It's for limited!"
>"It's just not for aggro!"
>"It's for FUN!"
These three excuses are the reason red hasn't been even remotely decent for two years
you're forgetting the biggest most annoying one
>"It's an EDH card!"
Most of this is trash in EDH too. We don't want most of it.
We've gotten to the point where this applies to entire sets. Seen way too many people say "Well as an EDH player I'm happy with HoD! So many new things!"