pick a fictional character and decide what MTG deck they would play.
Pick a fictional character and decide what MTG deck they would play
Answer is obvious.
Llorwyn faries?
What about the son of a shepherd?
Gruul or potentially Golgari EDH.
friendly and just keep cultivating shit on the side and fuck you up if you touch him.
Probably filled to the gills with those instant speed growth spells.
I never realized that Tomoko was actually playing magic in that scene.
Koth side Vensor vs Koth.
B/U Mill.
EDH kingmaker pillowfort
Holy crap, yes.
Give her a deck.
>Ad Nauseam
>Anything else
Fireball tribal
Esper control.
And Trading Post.
Mono-White Control.
Also this.
channel/fireball is banned friend
No, Orzhov control. Remember, she herself said she was willing to do nearly anything to defeat her mother, besides all the shit she actually did to get in a position to do so. Such traits are stereotypical black, even if they aren't usually aimed towards benevolent ends.
G/W/U EDH where he plays the Friends With Benefits game, fielding stuff like Rites of Flourishing or Collective Voyage, then using a lot of Control and Pacifism cards to shut down everyone's combos while giving them all the resources to pull them off.
Nice guy, both fun and annoying to play with.
Mods, you should be able to tell when I'm Shitposting or not. Deleting my posts just for ban evasion, when I often can't tell when I'm being banned, because, again, Dynamic IP, is kind of pointless.
I'm guessing for the most part they'd have different variants of Eldrazi/colorless tribal.
Also Possibility Storm or Polymorph/Indomitable Creativity.
Gifts Storm Yes ANT is faster but >implying magical girl uses tentacles instead of the other way around
Asuka's deck is clearly Suicide Black
A bunch of junk cards from her collection
That's what their opponent uses.
is correct about Asuka.
Shinji runs genericaggro
Rei's deck is purely made for supporting her partner(s) in team games.
They play Archenemy almost exclusively
scrambleverse tribal
Mind's desire or doomsday storm, for real.
Probably some awfully strong control deck
Some kind of weird toolbox deck with tons of 1-ofs.
What would the magpies play?
Oldschool Blue control with Forbid and pic related.
Their opponent's deck, generously gifted to them.
Mono Red Burn, cheats in Combustible Gearhulk on turn 3 for shits and giggles
R/B vampire tribal
Akko plays with some cards that she likes personally that just have cool art or cool card names. She almost never wins with it, but she never stops loving the game. Its, like, 4 colors and she doesn't have a landbase for it.
A believing heart is her Magic:The Gathering.
Nah, that doesn't reflect their personality.
Asuka has a red/black Aggro deck that, if you look at it, is actually pretty well put together. In theory, its a great deck. It NEVER works. Even when she has a good opening hand, her draws for the rest of the game are inexplicably shitty.
Shinji has a one trick pony Blue/White voltron deck that does reliably well, and occasionally goes off and tramples past anything the opponent has.
Rei has a pillowfort deck with no wincon. She doesn't seem to really enjoy playing, but it takes her a long time to lose.
Kaworu plays a combo deck with a bunch of convoluted moving pieces and lifegain that if it goes infinite will win the game, but is super easy to disrupt.
That makes like no sense at all expect for tangible relevance of "Vampire" theme.
She'd do much better with Death&Taxes or Esper control.
What decks do school idols play?
I bet she actually just plays vintage
How does one Freddy, or traps in general? Is trapping your opponent more than control or is it just control?
It would be a combination of control and a miracle combo. You get 'em on the run, then you take them out.
Shinji obviously plays a barely modified precon that somehow works well enough, mostly through sheer luck.
Asuka bought a vintage deck because it's obviously the best fit for someone like her but has no idea how to actually play it
Rei's deck actually does have a wincon, a singleton Door to Nothingness. It just rarely goes off. There's also a One with Nothing to go with the Hive Mind in there.
>tfw too new to magic to know what mob would play
any ideas?
Char'd be Boros, burn
Don't forget about that Time he piloted this sexy beast
iunno what deck would she play?
hippogriff commander deck
Its Phelddagrif you dork
Manaka is from a reality where there was either no outrage at all from Chronicles or the collectors were simply told to shut the fuck up.
With no reserved list, Wizards was able to print whatever they wanted, and ended up printing the original duals (and various other important cards) with enough frequency that Legacy (or perhaps Vintage) became the format of choice for many players - and sets are designed around Legacy and Limited, with Standard simply being something else you can do.
The other changes in the game are also caused by this important divergence, mostly in their world's version of the Sixth Edition Rules Update (which changed way more things) The soul crystal thing is just a set mechanic that turned evergreen.
As for the question itself? She plays Yore-Tiller Draw-Go, you knew that already.
Sneak and Show
Chance Encounter
>Sun & Moon
Everything is awful and you have to deal with it. Meanwhile, Emrakul slowly approaches and threatens to obliterate everything.
R/G Pummeler
source? Is this a good anime, or should I not bother.
It's Symphogear. Read nothing about it and jump right into the first episode of the first season, then if you like it enough to continue either watch an episode a day to savor in Cliffhangers: The Anime or bingewatch the whole thing so you can watch the 4th season as it's airing next week
Source is Symphogear. If "Magical Girl Rock Ballad: A Michael Bay Film" sounds like something you would enjoy, give it a try.
I imagine he plays Archenemy as much as possible, with him as the archenemy, and his deck focuses on Goblin tribal.
U/B control, probably with some mill included, focusing on cards that allow them to "steal" from the opponent. They also have another deck reserved for Vintage, which has the entire Power Nine, and a number of rare, expensive cards, generously "gifted" to them by veteran players.
MUD, but he starts every game with Kuldotha Forgemaster already in play.
Ironman meets Singing Magical Girls. With butts.
Too easy?
likely blue.
maybe blue read.
UR and maybe W
Probably EDH Zedruu
Shes orzovh. She'll do whatever it takes to accomplish her goals, even if it keans following the rules to the letter until she gets a proper chance to achive her dreams. Teysa is a good guideline to follow if you need more evidence.
Mono U
Fred played miricles, counterbalance is the ultimate trap card in magic
U/W control
I can't imagine this guy not including at least some Madness cards.
Throw some red in there to. A lot of her personality was hot-blooded willpower and pure unadulterated rage at her mother. She's a huge mass of Mardu control/midrange.
Exodia combo?
He'd play Bant turns actually
Shes not fiery enough for red, any blue oni personally is automatically not red because of their normally calm, cool demenors. Rukia was straight red so when you put them together you get mardu.
He'd probably play something with green. Definitely a very Bant character overall, though.
Some sort of Green deck with a heavy focus on really mana expensive creatures and spells focused on buffing the shit out of them.
>casts tragic arrogance
>has Ba Seng Se flashbacks
Satsuki was never really a blue oni in any other way but the color of her kamui. She was always smug, eager to fight and confrontational, or fucking pissed, yelling and ranting about things she didn't like, and was motivated primarily by hating her mother, and secondarily by saving the world and did rash things just because she was feeling emotionally inspired, like donning Junketsu in the first place. The only time she was ever "blue oni" was the fact that she liked to sit down, drink tea, and chill.
Emotions dictating action is red.
Lance uses some kind of RDW, probably goblin based.
Hunk uses WG ramp and big stuff
Pidge is RU artifacts
Keith is RB aggro
Shiro is monoW midrange
Allura is sexy and uses Bant elves.
Star would be mono-red SOMETHING, maybe goblins with an itchy goblin grenade trigger finger? Definitely a red character. Maybe izzet?
RB or RBW with tons of combat tricks, removal, and burn. Seems to me like the most ripping and tearing deck you could make.
I was thinking WUBRG voltron, but that works too.
Did she play a different deck back when she was capable of having fun?
It's honestly annoying that she hasn't lost at all despite piloting a clearly inferior deck, even if she is a skilled player.
>Tomoko plays nuMagic
Typical of worst girl.
Death Shadow Jund/Grixis
What is the closest thing to Blue-Eyes White Dragon?
Gruul. Definitely Gruul. Still Goblins, but with pic-related as her Commander. Spells and Goblins out the wazoo.
Nicol Bolas.
>Not Suicide Jund
Think about it and you know I'm right.
As for pic related, RW Humans
Spirit__ Tribal
If I'm doing the converting right, the best approximation would be something like
>As an additional cost to cast ~, sacrifice two creatures.
I can't believe this stupid dragon is a fucking vanilla. What's so special about this thing anyway?
I was thinking specifically Doomguy, but I guess that works too.
Fuck you my sides
A lightening angel with 5 power
Agreed. Meanwhile this son of a bitch is jeskai, either flying men or nahiri. Calling Star would kinda be like summoning Emrakul...
I imagine these idiots would each play some ridiculous combo deck, but they always lose because they misjudge the situation.
One of the first real fatties in YGO, as well as one of the first fusions.
He'd play a Ojutai extremely devoted to keep her in play while also using every best and most expensive card that W and U has.
Hmm, I kept thinking of Craw Wurm when I realized he was just a vanilla fatty. I guess it really does make sense now.
Some sort of equipment deck, probably mono white
Norin the Wary combo
Show and Tell
Thromok the Insatiable
You. Yeah you. You have excellent taste.
It actually makes more sense if that's the case.
Megumin uses explosion magic and nothing else, despite what others tell her.
Hell, she'd probably build a deck of 56 red mana and 4 fireballs
the kid's not the type to mess around.
His deck's aggressive, like an anklegator, just latches on to yah and never lets go
Red and white like the old flag of Caelondia full of old toys and things.