>He had multiclass with Armiger, some 3rd party bullshit I shouldn't have allowed.
>Level 4 with a multiclass,
>Actually being good with damage and stuff
>actually having high panache and pretending it maters despite only being limited to one Swift/Immediate action per round
Granted I don't know what the Armiger is, but consider he probably only has at most 1 level of a dip into it with a level 4 chaacte, I doubt its any good, unless you're an idiot who doesn't understand how muliclassing works.
Also, literally 2-3 Raging Orc Barbarians of around the same level with Power Attack should be able to ill him. Hell, most Barbarians are able to 1shot an enemy of their CR+1
Honestly, this whole thing speaks of cheating and fudging rules, and your player possibly taking advantage of the fact that you don't know enough about the game o correct him. And considering you're the DM you probably have no business runing the game if you have no idea what you're doing.
I see nothing here with particularly abusable abilities, especialy anything that would be limited to level for and hving at least 1 swashbuckler level. Hell, This is basically just a Fighter with AAT through a feet and Mobile Stronghold and a tower shield. If you can't even handle a competantly made fighter equivilent, then you have no business DMing.
Seriously, anyone could make a Core Barbarian that could give the character you're describing a swirly.
Nigga, Core is the MOST imbalanced way to play 1pp Pathfinder. I hope you enjoy most people being useless while Caster twist the narrative around thir fings, and the only martial builds being either Multi-arrow masturbation and raging Barbarians with Pwer Attack and reatswords.
Also, with your kineticist, did you make sure to keep track of their burn? Or d you not even bother to read how that class works either?