Hoo boy okay where to start.
Alright let's go with the most important change, arguably. At some point in the (at the time near future), huge-ass food shortages resulted in megacorporations deciding they needed private armies, and at the risk of starving out the US, the US government said 'yeah that's fine, this won't en dpoorly at all'.
This ended poorly.
More stuff happened, the cold war ended, and then magic came back becuase a bunch of native americans decided they were tired of whitey stealing their shit, so decided to cause the apocalypse over it 'cause we stole a casino. This resulted both in magic coming back, and also the formation of the Native American Nations, 'cause they had a lot more magic than the US did, which was also canada at the time.
Oh, and around this time is also when people spontaneous mutated into orks and trolls,a nd elves and dwarves started getting born, and lynch mobs became a thing again, but instead of niggers it was trogs and keebs. No one cares about dwarves. No one's EVER cared about dwarves.
More megacorps showed up, including one that turned detroit into a decent place to live by manufacturing a SHITTON of guns, and one that decided to also be a cult that wanted to bring the apocalypse along. Cybernetics show up and people get freaked out becuase it cuts into magic, but it's cool, becuase not everyone is magic.
And then dragons, and then a dragon was president, and he told a bunch of people to quit their shit after he had himself assassinated to stop the apocalypse. Another dragon, much earlier, took over most of europe's corporations because he wanted a bigger hoard.
Asia's alls orts of fucked in all the nasty places, but it's okay, because a good third of the ten biggest megacorps are japanese.
Quebec is important for awhile, but then the writers realize that's retarded and it was no longer important.
More soon.