Terrain/scenery/buildings/table wank thread
Post anything you got that turns a tabletop game into a showcase.
i'll dump what i have. Also, if you have tutorials/advice/tips on how you build your own, please share with the class.
Terrain/scenery/buildings/table wank thread
Post anything you got that turns a tabletop game into a showcase.
i'll dump what i have. Also, if you have tutorials/advice/tips on how you build your own, please share with the class.
Other urls found in this thread:
sweet IG tank scheme
I love looking at this, great inspiration.
I ended up with this from a swap meet. I have no idea where to start on it and am worried by how rare it is from what I gather. However I'm exstatic because it's everything I wanted in a board.
Pretty cool. Was that the only piece like that? Was there a story behind it?
Apparently it was a promotion for the Eye of Terror campaign. I was told it was given to stores for ordering over $1000. Despite searching on ebay to gauge how much they go for I wasnt able to find any results.
This is something someone once poste on reddit>
I like how the grass, the dirt and the wall fit well together in terms of color
Make casts and sell them for 20-50 bucks a pop
Its molded polystyrene best I can figure. Plus Im not sure there's a demand for 38 inch by 38 inch boards. Im considering expanding it out by 10 inches on the two axis for a 4 foot by 4 foot.
Finally a terrain thread!
fookin rad, please tell me that train runs
little gift from me to Veeky Forumshappy terrainbuilding
Not that Im aware of but let me dig around. I want desperately to do a 40k train for a table.
Looks like the base of it is MDF, so Id assume not.
I'm making some buildings for a sci fi industrial set, finished another one. Going for prefabricated workshop/garage buildings you'd see on a construction site. This one turned out ok I think, was the first time experimenting with making greenstuff wires and pipes.
One more pic. Still have to do something with the little thing next to the generator, trying to find a tube that will fit snuggly inside to make a vent or smoke stack.
Cool, where is this from? I'm always on the look out for WWI 28mm inspiration.
Making terrain in CAD programs is actually kind of fun, if you can beat the program like a red headed stepchild into doing what you wish it to do. When everything works out, it's great. When it doesn't, you're bashing your face against a wall repeatedly and thanking the wall..
Those look pretty rad; what's the basic shape come from? Gutters or something?
You, too, can make threads on any topic you choose!
If it's for sale I say go for it, you'll have an easier time listing it
Mmm, what's the biggest struggle with it? Never mind programming (which is already beyond me), I would never be able to wrap my head around how to translate code into a 3D model
Yes, plastic rain gutters from Lowes I think. I cant take credit for the idea I saw it online.
Mordenheim board?
What a terrible response to an user sharing something he thought people would enjoy
Nice. I did something pretty similar with the same piece of gutter stock.
Those techniques can be applied to sci-fi terrain
Thanks user!
Not keen on guitar wire? I've always found it useful.
where are those roads from?
no user, you don't have to write code to draw a 3d model. Just look up some torturials for solidworks or inventor. I learned the basics of solidworks on university in less than a couple of weeks.
old school WD article.
Epic terrain so, epic scale.
but I'm sure it can be scaled up
ok...das pretty cool
Sup tg
That's rad.
Hope the infinity cyberpunk shanghai terrain guy shows up, his stuff is cool.
Looks sick, not the first time I've seen train-themed 40k terrain, but easily one of the better ones (I think it's all the bitz) - looks like it'd go well with the industrial sector crane and shunter that recently came out
Pic related is dakkadakka.com
I've also seen
And this rather mad project
And discussion that, thanks to heroic proportions, O-gauge is the best regularly-available size for 40k train related things
And of course there's the one GW did when they launched apocalypse
I post in the dropzone thread a lot
Thats really cool. I like that a lot.
Did I just summon you?
Oh shit, no coincidence. Rad that I get called out.
is that really how those are made? ive never played warhammer but i think the terrain looks super cool. I always figured lots of things were prefabricated and bought
Sry fuckhuge pics, posting with phone
How is grass like that made?
Your stuff is pretty cool, didn't you say you had a more permanent thread on the infinity forums or shit?
And have you done any new stuff?
I recall you may have been looking at fencing or area dividers to break up between "shipping yard" and "back streets"?
That's more or less how to make them, yeah. Extruded foam is preferred over expanded (mainly because it's cleaner to work with), but packing materials are free, so there's that.
Scratchbuilt urban scatter terrain
would you just use an xacto knife to cut the foam? or something more along the lines of a sculpting knife?
Do you have a picture of all the terrain together? It's very impressive and I would like to see the whole thing
I prefer snap utility knives over Xactos for shaping; foam wears out the blade pretty quickly.
Current project, Neo Shanghai Cyberpunk Slum
Yeh, I remember posting with you! Am still on the slum, the details eat a monstrous amount of time. You had some good input on dividers, it's on my to-do list.
Here's the Neo Shanghai thread if anyone fancy a look
Does anyone have a good tutorial for billboards?
Current sub-project: Top secret YuJing trash container prototype, model 'Taiwan'. Made of paper, cause getting away dirt cheap is just the best.
End of spam.
Thanks user. I haven't a group picture yet, I'm dead focused on the slum. Only with that thing finished will I have a real 'group' of terrain that I can make shots of. Will show up in the thread linked above, and I spam infinity general regularly.
sweet bloodbowl stadium!!!
Sci-fi billboards or rustic Australiana billboards?
This table is serious business
Modern, With Platforms preferably.
I need to add elevation, LoS blocking above 2.5" and perches for sharpshooters that aren't as safe as rooftops.
Here's something neat a clubmate built recently. The writing was melted with a soldering iron (I guess there's better methods tho). Again sorry huge pics
I don't know how that works, but I dig it.
Reposting from /wip/:
I want to build a tiny imperial themed gothic chapell. I was thinking about using the Sanctum Imperialis or the Basilica administratum, or maybe some of the smaller buildings in the Gardens of Morr, plenty of candles and purity seals. Should I use something else? What should I put in the sanctum? A book, a sarcophagus or something more bizarre? My idea was to make it mobile, on tracks or legs.
I'm trying to brainstorm some ideas, so if you have any ideas please feel free to share.
Some guy in wip put chaos cathedral on baneblade.
Yeah, I remember that. I'll try to look back in the old wips.
I was mostly wondering how to add imperial iconography to third party buildings. I don't think walls and stuff could fit, and there aren't many places where to add aquilas. I'll make sure to add cables and techno rubbish, but apart from that, I don't have many ideas.
Gonna make this today, thanks for making my day off interesting my man!
Most of these are great for dioramas, but as for functioning boards just don't work. There's too much clutter and varying terrain to effectively use more than half the board surface.
Using cad for modeling is cheating. It lacks the heart and soul of a scratchbuilt conversion. All you get is some clinical lump with no feeling. As hobbyists we should reject it where we can.
It's just another tool in a hobbyist's arsenal, you're being overly dramatic.
The correct answer is to use both CAD and scratchbuilding. CAD is just another tool.
CAD killed GW's creativity. The writing is on the wall. Nothing good comes from CAD.