Now that the Horde was successfully pushed back,I say we attack their home asteroid base,and then work on the liberation of Rumar Space.
Galactic Federation:Horde Fight Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
PvP Combat rules,for those who need them
Also,was thinking of making armor as a percentage gained as extra health at the beginning,rather than a subtraction of damage.
Anyways,I'll keep this thread alive.
With time salvation shall come to Rumar and judgement to The horde. Already the great manufactories, forges, and shipyards of Sol roar to life as a new blade is forged to combat the threats of the Void.
Who else will join this campaign?
I can provide shock troops.
My granicaps can conquer planets in groups of 12 and less.
How long until the Dominion is fully mobilized?Could they come help the Federation against the Perfected as well?
Hm...lets see full mobilization last time I mentioned it would take 3 months
OOC depends on how long has past since the last thread IC
Yeah,but it's been a few days since the planet was taken back.Horde forces are already on the retreat.
I wonder where the other ambassadors are.Taxla has still not returned,and Beally disappeared after we fought the Perfected together.
>She awakes with a stretch
Good morning ambassadors what have I missed during my slumber?
The Horde was defeated by the Federation in a climactic battle a few days ago.It ended with Admiral Karl killing their Kaptain,Rush Bee.
Any news with your people?
>A burn scarred but noticeably alive Admiral arrives
Good news is with the thousands of new ships the UE is producing and the fresh Dominion reinforcements the Horde and Eortans are being pushed back.
Bad news is we think the Perfected will probably attack soon. Things have been too quiet down there.
Anything to bring to my attention Ambassadors?
One of our chefs family lines have been promoted to nobles thanks to his recent discovery in the art of cuisine.
Not much.However,I intend to speak with the Perfected soon.
In other news,one of my anti extradimensional entity weapons has it's prototype finished.All I need now is Father's corpse.
The prototypes will do,though.Once ASMODEUS returns,I'll kill the interloper.Just need to ask him for a dead sample.
So,I was thinking we make armor into a health buff rather than damage reduction.You'd add 20% more health to your fleet,for example,with a number of 4.
2 gives you 10%
3 gives 20%.
4 gives 30%.
5 gives 40%.
Going unshielded gives 50%,and the ability to reroll a doomsday overheating.
Going unarmored gives your shields complete immunity to damage as opposed to 80% reduction.
What was the discovery?
Sugar is still sweet when "caramelised"
Oh my....can I....touch your burns?
Are you....
Are you serious?
That's your disc-
You know what?I can't allow this.
Do you want a cookbook?We have some of the best in the Serenity.
He dueled Rush von Bee,slavic kaptain of the Horde.
Yes and this chef is now the head of a noble house would you rather we throw him back down into servitude along with his whole family for such a amazing discovery? and yes that would be lovely
No,but that is so ea-
Actually,he should be commemorated,for bringing such a great discovery to your people.In return,may I reward his family,and your people as a whole,with a collection of books containing the secrets of cooking?
He is truly a revolutionary.
>Carter sips a bottle of Eortan brandy,a relic of a dead empire.
>He is evidently trying to keep a straight face.
Why did he do this?
Why aren't the Perfected destroyed yet?
He did it to liberate a Ploraxian world,and now we're close to defeating the Horde.
As for the Perfected,no sign of them have appeared,but I have done some research on the Shroud and the Court,and found some suprising info.
I don't think we should kill them yet.
Anyways,how are you and the Andronians?It's been a few days since your home planet blew up,after all.
Did any of them survive?
What do you mean by survive?
If you meant the remaining survivors? My race is ancient and not even from this..galaxy, if anything I should call the King make sure he got to serenity safely.
I haven't heard from him.Never saw any Andronian ships.Maybe the UE transported him away safely?
Hey,are any more Andronians coming to our galaxy soon?Fighting them off might be hard considering the other two warring enemies at the moment.
Sure thank you for your fine gift!
>Has the new noble chef imprisoned along with his family and turned into battle thralls
You caused this.
Honestly it's worth it for giving you guys basic culinary skills.
So,how big is your empire?
Oh you mean are we gonna invade your galaxy.
Well it wouldn't be a bad idea, you're already overwhelmed. My race would be one more nail in an already shut coffin, and nothing in this Galaxy can match the power of a fully engaged Centarian-Andronian war machine, not the might of an entire galaxy could stop it I bet...
In fact I gotta go make a call.
We currently have exactly 200 core worlds 116 penal colonies 56 deathworlds 17 colonies and 1 arena world.
You guys are first.
I want the arena world.
We can rip you apart at the age of 3 are you sure? we number in the billions
No.I wasn't asking due to that.
I just don't want anymore of them trying to crown you "queen".
Not that being queen is bad,but the way they do it is something I won't really tolerate.
Pretty good,then.
How old is it?
Not when the Perfected take it first,Parasite, Let your armies come, we crushed them on Andromeda and we'll kill you again!
Rippress,with all due respect,that won't matter much.
She's an eldritch being.
Good.You're here.Hope you haven't trashed the infirmary from my surgery to fix your voice.
I don't want to fight.
I want to talk.
I think I know what you meant by the horror of death,now.
She helped me kill an entire olanet with her bare hands.Or tentacles.
She can kinda change it at will.
Our Imperium?
Try Quintillions flesh-welp, do not trifle with me worm, or I shall show you how we get down on Andromeda Axis Crux Triennial Nexus.
Oops,sorry.That last part about her was for the Rippress.
My tumor comm is kinda laggy to accommodate for the traps.
Ohhhhh.....Can I touch it?
I am going to touch you.
Uhh,I don't know.
That's her decision.
Can you not invade our galaxy?We have enough on our plate.
Yes,perfect, you wish to talk to Corbel wishes to talk to you.
>First, Fuck you that was not reconstructive surgery, that was a murder fuck in the color purple.
>Second: Also the Parasite is the true enemy here, you fight us when she doesn't even hide her intentions.
If you touch me, I'm gonna touch you back.
Will if you insist, I'll tell em to put it off until the Horde and Perfected are done with.
>Expect a 3 way battle at the climatic defeat of the Horde or Perfected.
Im coming to touch you
>The Royal Fleet Mobilizes comprising of (fluff-wise) 200 DreadNaughts 200 Battleships 200 Cruisers 200 Destroyers and 2000 Corvettes
>Beally sharpens her talons
"Time to show them why I make the big bucks."
>Flies into space to meet fleet head on.
Yeah,so turns out,after doing some research,you were kinda right about the death thing.
But only partly,You're stopping death for everyone,but you nedd only stop psionic deaths.
That's your goal,correct?
Prevent them from feeding Him?
Why would you invade?
Come on,Beally.I thought we were friends.You don't really kill another friend's galaxy when they let you sleep in their bed,you know.
Except in dimension 235.7,but those fucks are idiots.
Why is this occuring,again?
Fleet rules are at the top if you need them.
Don't worry Carter, if it makes you feel better I'll tell em to save the females and offspring..for last.
No fine I'll tell em to go pick on another galaxy
>Pics up communicator.
"Sorry guys galaxys a bust no one wants a thing in this galaxy.."
>Beally listens intently to the device head nodding every once in awhile.
"Yes, yes, Permission to continue survey of surrounding clusters Mama?"
>the smile on Beally's face says it all.
It's happening because I need to show uppity mortals their place on the planar food chain.
I like touching things with tentacles.
OOC:Thanks can you give me a fleet limit or something? We primarily use mass Kinetic Bombardment and Giant Doomsday Nuke Launchers
Him...oh you give the enemy a name, this is no good It is a sin for those who've been marked, that creature is no Him. It is a virus and we are the antibodies... To even attempt to rationalize it as a him...Just shows how deserving on deconstruction you organics really are."
>The Priest grips the wicked blade at his side.
>The priest grips his head in his gloved hands.
>Physical weapons
If you may excuse my language. What the fuck are you?
The bigger the impact the bigger the hole eventually there will be to many holes and you'll die. Its simple
>aka the only Perfected infected by a different type of crazy than the other ones.
Listen,Blue,you have a point,but it does have a name.The infeected,the psions...they kniw not of what they have.
But I know who told you to stop them.I knkw who betrayed you.
He was wrong,Blue.He used your people to beat those of the Void into submission,long ago.
Why do you enjoy tentacles?
All the rules for doomsday weaponry and kinetic weapons are in the rules,don't worry.
You can make it a gigantic fleet,though.It won't matter much.
But let's make the limit 2000 fleet points,anyways.
He is an ambassador,of a proud and once noble people twisted by the will of warring gods.
You can stay?Awesome.Was worried you would have to go back for a sec.
Also,please return my sheets.
Good luck trying to shoot something going faster than the speed of light.
>Also I'm going to board every ship in your fleet. and kill absolutely every crew member on board
only with me in em big boy.
>The Priest collects himself, red armor and blue skin can only contrast for so long, but beads of sweat forming on Corbel's face mean not long yet.
>The priest rises his staff, clearly someone was used to giving sermons.
>That final cry ends the Priest's monologue as he looks onward into the crowd
Last time I saw you,you were asleep on my bed with a finished caramel mocha,after I walked in and gave it to you.I don't think we did anything that night.
Unless I don't remember,Admittedly I can't really remember that night and the day after.
Got a rocking hat though.
Anyways,I woke up with a day missing from my life and without sheets.So I'd like them back,please.
I am not a Void Walker,but I know of them.They are as much victims as you are.
And those parasites are the spawn of the Shroud.I plan on destroying it,ending this cycle.I don't plan on being wiped out as a failed batch.
Will you help me?
"Corbel? What the fuck are you doing in this universe you maniac? this is my play pen!"
>The eldritch being floats up to the heavily armed man, and puts a finger to his chest with every word
"Get the fuck out."
>Then she perchs herself on his head.
"How long has it been since I sat on this spot?"
>the man grumbles.
Beast of the void, to attempt to deceive this servant of...Kh..the Perfected is a grave error indeed. But if you wish to join forces just this once... I shan't say no, after all we both want to help the galaxy no?
Beally,you don't want to do that.
I do not deceive you.I know your history,or at least some of it.
Your war with the psions long ago was manipulated.
And now they manipulate you again,to bring the Virus you know back to life.
I assume you came back to our galaxy after sensing a psionic wave,yes?
>Markon remains in his seat watching the discussion for quite some time before chiming in.
Carter do you have a clue what the hells going on between these two right?
Nope.But I know the Perfected are related to your problems,and they may be the solution.
Are you staying at your underwater dimensional house?
Since you're allowed to be here now.
"Oh you mean her screams right?"
>Motioning to the now glued to his head Beally
"No I'm afraid I personally have been stuck in this galaxy since that war on that stupid planet."
>He spits the name out.
"I saw them make planetfall, saw her make planet fall."
>Beally looks around nervously.
>"Guys he's lying kill him while he's distracted!"
"She appeared out of a black hole, a rip in space time, Time cried the day she appeared."
>"Deny deny deny."
>The giant red and blue man takes a seat and lights a rolled tube.
"Yes you did.. and you want to drag us all back where you...where they came from."
>The man takes a deep drag of the tube, the burning smoke gathering around Beally's face
>"Hey no! I just got clean dammit!"
"The PERFECTED were just the beginning."
Don't worry I'll make the Big Red Bastard run right back home to daddy
Yep, I'm thinking of moving, I've got a new spot.
I am not sure how the Andronians are involved,but most of what you say is true.
Especially how they want you back,after all this.
So,I'll help you kill It,or Him,or whatever you want to call it,before it kills enough psionics or the 50 years end.
In return,could you stop this war,and release the Rumar from your hold?
Including Rukaar.
Where is it?
I would like to visit sometime.
If you let me,that is.I won't come if you want to be alone.
>The Andronians, they are.. Unclean.
>They are touched by the darkness's gifts, and thus can not be perfected.
>But I am only the Perfected spiritual leader, and the grand high council will have to make that move to free the Rumar.
>Also we cannot stop our holy purpose.
>to pause for even a moment allows the parasites to get stronger, No.
>It is you who shall lay down your arms and join the collective, the perfected.
"And the sooner you can stop hanging out with weirdos like these."
>Points to Carter and Beally.
"It's a lot closer than you think."
>Sure I'll give you a tour, after we're done handling Corbel his ass on the way out the door.
Uh,you just pointed at me when you said weirdos.While telling me not to hang out with them.
Look,I do not know of what you speak of there,but I found some historical records detailing a war.
One I think you were involved in.
Perhaps the Andronians were the psionic beings mentioned?
I do not know,but what I do know is that the war cause the End to almost win,and if you start it again we will all perish.
I don't want to fight you.The Federation does.
If I help you stop It,then we would both complete our goals and could leave our separate ways.
Really?Okay,thank you.
But Corbel is here to discuss.I would rather not fight him.
"Oh yeah that's what he said the last 7 times!"
>Corbel defends himself with haste
>"Silence child, Do not attempt to deceive this being, He is greater than you."
>those biting words hung in the air, Beally's eyes started to twitch.
"Deceive this you Khornate freak!"
>The seat on top of Corbel's head was not for show and she drops her talon across his neck.
"Chop chop making niggas drop!"
>Carter grabs Beally
Calm down.Just calm yourself.
How about we all just say what we know about this,okay?Mayb it'll clear things up.
At this rate,we'll all be killed.
Your federation is weak, you should allow them to perish and let the strong prevail. We...our...My Cooperation, is as temporary as her kindness to you.
You will see her treachery for what is truly is.
I trust her,Blue.I doubt she is what you say she is.
But we have the same enemy.Those things that wish to use the psions,if I a not mistaken.
They're called Psykers, Void Beast, and you'd do best to place a wall between you and them....What was your name again?
Carter,if you will.
Anyways,those psykers cannot be killed if we wish to defeat It.
They are not a part of the problem,but will contribute to it if we do not make the right course of action.
Beally,what do you know of psionics?I assume you understand that most rafes in this galaxy did not develop them naturally.
This is correct pal, this galaxy is actually the least conductive towards anything having to do with psionics I have ever seen.
>Looks at the Rippress. Still in his battle armor
If you want but there are more battles to be won and the UE needs me on the front lines so I won't have a lot of time. Have there been any updates?
That is for a reason,Beally.One I think I know.
In all of their history,these psions talk of getting it bestowed upon them.From gods.
I thought they lied,thought it was simple evolution.And certainly some did occur from that.
But the others are not natural.
I am not done with my research,but I know this.Those Divines the Voidspeaker mentioned are real,and they didn't fuse due to the Avarians.They fused from a war,a War of the Perfected vs the psions.
One I think your people participated in.
Now,the Horde is retreating.
I am trying to find the truth about why the Shroud is so interested in us,especially the Dominion.
From what I have gathered,the Voidspeaker's people fused from the atrocities of this war,and the Divines fought one another,after fighting back the Court like OMEGA has stated before.
I need more time,but if there is any info you know of this,please tell me.
Sounds fun.
OOC:I made a hentai joke and Im running with it
Don't know just the feeling of it grazing against my hands makes so flustered.
Thats why bigger bullets exist.
>Im going to board every ship in your fleet and kill absolutely every thing on board.
Do you think that is the war Ty'Salon spoke of when he gave us the information on the Horde? And ummm
>Coughs loudly
Our scouts have some information on the Master from some of the Eortan captains we've captured. They believe he is an exiled member of the Court. Take of that what you will.
>O-oh that war...
"Umm so about.."
>Thinks for a second.
"So I'd say about 4 million years ago this galaxy and all galaxies in this supercluster belonged to one being and this being was the greatest there ever was."
>Looks around at everyone in the room.
"The Celestial,Divines,the Censors, there are many names for these creatures and would you believe it if I told you me,omega,alpha,stolas,carmine, were all stupidly ancient beings that remember when the reality was still neurons firing?"
"And then told you that we used to rule fucking all esentice until someone,not pointing any fingers."
>Beallys hair creates a giant danger arrow pointing directly at her head.
"But someone started a little argument, they tried to take sides, someone may have lost that battle, but we did win the doctrinal conflict!"
I don't have a fleet due to being the estranged CEO of a mining company.
Then I will touch you. again. and again. and again. The Royal Fleet is only meant to stop people from attempting to take out the Ripperor/Rippress in this case me.
>Oh looks like someones wants to be tentafucked?
"Do you want your whole race to be one giant orgy cause I can make that fucking happen.
What is a orgy?
Hmm.That is a rather interesting history.
From what I gathered,those Divines tried bestowing psionics to help ascend,but after the Court showed up and attacked them,one of their own betrayed them.
Now,they are shards and dead,and I know one wishes to revive itself.
I'll need to do more research though.
Anyways,your account may have truth in it.Personally,I don't know if we'll ever find out.But I am pretty sure what the Shroud is now,and how to stop both it and the Court.
So,wanna go on that tour,now?I've got nothing else to do.
Um..okay.That is rather strange,no offense.
Would make sense.It certainly fits with some of this info I've gotten.Though the Master may go by a different name.
The interloper,perhaps?
I somehow pieced together a gigantic mythology of the Divines,the earlier 7 universes,and the Court.Now I'm just slowly introducing it,to let it be moulded by these threads.
>A Vox link opens and a laugh is heard
My people are not dead yet Carter. The body count if the Federation forces is testament to this but I have decided to give you one last chance to surrender and join me and the Horde. I know you think us evil but perhaps i can give you some information that might influence your decision.
Well,go ahead and speak.Although you are on the retreat.
I,unlike some others who attacked you,am open to discussion.
What do you know?
Before he was known as the Master the being you know of was once Echo Knight of the Court. He was often the first into a new existence to bring news of Cessation and lead the Court's numberless Legions against any who stood in their way. But as he got more and more used to reality he started feeling compassion and attachment to the sentient races of our reality and would often take the physical form of one of them to speak among the populaces of the different worlds of our universe. And of course he fell in love with a woman of one of these races,I have no idea what species but I suspect Androniab though it is just a suspicion,and his love for her through him against the Court and cessation and a great war commenced. The Celestials were in it to of course but for their own aims. But alas his forces were defeated and crushed by the Court but they decided cessation was not a worthy punishment for him and they agreed to spare this reality until the time was right at the cost of everything he loved and ever loved. He went into a state of grief and swore to destroy the Court and end the cycle of cessation even if he had to conquer every world in the universe for the knowledge he needed to save the young races of the galaxy. So you see Carter after the last Cessation he and the Horde were drawn here to this galaxy to find what they hope to be the last piece of information to destroy the Court. He is on your side Carter and he is on the side of every living thing so I hope you reconsider your decision to be so rebellious.
Ty'solan.No offense,but if he came here to stop the Court why are they running around squatting and killing people?That doesn't seem on the side of every living thing.
Whatever.If he is from another reality,another universe,then he could just ask people for help defeating them instead of rolling up in adidas jackets and killing randomly to attract attention.
Not like I care,though.Your Master is the Courtt's interloper,the one who popped out and killed 12 systems,if I am correct.
And the Court has asked me to kill it.
I don't think you realize,but nothing really matters in that regard.He'll never get his "love" back.So that's no excuse for exterminating worlds.
Add that to the fact that there are an infinite number of universes that he could have gone to to ask for help,and he seems really foolish.
I just want to keep the Federation here alive,and stop those Divines from fucking us over.
It doesn't help when the Horde rolls up and attacks multiple planets,then calls me rebellious for demanding a reason and spouts off a story to excuse it.At least the Perfected were manipulated into their position.
Go tell your Master he's a whiny emo,and I'll beat him into the ground tomorrow if he turns out to be the interloper.Then,I'll handle the Court myself.To prove that he's a little shit and should have introduced himself better than squatting and genocide.
Anyways,I'm gonna see if Beally will still offer that tour.
Anyone left in the thread,by the way?I'll stay up a bit longer,to keep it alive.
Right here
Just checking.I'll be going in about 30 minutes.
I think it's just you,me,and Karl right now.
Is everyone else off?
Also,do you have a pdf of your civ or something?
They seem interesting.
OOC:Tried to stay within the fluff about the Court what do you fuckers think about the big reveal?
I think so and Im still writing the doc I just joined yesterday remember? they're based off of surprise suprise my Stellaris species.
And I don't really know whats happening but it sounds interesting.
It's pretty good in my opinion.Doesn't excuse the master at all,but it at least provides a motivation.
Just to be clear,is the Master the Interloper,or are they separate entities?
>astrals shell stomps into the stations meeting place
'ello everyone
That's fine,I just really want to read up on them.I always like seeing new civs.
I know what's going on,just that it's a little fuzzy sometimes.I just try to keep it grounded to the fact that the Horde wants to kill everyone to eventually defeat the Court,the Perfected want to kill all psions for a reason I won't say right now,and the Court wants to cease all universes.
How is the shell fitting you? We removed its self destruct function to give you synthetic organs and "parts" so you can properly experience a body. Did the sense of touch module work right?
Thanks buddy I heard theres a discord is that true?
Sup.Was just discussing with others concerning the Horde and Perfected.What have you been doing?
I'm now waiting for Beally.She said she'll give me a tour of her new place,and she's allowed to stay in this galaxy now.
Yes,there is.I could post it,but there are major spoilers in one of the channels,called the Federation Vox.You sure you want to see it?
Plus,the spoilers are really incoherent.I'm writing up a history of the Divines and Void,but the Court is kinda the same as it always was,as a group of cessation wanting beings.
Im fine with Spoilers I can RP pretty well and plus it means I can participate without asking WTF is that all the time.