Ask me anything.
I'm the sun god
Where the fuck do you GO every day?
Can I pet you?
Who's a good boy? (Or girl in this case?)
What's your relationship with the moon god
To sleep.
Tits or gtfo
We're either distant, there's something in between us, or she's getting in my way.
Why are you such a dick?
Why are canids?
I have my reasons.
Aw yiss!
How high do I need to roll to take your stuff?
Pretty high mate.
If you can even carry it all.
Oh, and if you take the chariot, fill up the horses before you bring it back.
Where do you buy your suits and dress shirts from?
okay, 17 plus sleight of hand bonus... 21, is that good enough?
These beings are imposters. I will better identify myself from now on.
To sleep.
I am.
I met her on the moon once during one of her edgy phases. she shot horn lasers at me but I heard she's gotten better since then.
I don't carry anything on me because I'm a wolf.
Something Veeky Forums related:
Should I buy a malifaux guild's judgement starter kit to paint the models (they just look so damn cool), even though I will never be able to play the game since there are no other players in my city?
And if not, what shold I get for my nids next? Hive guards or a hive tyrant for cthulu conversions?
I feel so conflicted. Help me, oh great sun god.
Why is my son so gay?
Hah, take all the sunlight you can carry, you stupid dickhead.
Disclaimer: too much sunlight gives you skin cancer.
From who ever has the nicest stuff.
All you get is a burnt hand.
No, something with authority, so Hive Tyrant.
He's a fag.
He has a point.
Ignore this mutt
Follow your own judgment. on such matters because /your guys/ are a holy expression of who you are.
He got it from his dad.
This cretin is only glowing yellow because I peed on him from heaven.
Is man's obligation to any fellow man, to folks of the same nation, to his blood-related kin, or only to himself?
but, you are a god, don't gods have things?
well, screw you, I will return for loot with a higher bonus
golden bag of holding here, time to blind a dragon and take it's stuff!
That would depend on the man. But all men should put me first.
He has a water bowl, a food bowl, a nice pillow, and his toys.
Did I forget to feed you today? Or did you lose your favorite ball again?
What is beauty, oh great illuminated one? And wha is love?
I am. Love is fickle bitch.
Give me the sunlight, I want to blind the dragon, I want it's stuff
Have you ever gotten laid since greek times?
Did you fug the tree?
'sup bitches?
Gtfo tzeench, you're not even fucking trying
It's better than Khorne playing as his fursona "Quetzalcoatl" again.
I give you my Vitamin D rich sunlight every day you pleb. Try going outside more.
We don't talk about the tree
Get back in your cage before you shit everywhere.
But it's YOUR tree
Why does this bird have tits?
What's with all the geomagnetic storms and prominences? Be cool plx.
The tests came back inconclusive, you can't prove shit!
Ask Zeus. He's a kinky old cuck.
I just drink a bit too much wine some times, you know?
how's the forest god. I feel like he's a really cool dude at parties. he brings beer and stuff to parties and all the nyphs like him
He's pretty fucking chill. But he's picked up vaping lately. It's annoying as shit.
take the knot?
I think this question's for you, pup.
How can I best praise your glorious incandescence?
Be charitable to others. And don't think about such things.
....I have a paintbrush. You could have that.
The greatest force in the world.
Go away Obama.
He asks for my shine and I provide.
I'm not a filthy degenerate slut.
Do your best at Bringing cheer to those around you.
Grab the sharpest thing you have and go slay all that is evil in my name. And maybe learn first aid.
Elves are evil, right?
By default, they are an annoyance at best. Altough anybody that worships me is accepted.
With action user.
She's lying, like always.
>this entire thread
>pick up brush
>"I guess the priest might know what this does"
>attempt to put into golden bag of holding
>have two, open wrong one
>flash of light causes temporary blindness