How often do you play characters that aren't one of the standard human/elf/dwarf/halfling/orc races?
How often do you play characters that aren't one of the standard human/elf/dwarf/halfling/orc races?
60%-50% favoring non-humans, most of which are dragonborn/dwarves
As often as possible, usually the ugliest or most monstrous ones.
I just fucking love monsters.
Dragonborne, Gryphons, and Gorilla Dogs are my favorite
I hear that
Every character I've ever played has been a either a dwarf, halfling, or human save for one: a half-ogre.
Unfortunately I do not think I have ever played one o the stranger races...
I'll have to hash out some ideas and put them into practice in the near future.
i dont generaly go for "the non human" one.
Tho ill generaly play lizardpeople when available. Or bug people.
If not, i tend to stick with humans and come up with an interresting culture to give some context to my character having memorable habits.
I guess you could call that lazy roleplaying but so far my friends liked me beeing the eccentric one that isnt actually an antisocial hobo.
That beeing said, these days im stuck beeing a DM so i "Play" pretty much whatever the story demands.
He looks so happy.
95% of the time non human. Mainly kobolds. A number of gnolls, and a few Kenku
Is the tiefling standard? I run one of those.
Ive also done lizardmen. Admittedly I usually play humans though.
Just started a game where someone is a golem cup. Like, a two foot tall terracota mug with seeming levels of sentience
Do you mean like non-standard as in a DnD world or just in general, because I'm playing an Ironclaw game right now. Pic related.
Pretty often. My first PC was human but I developed a soft spot for kobolds. I also played lizardfolk once for a nautical game, tiefling for a Planescape one, and Minotaur for a Dragonlance game.
I have strange preconception about furry or dragonborn races either PC or DMPC, but i played shroom man druid once.
I'd play the shit out of that frog.
In a cross country mixed WoD game, I was playing a Promethean cat, stitched together from roadkill.
All the time.
If the setting has kobolds, they're usually my first choice: tiny underdogs, fish out of water, generally hated, and with a huge chip on their shoulders, gradually learning to become heroes and for people to actually like them.
If there are no kobolds, I tend to go for the closest approximate.
Depends on the setting.
Right now I'm playing a goblin in an evil campaign (I'm the lesser evil!) and a spiderbro because non standard physiology is fun ("I'm repugnant? You gulp down food before even digesting it and I'm the repugnant one?")
I'd like to play one some day.
It's funny, my group always complains about me doing weird chars with weird races but everytime I ask them to back that shit up (I have all the char sheets of every game I played) they find that the vast majority (90%+) are humans just happens that I tend to mention I want to play a character concept that sounds slightly out of the ordinary and that stucks in their heads as if I actually played that
I'm in a kind of somewhat similar situation, but with girls.
I've actually technically played more male characters than female characters, but every single time I play a male character, the campaign only ends up lasting one session, or the character dies in one session, or something like that. I've had one male character last 3 sessions before the campaign fell apart, and two that had like, 1 1/2. Every other male character has been 1 session only.
Meanwhile, with one exception, every female character I've played, who make up like 1/4 of my characters created, has ended up being a long-running, well remembered, definitive character. I'm really starting to feel like 'that guy' who plays only female characters even though it's not technically true.
Dammit, did 682 get out again?
About half the time or more, I think. I once played one of those elemental races, but we wound up playing those as humans with perks. As is often my experience with the less grounded races. And because the people playing them act them out as human, it's hard for the rest to remember they're supposed to be weirdo's, too.
So I tend to prefer something that already has some presence in popular Fantasy, or is in some other way familiar to both myself and others.
CHRONO Triiiiiiiiger
Never, I always play humans
>humans, dwarves and elves are so BORING, let me play as a kobold/kitsune/gnoll/snowflake
>proceed to make character with no interesting or defining features whatsoever, shitty generic background, personality, etc.
>it's already interesting enough because it's not a human and I want to fuck it :^)
Every time. Furfaggotry, not even once
About half the time. I only like playing as humans or something that is significantly non-human. Elves especially are so close to being human that I find them kind of redundant.
>Posts Grippli
My man.
One of my first characters was a Grippli ranger. The G.M. gave exp. for good role-playing, and the entry I read said the Grippli have croaky, froggy, voices which make them difficult for people to understand, so I gave my self a sore throat doing a frog-voice every game.
I once made a whole speach about seeking out evil & smiting it in my frog voice, and even the G.M couldn't understand what I was saying, and afterward my throat was so bad I couldn't repeat it so I just had to whisper the gist of it.
>how often do you play a furry
It doesn't have to be a furry. It could be a robot, or a golem, or an alien, or a giant, or an ogre, or an elemental entity, or a djini, or a fae, or other magical spirit, or even something like a distinctly non-human witch or something.
Isn't there an available HFY thread you can meme around in?
all the goddamn time. I love humans from a mechanical standpoint, but most of the time there's a nonstandard race that fits the plan much better, fluff and crunch-wise
Depends on if you mean how many characters I've created or if you mean total time played.
I've made far more exotic characters than standard race ones, but my human characters are the only ones who live for very long.
Kinda like you but with races.
In the longest campaign I was ever on I had four characters but only one of them lived for more than a single session. He died a lot, but the other players always brought him back because they really liked him. Basically ended up as the main character of the story because he was there for session one and there for every major plot point.
Now I'm back to GMing so it's different. I've come to realize that I don't like the elf-dwarf-orc-halfling lineup as much as doing a "humans and whatever crazy crap I can come up with myself" approach.
>any opinions I don't like are memes, get out of my hugbox!!!
It's time to stop posting.
As often as possible. Double if I can make them pass for human while fooling the rest of the party.
Frog people best people, always.
>any opinions I don't like are memes, get out of my hugbox!!!
It's time to stop posting.
Is that really the best you can come up with, repeating words that aren't even applicable in the repeat case? Sorry you got triggered that not everyone wants to play a special snowflake furfag race
I'm not even him, bruh. Just saying, your shit is just an opinion, too. You can't use the argument that the other has fragile feelings when you're getting your panties in a twist over their commentary and their choice of characters.
Plus, you're actually shitting up a thread where you have nothing to add. If this shit triggers you, it's legit better to just stay out.
I've never played anything but male human. Ever.
Doesn't that get boring?
I usually go for the robot/warforged option if possible.
Thri-kreen or insectiod of some kind if that's an option.
Skeleton (human) when the opportunity arises.
Human male fighter ranks next, followed by "those other races".
>enter thread asking question about [TOPIC]
>stop trolling please
Press F to fuck off
What do you have against skin?
>thread literally asks if you like playing as non-standard special snowflake races
>answer "no"
Pretty often. I play a Final Fantasy tabletop game where I play a Viera, so yeah rabbit person.
Cool opinion, bruh.
That's almost word for word exactly what happened. Where exactly does "opinion" fall into it?
I find it interesting that the strong majority of the people in this thread that do play Kobolds and Lizardfolk.
Let's see:
1 air genasi
1 fire genasi
1 wemic
1 half-orc
3 humans
1 elf
These are ones I can recall, others were too short-lived.
My nigga!