Hey folks, I'm new to Magic. Can I get some tips on resolving New Perspectives?
Also, based on the spoilers we have so far do you think Hour of Devastation will be fun to draft?
Hey folks, I'm new to Magic. Can I get some tips on resolving New Perspectives?
Also, based on the spoilers we have so far do you think Hour of Devastation will be fun to draft?
in drafts it's mostly just a cmc6 draw 3. Not good but not bad either.
dunno, they haven't spoiled a majority of the commons
>Friend who was suppose to reserve us spots for HOU prerelease never did it, and now doesn't have the cash to do so
I really hope when I get paid Friday there are still spots open.
I disagree, cycling decks in limited are already a thing, having new perspectives lets you play a combo deck in limited
Can't you give collateral? "Short on cash. I get paid Friday. If I give you this XXXX, can you hold spots for us?"
cycling decks in limited don't need New Perspectives.
Unfortunately it's not a local game store, and even though it's the closest one it's about a hundred miles away.
>100 miles
A 2 hour drive dude? That's crazy
Doesn't even sound like its worth going to it unless you're seeing more than the card store over there. Why not just wait a week and play a 3-man winston draft with each person buying 3x Amonkhet and 6x Hour packs? That way you can do it three times while you drink and eat.
>cycling decks in limited are already a thing
Hardly. This format is so aggressive that you rarely have the time to durdle around with cycling. And with that said New Perspectives is a six mana spell that doesn't impact the board in any way in a format where you can't really afford to take a turn off. It gets better in Sealed, where things slow down considerable, but it's an utterly mediocre card in draft.
No user he's right. Constructed is super fast but these drafts have been 7cmc shitstorms through and through.
You clearly don't live in the midwest/northwest. I used to drive 50 miles both ways to hang out with a girl.
What the fuck are you on about? Have you played this format? More than once?
It's worth it. We go for three events, two regular Sealed and one two headed giant. Plus it's a great store that provides food during each event.
TL:DR - Im old as fuck and want to learn MtG from anew again because fuck you nostalgia.
Also im an total idiot with no skill whatsoever.
hey guys.. im completly new to Magic.
Well okay this isn't true, back then, when the Original Mirodin was released my History Teacher showed me the game. I was a Yu-Gi-Oh! player back then in germany because it was the flavor of the month. He even was there when i had my first tournament, even tho it was just the pre-release from Kamigawa.
thing is, this is really fucking long ago but i want to play it again.
the other thing is: im not really smart. I have no real sense for tactic and i was always unflexible as FUCK. In MMO's or other RPG's i always play the dude with alot of HP and a Hammer in his hand and smack myself through the game. Even tho im a 28year old dude that looks like boogie2988, im willing to learn but i have no idea how to start.
sorry for the wall of text.
>these drafts have been 7cmc shitstorms through and through
I'd say try Magic Duels. It's f2p on Steam. Support for the game has officially stopped so avoid spending money on it. But it's good for teaching complete beginners the ropes. It gets some of the more complicated rules utterly wrong due to them being difficult to implement and teaches some bad habits, but it's probably the best way to learn the basics, if you have no Magic-playing friends.
If you already know the basics of the game, there's a prerelease in like one or two weeks. Just go to an LGS and ask about it.
first of all, who are you going to play with?
Friends, people at Fryday Night Magic or people you met at tourneys and stores?
Each and everyone of them will play only in certain formats so you will have to stick to their choices and then adapt to the local meta.
try looking for some Red/Green decks (maybe a third color too if you really want to spice things up, but do it only if you understood what your cards are really going for).
If you want to know cards there is a good app for everyone but iOS called MTG familiar (I'm using it and I really like it)
Finally take a look at other people deck in every format to get ideas for your own deck(I don't know if you still have your collection) on deckstats.net or tappedout.net
im not sure.
plus alot of stuff is new to me like (you can laugh now) Planewalkers. they didn't exist back when i had my 4 months of glory.
Well i got a Local Cardshop thats about 45 minutes away from here (extremly comfy to reach with public transportations). It got 2 events every tuesday and friday. But you can go there and play whenever you like and find people.
Coolstuff in Maitland?
uhm no a little store near Lüneburg, Germany.
>7cmc shitstorms
sure if by that you mean casting and then dumping a 5cmc cost card
I just got back into the game myself; picked up a preconstructed deck for standard, threw a few other cheap cards in to beef it up, playing it at FNM. Head to the game shop a couple hours early and you can probably do the same on the spot. There will be someone there to answer your questions, it's not a test that you're going to fail if you don't study.