>Chooses quadriplegic
>Makes a cyborg
Chooses quadriplegic
>chooses retarded
>Makes memelord
What quadriplegic STAYS a quadriplegic, if they live in a setting where they can get robo-limbs?
Poor ones
>Everyone chooses colorblind for free points
>GM makes us defuse a bomb
We Xcom:EW now.
How would one operate robotic limbs when the problem is in the motor cortex of their brains? They'd have to replace multiple chunks of their brain to be able to operate their cybernetic limbs. That shits much more expensive than some nerve linked arms and legs and could even be really dangerous to attempt. Plus, they owe points back if they get rid of their condition: the chunks of their brain they replace had other pathways going through there too. Get wrecked, smug hand.
You get some points but a quadriplegic with cyborg limbs will be unable to move if something happens to his limbs.
Unlike a non-quadriplegic with cyborg limbs.
>cast wall of iron
>cast fabricate into masterwork daggers
>sell daggers
With a robotic motor cortex, obviously.
Assuming all four limbs are cybernetic, wouldn't removing them MAKE the cyborg a quadriplegic?
you literally managed to frog-post without a frog, impressive
A lot of people lose motor function due to accidents etc. If it was a synthetic spinal cord or brainstem, wouldn't that be fine?
>play Eclipse Phase
>get cheap body and load it up with negative physical traits
>ditch shitty body and use points from negative traits to get a nice new one for free
>Option 1.
"Sorry player, your disability prevents your brain from connecting to the implants correctly."
>Option 2
No catch... just charge them for the enhancements. Have them start thousands of dollars in debt in exchange for their free points.
>Option 3
Just play the game.
> go negative
> go back to starting point
> """FOR FREE"""
The new free body is better than what you start off with you big dummy.
This is genuinely hilarious. Saved
And the first time an EMP goes off or they get out of power for the cybernetics, they get pinned down to the ground and have a nervous breakdown because they're brutally reminded of their disability ?
Alternatively, if you really want to punish this, make the cybernetics unwieldy, or at least less precise than actual limbs
This is a non-problem, and if you spent 1 minute thinking about it instead of shitposting, you could have abstained from making this thread, thus not further lowering the bar
Fuck off, frogposter.
if you have robot limbs that work then you aren't quadriplegic
best pay up the points, bucko
> how I know user and his gm are retarded and know nothing of explosives: the post
Yes, because games of pretend with dice just HAVE to be exactly like real life. How about you pry the stick out of your ass and try to actually have some fun for once?
You don't build your bombs with games of Simon Says as the trigger?
I'd only allow it if cybernetic limbs came with some sort of disadvantage.
In Shadowrun I believe that the Para/Quadriplegic Negative Quality specifically stats that their body rejects limb replacements. If they want to get working Limbs they would have to Buy off the negative quality. As a GM I would probably argue that the player also needs to pay for surgery/replacments before hand as well.
Pretty sure that there is no problem with Rigging drones with arms/legs though.
Don't be so hard on him, user; being a know-it-all prat on the internet is probably the closest he'll ever get to feeling like a man.
One of my guys in Mutants and Masterminds has no arms. His arms are dispositives, so they can be removed if he gets knocked out. And since most of his powers are associated with that dispositive, he would be literally powerless
I think it's a fair trade
>the wires in the bomb are all the same colour anyway
has a few problems user
first the Guilds will be after you for taking profits from them if your not one of them
selling takes time, you can't just stand on a street corner and sell a thousand Masterwork Daggers in a after noon the number of costumers that can afford it just isn't that high
at some point your have to find a new market because no nearby will buy a Masterwrok Dagger because they either have one or can't afford the price so your need a transport and guards for your merchandise even if you yourself don't need it and that will cut into profits
will you make money?
yes but probably not as much as you were hoping not as fast as you would want
Morph Pool Variant, motherfucker!