Anyone wanna play DnD around 6:00AM central time? I am itching to run a campaign when I get off work. It would be over roll 20.
Come on mates let's have a game. Ask for more details.
Anyone wanna play DnD around 6:00AM central time? I am itching to run a campaign when I get off work. It would be over roll 20.
Come on mates let's have a game. Ask for more details.
Text or voice? Pregen characters?
Can we join up, give a vague character that's really just a race and class build, stick around for 30 minutes of the first session, then exit out of chat and never be heard from again?
If possible, I'd like you to fill me in on what's been going on these last ten minutes because I've barely paid attention and have been switching tabs in my browser.
Also I'd like to play a Wizard, because that way I'll actually have to think about my actions in combat, but I'll never pay enough attention in the rounds before my turn, and bring the action to a screeching halt every time I'm up as I try and decide what to do.
voice. You can make characters. It's 3.5 in a dry sandy landscape. Almost apocalyptic. I'm writing up a world outline now. But it's hoi g to basically be like a mix of dune and stalker. With a dash of dark sun.
No but that would be cool too. I just wanted to run a group of complete strangers and see how it goes! Expect to RP
I have a little bit longer to go at work I will soon have to go dark and I'll check in when I'm off. Don't bother rolling stats yet but if you want to I would really appreciate if you guys got an idea for a character together if you want to join. I should have a chat room open in about an hour period only thing required is that you have a mic
Legit second person to ever get it though the years of me using grue online Is there a problem?
Nobody here likes 3.5. Nobody here plays 3.5. The only reason we keep Pathfinder around now is so we can post our fetish Shit and blame it on PF players, and so we can keep the Paizo people contained. Most of us have moved on to 5e, moved outside of D&D entirely, or gone back to 4e with a surprising amount of vehemence because 5e is just so... bland.
Switch to either Pathfinder, or 5e, then we'll talk.
I don't really care? It's not the best system I will give you that. But really if your a player who's looking to have fun all you need is a good DM. And any good DM should be able to make a fun game in a fimiller system. Wether that be DnD, 40K or gurps. It doesn't really matter to me.
I do wanna run a 3.5 or 2e game though. Neacuse that's what I'm most fimiller with at this time
fuck off, the differences are so minimal it doesnt even matter
Don't bother. This is about D&D not who's system is better.You wanna play?
Any questions ask away I will get to them as I have time to.
how frequent would sessions be? i'm not sure i have the time to regularly partake in a campaign atm
I'm not quite sure this game could be in five sessions long could be longer could be one section long. I'm not asking for you to commit to it. If you just want to stop by and see how things are that's cool period if you feel like you want to stay around for a few games that's alright too. I'm very flexible. I have the basics of a module I'm going to run you guys through. And depending on who we get we'll see what kind of game it becomes.
Anyone want some of what the true. Is. Cookin?
What 3.5 splatbooks are you gonna allow?
Also, by your description of setting it sounds more like a scifi/d20 Modern game than one with dragons and dungeons and spells and shit.
but hell, run it anyway, user. Good luck
>No, I won't eat shit
>If you switch to AIDS diarrhea we'll talk
Okay I'm heading home now. I can now talk in full length about the session. I'm ready to go as soon as I have someone to throw in. Will create the roll 20 room in 20 to 40 minutes
No it's spells. The world is my own but it's a mid evil one. I just used the books I took some books that inspired this campaign to highlight what is going to be the overall tone.
Again this as a game SHOULD be a good well rounded session. And a good time besides the point. Think desert waist land if you want a vision in your head. And the city state structure of darksun. I'm running off of d20 srd. So I'm not sure what your asking with the first question. Care to elaborate?
3.5 has a LOT of splats, and many of the better material came in them. The d20srd only has the PHB some Unearthed Arcana, and the Psionics Handbook stuff, if I recall correctly. It's missing some of the better classes, like Beguiler, Warlock or the ToB stuff.
if i can find a file for it i have no problem using it. I have no problem using things as long as i have a reference.
Okay i'm all good if anyone wants to go. just need two or three people.
I want to give it a shot. Am I late?