ctrl+f CardFight!! Vanguard, Nothing found.
What gives?
This is the most beautiful card game in existence. Very fun, dynamic, random and cool. Brilliant foils, good card presentation (magic looks like outdated crap compared to this) and interesting characters. And Anime series to add to the story!
So why so rare to find? Are you afraid of asian TCGs? What? I stopped and dumped mtg, for this. Very fun!
Ctrl+f CardFight!! Vanguard, Nothing found
Internet forums are like Dirt. It takes a specific kind of person to enjoy rooting around in it and only certain things tend to grow in them depending on the makeup of the dirt. Vanguard is not something that grows here in Veeky Forums.
Although, hey, now you've left yourself open as someone who like an anime card game AND a summer kid, so we'll probably have some fun here ridiculing you anyway.
Are you so jelly that MtG still has 10 year outdated cards with printing problems and is super generic? Or you have no money and play pretend sitting behind a table 'RPG' cause it requires zero money (torrent PDF, pen paper) and zero athletic ability (unlike actual historic reconstruction) and no effort (unlike real cosplay?) Sucks to be you, bub.
I have the cards but don't play because A: no one in my area B: I don't have the full set I want C: the physical playing community in most areas I've been witness to are so toxic there are stores refusing to sell the cards to avoid bringing these people in, because they are known to steal, literally flip tables, and cause issues with other gamers.
yea!,! get out of our sekrit club. Nothin personnel kid.
Hehe, no that you've outed yourself OP, the real FUN can begin. Ever get recidulked boy? Well you'r about to get slammed. Wait, where is the downvote button? Your account is about to be PMed something feerse.
FOR THE EMPRAAAAAAAAAAA *holds up your least favorite edition of D&D* Pshh, you better learn how we do things around here or you're gonna have a bad time. You got lucky this time kid. Better get out of our sub while you still can.
Nope. I'm just here for the shitshow. Happens every time.
I mean, the bait is obvious. Like, really, really, really, summerfag level obvious. I'm not sure if it's sadder if this isn't bait or isn't. But the thing is you've certainly chosen the right audience: Complete and absolute morons.
I mean, the first 20 posts of this thread will be surface-level rage posts mingling with bait signalers, but then the idiots will dig their heels in and REALLY get angry, with you needing to provide little to no feedback to keep the angry posts about why your game is stupid going.
Pretty soon we'll have reached 116 posts. 70% of which holding Vanguard in contemt, 15% just trolls egging on the 70% and 15% people who actually like this game but are all getting yelled down by the other factions.
Eventually it will all splinter off and you'll get some serious discussion about the game, but mostly just random topics that we've picked up along the way.
Meh. Try actually putting effort into ridiculing a post, and not just replying in an imbecilic manner. I'm not the one it makes look stupid.
Jesus OP, don't make us look bad. This is not how you get people to open up their mind to something different.
>Are you so jelly that MtG still has 10 year outdated cards with printing problems and is super generic?
What the fuck does this even mean?
I don't even know what this game is, but I'll ask here. Why do Japanese games always have such stupid power levels? Like that card in OP pic, power 10000? Wouldn't it be easier to keep track of stuff if you dropped like three of the zeroes at the end?
>Nope. I'm just here for the shitshow. Happens every time.
Cardfight just isn't really controversial enough to generate a shitstorm.
Not everything is bait. Trolls would pick better material, and bushiroad players are often pretty harmlessly autistic about their interests. It would sort of make sense if you're actually the OP and trying to stir up a shitstorm out of nothing, but otherwise I don't know how you expect a bushi thread to not quietly 404.
That means that MtG (other, western tcg) looks dated, has card quality problems, and its art look the same - generic fantasy with some added set flavour - but still same same same open-mouth beasts, big-boobed ladies, muscular dudes with swords, shiny spell effects and occasionally good art, such as scenery. Not to mention cards being not interesting most of the time. Yay, another bad red big boom spell, another fat green wurm, etc. CFV, however is so special every card is a work of beauty. (That bad thing, desu, is that booster are only 5 cards. I like bigger boosters, like VTES which had 20 cards in a booster).
It's a jap thing. Decimal places sound more concise in Japanese and the currency trains people to truncate numbers. The base unit of this game is 1000 power, and it's typically measured in 5000 power thresholds.
Bushiroad autist?
How about WoTC austist?
How about FFG autist?
How about GamesWorkShop autist?
Not to mention the worst of all, GURPS autist...
The same thing in JRPGS, items cost 100, 200, 5000 G instead of 1, 5, 10 coins.
It's because items in IRL Japanese shops cost 1000, 5000, 20000 yen as opposed to 10, 50, 200 bucks.
Ah, yes, now I see. Sorry, I've gotten so used to manufactured Autism that I didn't recognize the real thing. Welp.
Anyway, let me apologize by fixing OP's mistake: actually talking about the game first, and not appealing to Veeky Forums's more exploitable vice of loving stories.
How's the anime? Is it any good? Not asking for the original YGO good, but Beyblade or GX-tier would be great.
Ummm, I dunno what to say... This is weird game.
It has its perks. Like anything alien you have to adjust your expectations. For example, in many card games (mtg) your resources are semi random or your ability to set up is semi random. In cardfight your resources and setup are 99% predicted, but the damage you take has a random element.
Well, duh, what's the point of playing a game which has the same or similar mechanics? Variety is a must, imho. Otherwise you're just playing clones of the same thins, a truly autist behaviour. Games should be unlike others, making you, duh, think.
jap kids can count more than 10, murrikan's can't.
What's wrong with you guys?
I used to play, but the relentless power creep to get me to buy more cards eventually got me burned out.
I't one of those 'In hindsight...' things. I saw it coming with legion, and then it just got more and more blatant. Stride was where I cut off, which is a shame, because my brief stint with the Chrono dragons was fun.
Cool thread, OP.
I want to FUCK Soul Saver Dragon
Why are there so many symbols in the middle of the text? Sometimes you have like 4 symbols in a row
Vanguard is terrible with wording, so they make symbols like the mtg tap, but they're still terrible with wording, so they need a lot of symbols and still a lot of text.
You get used to it, but it's annoying to try to understand some cards.
You get used to the text after a while. Most of them are rather straight forward, just a little text heavy.
>tfw started this game because Bermuda and waifu baits
>kinda stopped playing for 6 months, but still keep my decks because waifu
>magic is outdated
>vs good card presentation
>just another worm
The same criticisms could basically be sent towards Japanese card games.
Magic's presentation is samey and boxy, but uniform. Every card follows the same format rules except some promos. And while Japanese cards can look better with full-art pictures and no boarders, the boarders are there for fairness, and see through text boxes can look worse than standard ones.
Also, Japanese cards can get visually noisy. MtG may have mostly disposable foils, but you can read them. Japanese games can have brilliant foils, but also foils that are ugly, hard to look at, and hard to read.
>just another [this]
Magic can get pretty bland in places, especially recently. But certain sets have immediately recognizable AND unique imagery and creatures. People in stone houses Vanguard player. I love me some Wixoss, and animu art, but your same-face, skirt girl, pretty boy aesthetic isn't exactly varied.
And the sad truth? Magic will outlive any other game. It'll outlive Vanguard. It'll outlive most Japanese games (since they don't usually have long shelf lives anyway). I'll be able to play it far into the future, there Bushiroad it takaratomy may decide the game I've invested in wont makes as much as the next game they put out.
Random is bad. That's that people say when you ask them, "Why'd you stop playing Magic." The random quality is Vanguard (and favoritism to certain strategies) are what I hear from VG players who stopped liking it.
You're a dumb dumb.
Not liking based colourful cards
being to dumb to read the damn card
Not appreaciating a gazillion of hq 2d anime artwork
being afraid of randomness
you're a dun dun dun
misspelling borders as 'boarders' is the one that REALLY took me
Come on look at this - everything is so over the top - vivid colors, super complex picture with huge detailization, overdesigned frame, convoluted rules text and chained conditions and abilities, the flavour quote to make 'LoTR' fantasy speech sound tame and banal, card name sounding like no 10y.o would come up trying to impress each other (well, maybe some engrish, but who's without fault, besides it's translator job), super insane rarity of card only happens 1 in multiple boxes, foil that goes shiny in multiple directions... how is it possible NOT to love it?
Attack on Titan is the best anime made in the last 10 years, prove me wrong.
Pro tip, you can't,
Stop it, user. Some people are so deep into MTG they'll never want to try anything else.
I just think the best part of the game is the sheer synergy most decks plus every foil past rares are just gorgeous
Art is nice and all. Not worrying about weeb shit or anything, but....
Why the fuck is card design so fucking cringy, "My fist will break the stars!", what the fuck? "Meteor breaker!"?!? 10000? Meteor Break Wizard? Oh my fucking lord shoot the guy who made this.
Look i can see why your upset that theres not much vanguard discussion. I feel your pain... but i dont play vanguard... i play Buddyfight which is even worse off.
I had a look at vanguard from from far but the fact that spells dont seem to be a thing put me off as i love me some spell slinging.
Blaukluger master race reporting in
Non-/m/ weebs will be gassed
All the art in the game is overdesigned. I like the feeling of the cards though. Gameplay seems like shit though too.
Bro you REALLY cannot cite the art of CFV as a selling point. Each card looks like color vomit and design that kingdom hearts can't outzipper.
I've "followed" this game since the beginning.
First off, until Legion came to be, the first player had an absurd advantage in the game and can pressure the opponent with G2 rush out of the gate and easily refuel their hand because they get G3 and twin drive first.
Second, power creep hit this game like a fucking train. It was going smooth until around set 5 with crossrides when most other vanguards were 10K, occasionally 11K. DOtE and PBO being able to block anything less than 18k with a 5k shield while requiring the defender to cough up 15k shield for a one-trigger to pass with a 8k boost outright invalidated other decks. Not to mention that pressure from DOtE restanding was a crux in it's own right.
It just kept escalating from there. Limit Break was retarded and actively discouraged the player to let the opponent get to 4 damage. You had vanguards attacking rear guards so they wouldn't get demolished on the backswing. There was an attempt with Legion, but for some shit reason they kept (and to my limited knowledge, still do) overly support Royal and especially Shadow paladin. They would just not fuck off. You'll probably still see revenger lists to this day when they popped up 4 years ago.
I near dropped it when G rode around because I was watching the show to keep up and I fucking hated going from LJ to G. Even the legion era had characters I liked, G changed it up and I hate to sound like a nostalgia fag but I heavily disliked the new FX and everything involved with G. I have no locals to speak off, so I can't physically play the game, only with my hacked 3DS because they never brought the video game overseas. That news site quitting also made it hard to keep up, because wikis are filled to the brim with spam that slows down my computer and vanguards official site has minuscule text.
Also OP. I really hope you didn't just buy TD-04 for anything more than like 10 bucks. It's so outdated.
Spikes best clan.
Samefag. Also the core mechanic of the game, flipping over the top card(s) to land a trigger makes the game far too luck based for some people. You can fight a DP deck for example and just instantly lose because your opponent has a laurel and a metalborg legion on the field. All you can really do is shrug and accept you got punted. It's like playing against bogles in MTG and that feeling of "nothing I could have done would have changed the outcome of that game". And from my limited experience of like 2 tourneys and the 3DS games, it can be like that for both people. If you're attacking and you're just getting absolute shit drive checks turn after turn, then there's not much you can do when your opponent backswings and you have a small fistful of 5k shields.
I enjoyed it. In my opinion it tanked at G, I've been told it gets better though. S3 - Link Joker, is one of the best "thinly veiled marketing for product" shows I've seen simply due to how absurd it takes card games are serious business. If I were to rank the ones I've seen,
S3 > S1 > S4+OVA (it gets really gay though) > S2 > G.