When the fuck is the Imperial Guard going to get new shit? It's been over 10 years since the last army released (Vostroyians) and even though Cadia was fucking rekt in a huge narrative story we haven't received a new model.
When the fuck is the Imperial Guard going to get new shit...
>Astra Millitarum
Soon, I hope. I really like the direction Forge World have been taking their models, especially in terms of scale. Speculation right now is that now that Cadia is no more either the focus is going to shift to another regiment as the poster boys (Vostroyans please) or we're going to get redone Cadians. There were new Catachan sculpts a couple of years ago I think, so they're definitely interested in updating the range. Right now the focus is on NuMarines unfortunately.
yeah, Imperial guardfu pls
What about the Tempestus stuff?
Neophyte hybrids are taller than current space marines. Are you ready for GI Cadian to be that tall too? Dark days for MK VIII
No one gives a shit about tempestus
> Not wanting an Age of Mortals
> Not that we will ever get what we want
Would have loved to see plastic Kasrkins with the Fall of Cadia stuff, at least the Sisters got a new Celestine.