Here's the target. You know what to do.
Here's the target. You know what to do
Other urls found in this thread:
Flirt with her, take her home, hold her hands and fuck her in the missionary position ?
Reminisce about how we used to have quest threads on this board?
But what will I eat?
I know a girl who looks exactly like this.
You sick fuck.
Rolled 17 (1d20)
I cast magic missile! What's her AC?
The day Veeky Forums went too far.
I miss them
Magic missile doesn't roll to hit, nerd!
>magic missile
I mean, I knew that Veeky Forums doesn't actually PLAY games, but come on!
>Misses quest threads
>Even though there's an entire board for them
I don't understand, are you incapable of browsing more than one board?
He doesn't want to stay in his ghetto, he wants to shit up our board.
I missed you guys. All of you.
>misses having quest threads on Veeky Forums
This board is more conductive to promoting a fun and engaging atmosphere for quest threads than /qst/ because the majority of people who understand how to play quest threads are on Veeky Forums. Quests run on Veeky Forums had a player base that was exclusively Veeky Forums browsers, as opposed to the handful of randos that might wander in to /qst/.
I can sort of understand that line of thought, but 99% of /qst/ goers will be Veeky Forums browsers who either visit b/c of the pinned thread or were around when quests were a thing. The other !% will be trolls or interested newbies, nothing wrong with new blood and trolls will always be around.
It's actually closer to 10%.
Except a large population of tg fucking HATED losing the first two pages to fetish giantess quest ZXXVI
Reminder that Veeky Forums was fine with quest threads until moot moved all the haremshit quests from /a/ onto Veeky Forums.
But what about the classic Anime Railroad Pedo Simulator #4,694 Vol. CXXIV? Surely everyone loved that one.
Further reminder that it all would've been fine had moot enforced a rule to make every quest runner draw their own shit rather than just write and use stock images.
Additional reminder that anime quests have become a stupid strawman to forever stain all quests ever, even the good ones, and that makes me sad.
>inb4 there were never any good quests
Nope. Guess I missed that memo. Is it buy her lunch?
>Except a large population of tg
>Except a large population
>large population
It was always a very pissy minority that bitched on /qa/ nonstop.
>Further reminder that it all would've been fine had moot enforced a rule to make every quest runner draw their own shit rather than just write and use stock images.
Draw Quests were always the least popular quests, despite Ruby Quest being 'the only good quest' according to people that hate quests.
It's a decent bar for entry, though.
>two pages
What is a catalog?
Also, because no one else has done it yet, and this *is* Veeky Forums:
On another note, can someone explain to me how CYOAs are different enough from quests that they're still acceptable here?
Quest threads are roleplaying games featuring a single referee and multiple players.
CYOAs have no referee.
All right, so if quest threads are pretty much literally what roleplaying games are all about, why don't they belong to Veeky Forums?
Because someone who hates them on general principle managed to become a mod shortly after Hiro bought Veeky Forums.
Ruby quest was a disaster for the board. It led to a massive influx of furries that shat up the board to an extent that was beyond anything seen before or since.
"Furry" is an ancient Something Awful meme and was never any kind of a problem compared to the weebs we all already comprised of.
Case in point: Ruby Quest also led to a massive influx of copycats, people who thought they could strike to the same gold vein, ultimately culminating to the kicking of all quests to Veeky Forums and drowning us in the anime waifu bullshit. Compared to that, furries are nothing.
I'm a Veeky Forums browser, I filtered quest threads and even before that I ignored them like 99% of Veeky Forums browsers
But everyone knows it's impossible to ignore threads you're not interested in.
Back in the early days of 4E, Magic Missile required an attack roll against Reflex defense, but still...
AC? What a pleb.
The only edition of D&D I haven't played is the Original white-box. If that's the "back in the early days" you're speaking of, then it doesn't really matter much at all.
It's cool, I was happy filtering and I'm happy the way it is now. At no point was this bad but now it's even better because my favorite generals can actually survive to bump limit
I'll get the bowl of eggs ready.