We have low and high fantasy Warhammer and scifi Warhammer. What would "modern" Warhammer look like?
We have low and high fantasy Warhammer and scifi Warhammer. What would "modern" Warhammer look like?
Every country is run by a dictator. You have a big fascist league headed by US of A versus Communist league headed by china. All the 3rd world countries are run by warlords or ork tribes, who change allegiances constantly. Also earth is being invaded by an alien race of greys who have infiltrated several governments and are ruling by proxy.
Chaos is still chaos
>warhammer fantasy
>sci fi
If you tell stories of the front lines, pic related.
The Federation: Human centric faction of the Not-USA. Gung ho, jingoistic, patriotism up to eleven.
The Commonwelth of Aelfrope: coalition of elvish kingdoms and republics based on EU. Snobbish with a stick up their arse have-beens.
The Free Soviet of Russh: Chaos commie slavs. Mix of shit tier cannon fodder and super tough dudes. Country is an irradiated mutant hellhole ofc.
Waaghfrika!: pol african memes. Cheap aks from Russh, badly build machetes and orks fighting naked
Why do we need real world locations and people?
We only want to have warhammer with a modern setting, with highrise buildings and automatic rifles.
We don't need 1:1 real life comparisions HURR NIGGZ ARE ORKZ DURR!
>highrise buildings and automatic weapons
40k has both of these
Yes, it also has swords and shields and tribalistic societies, which WHFB has.
What we're looking for here is the things that we have today, that they did not have in more primitive types.
So 40k has plasma weapons, bionic limbs, interstellar starships etc.
We want 80ies warhammer, Orkz battling it out with crude ballistic armour with mass produces steel choppaz and crude rifle against valiant human soldiers with firesquads, intersecting fields of fire etc to a backdrop of ruined A E S T E T H I C highrise buildings.
nigga if you're looking for a e s t h e t i c (fuck I hate typing like that, it's retarded) you should be looking at Infinity instead
Not real World, just "inspired". It's not like Old World was very creative.
>a e s t h e t i c
What the fuck are you talking about
So Shadowrun, you're describing Shadowrun.
"Bright colors", probably.
Faggot colors
What faggots call "aesthetic" is all neon and chrome and pseudo-80s shit, that's all too easy to fit into Infinity
No, Infinity is garbage modern scifi.
>modern scifi
>vaporware is not garbage
such butthurt
It is garbage. They're both garbage. Only pure true late cold war scifi is acceptable.
Harry Potter except in the open.