Repostan my 2k chaos. It's gonna be weird having ten plague marines standing a third taller than their brethren, but i got bellguy as the coolest chaos lord standin i've ever used
86-Chaos Lord, Power Axe, Plasma Pistol
189-Nurgle Daemon Prince, Warpbolter, Talons
144-5xPlague Marines-2x Meltagun, Power Axe
144-5xPlague Marines-2x Meltagun, Power Axe
91-Chaos Rhino, Combibolter, Combimelta
137-5xPlague Marines-2x Blight Launcher, Power Sword
137-5xPlague Marines-2x Blight Launcher, Power Sword
91-Chaos Rhino, Combibolter, Combimelta
136-5xPlague Marines-2x Plasmagun, Power Sword
136-5xPlague Marines-2x Plasmagun, Power Sword
87-Chaos Rhino, Combibolter, Combiplas
202-Predator-Twin-las, 2x lascannon sponsons
158-Foetid Bloat-Drone-2x Plaguespitters, Plague-Probe
158-Foetid Bloat-Drone-2x Plaguespitters, Plague-Probe
215-Helldrake-Claws, Baleflamer
1997 points. Lord rides in the rhino with the plasma, since i obviously only own 29 plague marines and cant field a redshirt there'll be room in that particular bus. 7 t7 units should weather all but the most heavy firepower until i get into rape range, at which point the close-range firepower will have me more excited than a slaaneshi whore