How do u decide what coins to invest in

how do u decide what coins to invest in

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just whatever's being shilled on biz or by mcafee. don't even bother reading whitepapers or researching the dev team or partnerships. heck, i don't even know wtf a blockchain is!

"blockchain" is just a scam word they use to keep u in the dark it doesent actually mean anything its all a fraud ur just buying pogs, u can print more bitcoins easy as cake lmao i dont know wny nobody talks about this here


Pick a number between 1 and 2000.
Go to shitcoin # that you picked.

This. None of us know what we're doing OP. I just pick them based on their logos!

I try to pick long term holds...I'll read the whitepaper, watch the interviews, read as much as I can, and then sleep on it before I make a decision. Then UltraDeluxeShitCoinXXXXXL moons 500000% and my coin drops right after I put some money in, but tortoise and the hare or something.

fuck you all and your elitist mentalities

so if a lot of the time, "shit coins" go to the moon or whatever, doesnt that mean that for the most part, its pretty hard to accurately tell which coin is truly a shit coin? or is it when these shitcoins moon usually theyre just being pumped?


I listen to ghost (true capitalist radio) as well as follow crypto news.

shit the guy sounds like the most retarded hill billy ever.

>doesnt that mean that for the most part, its pretty hard to accurately tell which coin is truly a shit coin?

no. most of them are shit.

>or is it when these shitcoins moon usually theyre just being pumped?


yeah, honestly in this market is really doesn't matter what is a "shitcoin" or not. In the short-term, marketing is much more valuable than actual technical merits so if you decide to go that route, just look around on forums and see which coin is starting to be hyped but hasn't gone up a bunch yet, pick that one, then take your initial investment out as soon as it doubles or whatever. Shitcoins and "good" coins both can have crazy pumps and both can be very irrational at times, but it's easier for me to sleep at night if I'm in something that actually has some semblance of legitimacy behind it.

For this reason, if you're newer to the market it's good to start with the top 10 coins and see what's caused them to be able to grow that much and then you can start to branch out to lesser known coins that you see similar qualities in.

You pick something, invest, and then read about it to convince yourself you did the right thing.

I learn about them and choose what I think has the potential to 1) be used in the real world and 2) actually be developed enough to reach its final form

What do you mean "other coins" all I know of is that litecoin and ethereum and this new hip "BTC" that all the cool kids are using with the gigantic superstar that'll go up to five million within the next year, Just buy the coins on coinbase and within two years you'll be buying your coffee with bitcoin!

I do too, but I'm still bearish on QTUM. He shills it like crazy. Are you in on It? He keeps talking about this upcoming "Bitcoin United" fork that's supposed to make QTUM moon like crazy but I can find almost verification that such a fork even exists, or that QTUM is involved

It's an act. He is extremely quick-witted.

Almost no verification**

Read(skim) the whitepaper, check out the founders history, see what partnerships they have/lined up, check the market cap, check the general consensus of the coin (this is the hard part)

good luck doggo

I wait until the ICX shills show up and tell me what to go /all in/ on

This. It's same as stocks. Could this potentially bring value to people in the real world if done right?

these, but you gotta know enough about crypto/blockchain in general first to understand what you're reading when you read/skim whitepapers.

I bought in at 12 just before both massive moons. One of the comfiest holds I've had so far.

sorry for this..
be me find a forum in biz about xvg
they all big whales taking when to buy.
i just have 210 us i my account
xvg goes up 20%. hold
price goes down
keep doing it
have 400 us now.. its something--

I asked in another thread, but I'm just trying to get an answer real quick. Can anyone help me out? I've heard that a large percentage of BTC is tied up between a very small percentage of people. Does anyone have that number?