How are they doing so far?
Chaos in 8th ed
Well Scarab Occult are tough as nails, stick an Exalted behind them and they get even tougher.
Heldrakes suck ass now
Forgeworld stuff is good, especially Contemptors, though the Plasma Destroyer isn't amazing anymore
Can't speak for anything non-Thousand Sons though
>Heldrakes suck ass now.
The hades autocannon is hurt by the new Heavy Weapon rules. But the unit is otherwise just as strong, if not more viable against heavy armor.
Laugh all the game as Kharn supports Havocs and Berzeker Champs smash with Fists. Chaos is okay. You need to think though as its not one strategy to defeat all.
Not to mention, Chaos has a bunch of Leadership debuff units now. And now that the morale phase is a thing some good positioning will mean a lot more dudes are gonna go running.
But who cares. So much in the game has ways of ignoring or mitigating morale it barely even matters.
noise marines are still awesome and I'm not as miffed when they die anymore, in fact I love it
nothing feels better than a point-blank blastmaster shot in close combat
Thousand sons player here.
Running two squads or rubrics is a good idea? Is soulreaper cannon good in rubric squads? Or is it better to spam flamers?
I heard that tzaangors kick ass now.
Tzaangor are great, the last game I played 20 of them killed a Dreadknight in CC.
so the key is playing them in high numbers?
How would you do vs necrons? And or Eldar?
I like to play them with a hellbrute because I have aTS dreadnought from FW and it looks dank as fuck with his twin link lass canon.
Versus higher armor you want to keep the Tzaangor blades since they give you +1 attack and -1 AP, against lighter armor you could probably do well with pistol and ccw, but yes they do rely on high numbers and like most TS units benefit from having an Exalted Sorcerer behind them.
Rest of the Death Guard when?
Templates being squatted objectively nerfs the Heldrake. Gone are the days of wiping an entire squad of bikes in one shot.
The fact that it doesn't have Airborne or Hard to Hit are its biggest nerfs.
That's because it doesn't have a minimum move requirement.
So, how are Renegades and Heretics? Are they still just as customizable?
I'm going out on a limb and assuming that you haven't cracked open any of the indexes.
All armies at this stage of 8th ed have nowhere near the same number of options as in 7th. No formations. No relics yet either.
Renegades are a bit more versatile than standard guard right now, being able to summon. Aside from that vanilla guard seems to have bit more options when it comes to wargear.
What makes you think you can target an enemy unit that is within 1" of a friendly unit?
Sure, it says you can shoot if the dead noise marine is within 1" of an enemy unit, but...
So what's the actual verdict on Chaos in 8e?
The Tsons and Death Guard models make me want to get back in the game, but I don't want to walk into a repeat of the bad old days when Heldrakes, Nurgle Bikers, and Princes were basically the only viable units in the army and they still got their shit wrecked by the actual good stuff in the game.
it's available for free all over the internet and digitally for like 15 bucks if you want a legit copy
Asking questions like these without even cracking open the book is super worthless. If you want to be told which armies are super unfair WAAC shit wait a real long time because nobody knows yet and more material is still coming out in the future for every army
So what you're saying is that the 40k fanbase is still cancerous shit and everyone should avoid it at all costs. Thanks for answering my question better than I ever thought possible.
Good riddance moron
Not anymore
Fucked up a squad of black templars, morale cost him 8 marines after all his neophytes got chewed up in combat
Super fucking helpful, people have legitimate concerns about whether GW shit the bed on balance for at least the 5th edition in a row or not, and your only response is "JUST FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF BRO!"
>I haven't read the book can someone tell me if my army will be super tournament viable two weeks after release when the codex for it isn't out yet
>No go read the index while you wait
I already said good riddance, moron.
I'd take a minimum move to not be charged by infantry or shot at normal BS.
Chaos Termies with combi-plasma are fucking terrifying, especially when backed by a lord, and further terrifying when backed by prescience.
They're definitely pretty good. I've had great success dropping them behind things I want to evaporate
>helldrakes are bad
>can move 30" and charge
>d6 S6 -2 shots that don't roll to hit
>S7 D3 -1 damage in melee +1 hit fly
>3+/5++ save
>autoregens a wound every turn
Did you forget that Veeky Forums is terrible at all games?
No. It's just funny
The Heldrake isn't a flyer anymore, it's a jump MC in the old terms. With move 30". Stop crying and first turn charge something shooty, then clip something else with your pile-in. Preferably Land Raiders so you can laugh at them trying to run you over on 6s while losing all their shooting.
You better get your claws on something expensive turn 1. Because 12 wounds might look like a lot, but it's not that much.
Of course, worst case you just DISTRACTION CARNIFEX'ed a couple of very shooty units that allow you to get the rest of your troops where you want them intact, but the drake is rather expensive for that.
unfortunately Dark Apostle cannot be equiped with terminator armor, otherwise, I'd bring one with Plasminatorz for more CC damage
some idea (which can be improved)
8 chosen : 4 pairs of claws + 4 chainsword/pistol
1 champ : 1 fist + combi weapon
mark of slaanesh, icon of excess
backed by 1 dark apostle
embarked in a rhino with combi weapon / havoc
- the eight chosen got +1A (claws or chainsword)
- the icon gives them +1A on 5+ to hit (Death to the false emperor)
- the apostle allows them to reroll failed to hit (which means more 5+ opportunities)
which gives : basic 2A + 1A (weapon) + 1A on 5+ to hit
you can reap apart infantry
you wound T7 vehicules on 5+ which is not that bad
Former Khorne Daemonkin in 7th player;
Berzerkers, Khârn and Dark apostle are awesome - I one fight phase took out a 10 man tactical squad and a drop pod.
Plasma raptors with a Lord with jump pack for brutal "deep striking" anti vehicle is awesome.
Termies with a sorcerer for turn 1 assault are awesome.
Bloodthirster has 1-shotted Gulliman and a Leman Russ. Others games gas been taken down before he got into combat. Losing deepstrike on the Thirster really hurts.
Bloodcrushers finally worth taking
Bloodletters hordes with AP -3 and +1 attack and strength in the charge are awesome but due quick.
Hellbrute awesome, free attack after suffering a wound!
Bikers for super mobile meltas
Possessed even worse than in 7th.
Flesh hounds meh
Deamon prince's buffs Deamons and csm
Overall Im finding the more successful and more flexible this edition
You can deepstrike BT with Demonic Ritual now, can't you?
Yes, but you need high roll.
Yeah that's a pretty fuckin' high roll.
Death Guard are disgustingly overcosted.
ksons have good staying power, though their fiery oblivion psychic phase is a bit bland.
Hi khorne player
Let's say i wanna play a World Eater army. Would you recommend using drop pods with berserkers for maximum overfuckery? Or is it too expensive? Also planning using those zerkers with dark apostle for repeating hit and wound rolls. Opinion?
Should have paid 2cp.
Formations should stay dead. They are what ruined 7th.
Not him, but if it doesnt say you cant...
What does IoE do now?
Other than that it sounds ok. What's the point cost come out to?
If trends on the two new starter sets are any indication, I guess next month
Icon of Excess improves "Death to the False Emperor" generic rules for CSM (on 6+ to hit during fight phase, you gain +1A)
with IoE it is on 5+
it costs around 400 pts ... too expensive maybe
Thats...not great. Better than nothing though I suppose.
For 9 t4 w1 3+ guys? yes.
What about Daemons themselves? I play all the gods but I'm not sure which one to take. And since 6th edition, GW seems very gay about you running mono god instead of mixing the daemons and taking all gods,
Horrors got hit pretty hard since they can only cast Smite and play if you want them to split you have to pay points for every blue and brimstone horror. Other than that demons still seem pretty good.
400 pts = 9 chosen + rhino + dark apostle.
The 9 chosen themselves + 4 pairs of claws only cost less than 200 pts
Lord contagion is, for some reason, I hope its typo.
But from what have I seen they arent over the top, Nurgle caster lack options for mobility but he can cast 2 powers and they are cool as fuck.
He have one(only so far) anti-horde power.
Bloat drones are costly(10PL and 150pts I think) but I havent use them yet so maybe they are worth it.
Holy shit this ass-pain.
Fateweaver got fucking murdered thats for sure. For 15 points you can get Magnus instead and if you compare the two its not even close.
Go rhino rush.
Dark apostle with Zerkers is deadly, they will destroy pretty much whatevers in front of them.
As for drop pods, this is something I'm considering currently. I've played around 12 games of 8th so far and used Berzerkers in Rhino for maybe half of those.
I didn't count but about half the time it got blown up and the other times it didn't get where it needed to be before something else wiped out whatever it was heading for.
I'm seriously considering getting drop pods from FW for them. They are more expensive but being able to drop them within 9" will make a big difference, plus you can move them again using the chaos drop pods as they aren't immobile like the imperial ones.
Put a sorcerer nearby and warptime them for guaranteed charge, mop up the cc, consolidate towards the pod, next turn get in, move to the next until and do it all again. Rinse and repeat!
Fly models can't be charged except for Fly models.
You mean airborne right user?