The other day while I was doing some deep thinking, I had a sudden realization. Chaos worshipers would eventually have children, and I can't imagine how dysfunctional Chaos-worshiping families must be. I mean, how does a Khornate, or a Tzeentchian, let alone a Slaaneshi, come to terms with raising a child? I could see Nurglites raising a stable family, but with their rampant disease, how is a pregnancy even possible?
How do Chaos Cultists raise their children?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How do muslims have children
>How do Americans have children
Well, I'd imagine it starts with goat running away.
Same way modern-day cultists raise their children: violent indoctrination and brutality.
>How do Chaos Cultists raise their children
They don't. Chaos Cultists aren't functional human beings, they serve evil gods.
go away /pol/
Then how the fuck has the Eye of Terror lasted so many centuries? How does every Traitor Marine Warband worth its salt have teeming hordes of cultists, how do they recruit new Marines from their Warband Homeworlds? No, they definitely have children, I'm just confused, how the fuck do Chaos Cultists manage to raise semi-functional children?
Hang on, are Warp Mutations hereditary?
How does ISIS raise children? Indoctrination to hate the enemy and be casually brutal.
To be honest, I don't know.
>Veeky Forums isn't a /pol/ subsidiary
>Veeky Forums isn't a subsidiary of /d/
>also it isn't /totally gay/
>Implying Imperium's not full of cultists and disfunctional people crushed by oppression
I blame GW shilling.
Haven't you ever seen a crack baby?
Ghetto black famlies but replace god with chaos.
We already know how Slannesh cultists raise their children.
No reason to believe Chaos Cultists wouldn't effectively raise children. I mean, being a 'cultist' in any civilized setting belies an ability to switch between 'normal' and 'cultist' modes.
Even in the more blatant cases, it seems to me like children would be more than capable of growing to successfully adapt any of the "lifestyles" a chaos cultist parentage would provide, be it from Khorne to Slaanesh and back again.
Slaaneshi Cultists are probably Tiger Moms.
It's not really similar.
Muslims don't really do Chaos worshipers things and Chaos worshipers don't do most of the hardcore muslim things.
Muslims are also pretty open about theit religion so they are not cultists at all and even openly chaos worshipping communauties are probably more similar to some big sects than muslims.
I think you sort if missed the point, seeing as how "violent indoctrination and brutality" is the Imperium's MO. I think OP is wondering how chaos cultists have kids when general doesn't seem conducive to waiting around for your kid to be old enough to carry an autogun before the Daemons start popping up
Nothing wrong with being a /pol/ack but you need to understand that the other boards are not an extension of /pol/ or that there isn't any political requirement to be on Veeky Forums.
I like how you can see the inbreeding take effect.
I dunno. I bet Chaos Cultists are just like gorillas in the wild with their kids. They strap 'em to their backs and do all the warp-survival with the brat clinging off of them until they're old enough to start doing warp-survival on their own.
If you're a cultist who isn't actively on a Daemon-Planet, it's probably a lot easier since you don't have to worry about that.
Were destroyed.
And to add to this user's comment, only the Iron Warriors used them to begin with.
Read Daemon World
How long does live? Even assuming that he fucks them as soon as they menstruate for the first time (say 12 years old) and that he started with Moegi when they are both 20, he would be an old man by the end?
he came up with drugs that make them breed at earlier ages.
This user right here is the one asking the hard hitting questions. Since the change happens during a generation and not at the beginning of a new one we can rule out genetics. The "mutations" actually seem to be a kind of metamorphosis rather than a actual mutation biologically speaking. That said who is to say that the chaos gods do not pass the gift onto your offspring as well either as a nod to the favor you have earned or in the hope that your offspring will serve them well since they share many of your physical and psychological traits. Who knows?
>encountering a group of cultists, but one seems almost disturbingly sane
>this is because he was born into the cult, and all of this is /normal/ for him
Born cultists are dangerous.