what is the best tarot card, and why is it The Devil?
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Can someone get the stupid JoJo references out of the way real quick so we can have an actual thread?
the only one here that made a reference was you, my friend
>JoJo referencie
>not Jodo reference
Knock knock, it's boundless potential, bitch. Getcha edgy ass up.
>religous practice
This thread is off topic, user.
But Tarot began as another card game, user. It was just co-opted by religious weirdos, that doesn't take away the original intent.
it's just that the mystical stuff is more fun to talk about
Are there any systems that use Tarot cards in interesting ways?
Ravenloft... DMG? Has guidelines for if the GM wants one of the PCs to get a Charokka(which is basically Ravenloft specific not!Tarot) reading. But I don't remember any that actually use Tarot as a part of the game.
The Devil really is an underrated card.
A lot of people look at It and treat it as the "big mean evil" card, but it's a lot more then that. It's aspects of passion, bondage, and addiction are completely overlooked, along with it's supreme sexual aspect.
What about Persona refrences?
It's The Tower.
Anima: Beyond fantasy has them as Summons. Normal and Reversed. World Reversed is fucking vicious. Requires you to fail at life, and even fail to make a pact with it.
But when you manage to summon it, it causes EVERYONE to fumble literally every roll they make for a period of hours.
Standard Wheel of Fortune is also pretty weird in that it randomly uses one of the other non-reversed Arcana, depending on what you roll.
Fool! I user have already found a tarot beyond the useless bondage jockey of the Devil! Like a DUFF stuck between a the finest supermodels in the world, left with no one to sleep with even in college, it pales in comparison to THE WORLD!
Bitch please, best Major Arcana coming through. Accept no substitutes.
Greetings, fellow Towerfags. I see you have excellent taste as well.
Devil's good too.
>Requires you to fail at life
Nigga I do that all the time for free.
Hanged Man, all day every day.
Also Crowley-Thoth is the GOAT deck.
The World is best waifu!
Always been partial to >filename
Is there a complete deck somewhere?
based taste
Hello Lacrobat.
A bonus is anyone actually gets the reference.
The Tower in the major arcana, Knight of Swords in the minor.
Rider-Waite is shit. SHIT.
bitch plz
fuck kind of card is that
The World is the best.
Not even jojomeming.
the eye of night arcana. i thought it would be obvious?
It's a silent hill 3 reference
I'm partial to the Star myself, but Fool, Emperor, Chariot, Wheel of Fate, and World are the ones with the highest power potential.
Unless you count inverted hangman.
>what is the best tarot card, and why is it The Devil?
After reading Tim Powers' "Last Call" I know a hell of a lot better than to fuck around with Tarot, even in a joking manner.
That being said, Tower.
In the Cluster series by Piers Anthony, introducing the Tarot to galactic civilization is one of humans most important contributions.
They also have one of my favorite aliens ever, the Polarian.
The devil card in short is all about obsessions that chains you. Not a good card.
>System has a mechanic for Astrology reading
>Has minor impact on how the game goes depending on your reading
>Two characters have been developing a relationship
>Man asks me to do a reading
>Inverted Hanged Man
>Inverted Lovers
>My face as I tell him the cards are unclear today and quickly clean up the cards
Amano did a Tarot deck.
holy shit
Go back to /x/ with that shit
my favorite is the ace of swords
That temperance looks familiar
Is there really any other option
Real talk though, what's the best Minor Arcana and why is it the Two of Wands?
I hate that I know about that thing's sex life.
It's pic related.
Seven of Wands is superior.
Is the green spirit the old woman's late husband?
I got this nice Halloween themed tarot deck for myself a year or two ago, and it is such a beautiful deck.
Personally, I use a three card spread to represent Past, Present and Future, and the few other spreads I've experimented with do not work well for me.
I am not fond of the complexity of the Celtic Cross spread, but if anyone has some spread suggestions I will try them out.
Oops, seem that the bottom got cut off while I was stitching these together in paint.
The art of these are all very high quality, and I love to use them even when they are not seasonally appropriate.
Temperance and The Devil are prime waifu material btw.
If faggotry was a game, every post you made would be on topic.
Since these are Halloween themed, the normal suits are replaced. Pentacles/Coins are replaced with Pumpkins.
Ghosts replace the Cups suit.
Bats replace the Swords suit.
Two of swords is more enigmatic
And Imps replace the suit of Wands.
And that's the deck! I really recommend this deck, it is full of great art and personally I have had some entertaining readings with it.
I still need to memorize the card meanings so I do not have to rely on the little booklet, but so far that hasn't been a problem.
>Literally getting mad about a card game being posted on Veeky Forums
Pretty gay desu
I also got these dice with the tarot on the faces, I have yet to use them in a game, but I look forward to seeing my players reactions to them. Sorry if the image is flipped!
Some RPG used Tarot for exp system, I don't remember its name
This is the best answer possible.
Dissapointedly he only did good art for the major arcana, the minor arcana get no love.
>people unironically believing this shit
I thought the religious fags posting the fedora meme when you call them out were retards, but this is a whole 'nother beast.
Best girl
Anyone have any good ideas in how to incorperate a tarot deck into roleplaying?
Use a game that actually uses tarots.
The strange thing is that I don't know of GOOD games that use the tarots itself aside from Helle 4 Leather wich doesn't really use them aside from meaning certain characters. Ganakagok seems interesting but uses special cards; so does Everway.
Tarot is a card game invented by the Italians in the 15th century. The "religious" angle was developed by autistic people, such as yourself.
Which religion uses the tarots?
None. They're a generalized mystic tool now.
Wasn't expecting so many people to like Tower like I do.
yr an idiot
For anyone who hasn't seen it:
Tarot symbolism is used to characterize the 20 primarchs, extrapolating the missing ones from the two remaining cards.
Those are really neat, thanks for sharing.
Death is fine. Tower is the one you should fear.
I always got this feeling too.
1000% Tower
Just remember: Death card doesn't mean literal death nor bad things are going to happen.
I can still hear it in that dub's voice
Okay, what's the good spin on the Tower?
Devil is temptation and desires, but also resisting them.
Tower is ambition to ruin. How the hell do you spin that good?
literally turn it upside down, now you are escaping/acending to the heavens
... Isn't that Star?
Destruction of your enemies!
Is the Emperor the Fool, then?
>High Priestess Primarch
>Understood everything that the Emperor wanted to hide
>Powers more subtle than Magnus
>Fortune Primarch
>Lucky as shit
>Too trusting, too freedom loving
No wonder Emps had them exterminated, if that's the sort of people they were.
Now, what would their Legions be?
I'd put Emperor as The World.
Emperor is The Fool.
Chaos is The World.
That Temperance and Devil are qt
The second baby on a chain gets it.
Sheer audacity, followed by a glorious disaster. Something ruinous but that will live on as the stuff of legend, like the Trojan War.