>You are a Battlemage.
>You must choose between two of four elements.
Which elements would you choose and why?
>You are a Battlemage.
>You must choose between two of four elements.
Which elements would you choose and why?
Fire and earth. Accept no substitutes.
Fire and Air, good synergy
I choose hydrogen and surprise. I want to be Tim the enchanter
Darkness and Forces.
Magic and Generosity.
Air and earth, because I won't be ever without a weapon.
The obvious first pick is Earth, since that lets you mess with metal and thus is extremely useful on the battlefield, plus terrain shaping.
Other than that, it's a choice between Fire (for lots and lots of hurting people) or Water (for the utility and tactical advantage). It'd depend on whether I wanted to lead people or work solo.
Earth and Water. Earth for offense and defense in combat, as well as raising fortifications and bridges and so on. Water because it's usually the element healing gets thrown into, I think. Also conjuring fresh water would be a great logistical boon to an army, probably.
I'm of the mind that magic is a bit wasted being used merely as supernatural artillery. Military magic is probably as much about supporting the mundane troops as it is about actually personally killing people.
anons of good taste
earth for controling the battle field and fire for burning everything else
Are Force and Violence elements?
Fire and water. The first one to start a mess, the second to clean it up.
Fire and surprise
Metal and earth.
Wood and metal
Well, I'm a shit mage, but, as ever, the best choices are Air and Earth.
Wood and metal
Fire and water.
>gets wounded
>can't heal
Water and air is all you need.
Well, if I remember my Monty Python right, Between two of four would be three.
Lightning and wind. Lightning because static shock-powers, and wind for levitation, concealment, basic weather manipulation. Useful in many situations.
fuck off Anduin
and which are the four elements, nigger?
Since you were retarded I will choose void and light
I choose fire twice
Suprise and Danger
Air and water, storm material.
shitpost and mystery
This is a dumb question the answer is always Air & Fire because lightning bolts or Air & Water because storms.
Earth is some Monte Cook trap choice bullshit.
Air and water; the perfect storm.
We counting Aether or is it just the 4?
Earth and Water.
Love and Peace
Air/water fly and not be thristy lol
Wait, between which four?
I call Potassium and Hydrogen
Rock and Lightning, that way I come up with Magnetism as new element!
Earth and Air (assuming it has electricity)
Fire is boring as heck and water is great for air-storm combos, but I'd rather have the control that earth brings instead of the chaos that water could.
If you really needed to, you could bind your enemies into the ground with earth and then finish them off with electricity.
Even moreso if you're controlling metal with electricity and you start magnetizing people together then electrocuting them.
Earth and Water seems to be the most defensive.
My shitpost answer would be Carbon and Polonium though.
Life and death
Water and Earth. I'm going to terraform the entire continent and then some.
Well fuck you too, who's the king now, huh? HUH?!
I miss dad
patrician taste
It depends on which elements are associated with healing in this setting.
Electromagnetism + Strong nuclear force.
Electromagnetism has a lot of utility powers going for it, and can be pretty effective in combat; strong nuclear force enables me to synthesize materials quickly from abundant atmospheric materials, and if need be, large amounts of unstable matter to go BANG. Not quite the raw destructive power of the others, but Black Hole Boy and Tsar Bomba are the heavy hitter mages on the team, not me- I'm the utility guy who tries to keep the team together.
Earth and water would offer the most Utility, so they're the clear choice.
> Which elements would you choose and why?
Sword, because I am a BATTLEmage.
And Fire, because I am a battleMAGE.
This nigga has a point. Earth and Water might not be best in battle (then again they might) but you can be DAMN sure they're best for logistical support of an army, which is much more important in winning wars. Alternatively, Water+Air would be logistical support for a navy.
>air and water
>create funny faces and big palaces in the clouds and live there forever
Blessed is the land, for it provides for those who tend her lovingly.
Lightning and wind. Lightning because static shock-powers, and wind for levitation, concealment, basic weather manipulation. Useful in many situations.
Carbon and probably hydrogen
Is fist an element?
Gravity + Light
Water and Air/Wind
Water so that i can create shields for defense and high-pressure streams for offense. Blood bending can let me pop brains easily, and if there's healing, all the better. Air/Wind for Aoe attacks and flight
Loyalty and Honesty.
my man
>getting wounded
Just block the attacks faggot
>heroes of might and magic 3
i love you
Murder and Hate.
fire and water
>make shell of ice around self
>nuke everything outside of shell with fire
>inside is comfy because of cold ice stopping fire
Also, super-heated steam as a weapon
You can block fire blasts with a shield, icicles can bounce off armor
Steam would cook you instead your armor like a lobster
And of course water is ALWAYS the strongest element, because you can simply rip all the water out of someone to kill them instantly
With fire added, boil the water inside people for maximum R.I.P.I.P
I'm here aren't I?
>hits earth
what now faggot
240 volt single phase
208 volt 3-phase
APM for both, if I can get it.
Caesium and Plutonium
Explosions and radiation
>Not carbon and hydrogen
black and cock
I'll take blowing life up over creating it
I agree with that sentiment, although I'd have to go with fire and water because infinite steam power. Fire can ideally be used for more then just burnination.
Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword. ( Revelation 6:3-4)
Carbon and Oxygen.
Strong force/weak force
Enjoy your event horizon
>not just forming all of someone's hydrogen into elemental H2
>not just removing all of the carbon
Thorium and Carbon
Dark matter/Matter.
underrated post
Water and earth, almost exclusively together. I'm obsessed with mud at the moment and i don't know why.
dubs and fire
Technological Progress and Nationalism.
Space and Trockism
This is the shittiest meme. If I'm a battlemage I'm going to specialize in teleportation and time dialation.
Earth and water.
Not only is earth a spectacular defensive school in and of itself, it's perfect for tearing down fortifications, erecting your own, logistical work like digging latrines or establishing roads on the march.
Rough terrain will never be an issue for an army marching with master earth mages.
Water is often portrayed as the healer of the elements, and as such prepares you to be massively durable in conjunction with earth's impeccable defensiveness. But just as with earth, it has a multitude of magnificent utility functions. Your regiment is running low on water? Condense some out of the fucking air. You need to cross the sea? Part that motherfucker like Moses. Your enemy is camped in a valley? Drown the shitheads.
But that's not the main appeal of this combination for me. Sure, you have an extremely flexible defensive loadout but the thing is wars don't last forever.
When the war is over and you stop drawing those fat battlemage payments, you could fashion your own utopic corner of the world, raising walls for a city if that's your thing, making sure everything's irrigated with well-dug channels and well-directed water. The beautiful creations of earth/water mages, man, I can't wait until we hunt down the last of those chaotically minded fire and air mages.
Let's break it down, but assuming that we're talking about a more realistic interpretation of AtLA bending.
Lethality: Earth (what earthbenders are depicted as being capable of is fucking insane, the weight they can more around makes them on part with a whole line of black powder cannons) > Water (all the force pushing of air, plus the ability to freeze and unfreeze any controllable quantity of water, making it comparable to Earth) > Fire (some of the force producing capabilities of air plus scorching flames) > Air
Mobility: Air (this comes mostly from the tangential abilities of the Airbender, they're a magnitude more capable than the most skilled acrobat) > Earth (has a similar application as Air, plus the ability to aid a team) > Water (gives you a huge advantage in the one area nobody else gets advantages in, but at the cost of any mobility anywhere else) > Fire (tbqh, I don't think this really grants any mobility)
Availability: Fire (the element can be created under any circumstances) > Air (Mostly everywhere there is air except actually underwater) > Earth (Again, useful almost anywhere, but circumstances like open sea or dessert/beach really fuck earthbenders) > Water (Fairly easy to be deprived of it, honestly, and a canteen ain't enough)
Lol, I was going to say this would be the best combo but for very specific reasons.
Am I wrong in thinking mud magic is fucking cool? is it just me?
Then I would ask what your job is as a battlemage. Special forces, battalion commander, police department (detective?), commando, what? I think there's a Utility bracket which depends upon the nature of your employment and ultimately decides your elements.
No, is def cool. Especially if it implies filth, and thus infectious disease.
Goddamn it Nurgle get outta here.
Strong exothermic reaction with water, to the point that you can probably turn any waterskin into a steam bomb. If you have atomic-level control over it, you can fuck up most living organisms, particularly their nervous systems.
Congratulations, you're a living gas attack.
Not to mention, BY YOUR POWERS COMBINED, you can salt your enemies' fields once you've cut down their armies. Be happy, be salty.
Mah nigga.
>Four elements.
>Candies, Entropy, Dogs, and Awesome.
Candies and Awesome, though Dogs and Candies are good too.
Air and water.
You'll laugh at me until we get the naval battle scene.
Or assuming I get to fuse the two, I can generate storms the likes of which you have never seen.
Landcucks are worthless. Enjoy being stuck in nation-states or getting fucked by armies. Ocean and high speeds is all you should want. Better exploration, mobility, and way more interesting.
assuming basic elements? This. Electricity shuts down anything w a nervous system / runs on power (such as computers, robots, etc) and Wind for the previously mentioned reasons.
Also, flight is just so fucking cool.
>cast Tempest
>sword through face
What now faggot?