Veeky Forums has become sterile and bland, a plain oat porridge version of itself...

Veeky Forums has become sterile and bland, a plain oat porridge version of itself. All its flavour and juice has become lost. Something went wrong, and what we're left with is a board sucked of all its creativity and life, left to the dull groaning of grognards arguing the same lgs arguments day in and day out.

What happened to this place?

Aren't you contributing to the problem by lamenting the blandness instead of making something creative?

We went soft on the autism, mostly.

Why throw away a creative thought on a board that no longer seems to want creativity?

Creative types where encouraged to go elsewhere with bans on quests and writefaggorty.
the autistic demanding shit like lotr belongs in Veeky Forums instead of/tg/.
/Pol/ and sjws becoming a boogeymen when we used to be able to talk about fascist elves and commie goblins without people getting bent out of shape.

because OP is really just trying to get someone else to say we should bring quests back

Instead of making house rules or making our own new system, we decide to flood the board with general threads and whining about how systems are "broken" or bad.

Occasionally, we see someone go "I want to do a cool thing for my campaign. Any advice?" But that gets shot down or becomes bland by nature of what people are already familiar with.

In the end, this isn't contributing to your dilemma. Make something.


Part of me feels like it's already too late to fix what Veeky Forums has become. The hard separation between Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /qst/, and Veeky Forums is so ingrained in the spirit of Veeky Forums at this point that trying to ammend it would probably only fail. Sometimes I wonder if it's time I move on from this board.

Too many rollplayers shaming all the creatives out. Most of it is shitposting but some people take it to heart and give up. Veeky Forums no longer has cohesive vision, so nobody's confident enough to share anything.

Be the change you want to be.

System design and lore writing and drawfagging isn't banned. Only using using said things in interactive writing is.

You want to talk about rifts then senpai?

There's nothing wrong with the board.
It's you who is wrong.

The autistic memeposters drove more creatives out than the rollplayers.

Sourcs: The fucking Drawthreads these days

There are less than 100 posters in even the busiest threads.

Be the content you want to see on Veeky Forums. Don't whine about it - go out and make a difference.

I notice the "other" chan's Veeky Forums retains a vestige of creativity, and it's where I do most of my non-system posting.

>Occasionally, we see someone go "I want to do a cool thing for my campaign. Any advice?"
Every so often I ask stuff like that and I usually get about 65% of the feedback that I want. Never as much depth as I'm looking for, but it always helps. The think that I like here is that people respond quickly. Within a few hours I'll have some responses, copy them to a file, and the thread will just blow away in the wind never to be seen again.

I just want to say that oat porridge gets a bad rap and is good for you too.

That image is pretty spot on. I think Veeky Forums's reputation became self fulfilling and it gradually changed the makeup of the user population.

I want to fuck that Thief.

We all do


>Veeky Forums was never good

It's been a cargo cult to itself for years now, long enough that people will pretend that it was always like this.

Quite frankly early Veeky Forums is a lot less awesome and cringeier than you remember it being. The actual content being produced was pretty awesome but the in-thread banter and discussion was a lot of the time on the same tier as modern Reddit/Tumblr.

Do I like current Veeky Forums? No. But if you go back and read some ancient archived threads it's pretty jarring without rose tinted glasses on.

>What happened to this place?
tumblr invaded
autists entered while content creators left
quests were banned, which not only drove away a lot of the creative content but also justified the attitude that anything you don't like can be banned if you whine hard enough

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that if you remove the raisins from oat porridge you get a plain oat porridge.

>tumblr invaded

Really? Most of the tumblr-crowd I know sees Veeky Forums as some kind of terrifying racist boogeyman and would never be caught dead posting here. I think Reddit invasion is a lot more likely; shitty Veeky Forums posters remind me a lot more of Redditfags than Tumblrinas.

Also, maybe it's a consequence of me being lefty IRL, but I think the constant /pol/ spillover is a much bigger problem in terms of degrading average posting quality. Kneejerk "WE WUZ KANGZ," "niggers," pointless shitty politics debate, etc... is pervasive and obnoxious. If you look back at old Veeky Forums it's surprisingly moderate in terms of politics compared to the current rep Veeky Forums gets (I actually have no complaints about that part lol I don't mind people having diff opinions from me but I'm so fucking tired of the constant politics shitposting nowadays).

I have no idea what caused the huge rightward shift, probably a mix of multiple factors including Tumblr/SJWs becoming more "mainstream" resulting in standard Veeky Forums backlash against popular things, /pol/ becoming popular causing far-right posters to come to Veeky Forums for /pol/ and start crossposting into other boards, and the general easily-offended sensibilities of a lot of modern leftists being a bad fit with a site that has always cultivated a reputation for shock value and offensive humor. Nonetheless, while characterizing early Veeky Forums as some kind of leftist haven would be hugely inaccurate, just quickly looking through some old archived threads on sup/tg/ shows that it was definitely a lot less /pol/ than it is now.

>autists entered while content creators left

Sure. Fair enough.

>quests were banned

Nope nope nope. I can see how /qst/ could contribute to the flight of content creators, but if you think modern Veeky Forums's downward spiral started with the banning of quests you haven't been here long enough.

>I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that if you remove the raisins from oat porridge you get a plain oat porridge.


>Most of the tumblr-crowd I know sees Veeky Forums as some kind of terrifying racist boogeyman and would never be caught dead posting here.
They legit tried to invade once. Safe Space central invading the Internet Hate Machine went as well as you'd expect, and there were alleged suicides on the tumblr camp. I imagine Veeky Forums is the place where they stuck around the longest, because it was more SJW friendly than, say, /a/ or /b/. Though some say that the whole tumblr raid was actually a false flag by /pol/ to sic /b/ on tumblr.

>but I think the constant /pol/ spillover is a much bigger problem in terms of degrading average posting quality
When you have posters here who legit think women being weaker than men is a social construct, I think the tumblr invasion invited over a /pol/ spillover. Now it's a battleground between two camps, and battlefields tend to be full of decay and rot.

>They legit tried to invade once. Safe Space central invading the Internet Hate Machine went as well as you'd expect, and there were alleged suicides on the tumblr camp. I imagine Veeky Forums is the place where they stuck around the longest, because it was more SJW friendly than, say, /a/ or /b/. Though some say that the whole tumblr raid was actually a false flag by /pol/ to sic /b/ on tumblr.

I don't actually remember that, though admittedly I never really cared too much about inter-site drama and "raiding" bullshit since I'm of the general opinion most of it is just basement troglodytes trying to pretend like their internet battles give their pathetic lives some kind of meaning.

>When you have posters here who legit think women being weaker than men is a social construct

I've never really seen that one be posted before. If it has, that's retarded, I'm literally a perpetually triggered SJW cuck who believes in nonbinary gender and shit but that's just biology. I could see arguments for women warriors having existed in real life (there are examples, though not prevalent), or that that's a particular IRL rule that should be ignored in tabletop games (it should, you can always houserule in gender stat penalties if your group wants it, but penalizing playing woman characters is pointless and arbitrarily restricting for most games and setting) but claiming that strength is a social construct is just not understanding how science & empirical evidence work.

>I think the tumblr invasion invited over a /pol/ spillover. Now it's a battleground between two camps, and battlefields tend to be full of decay and rot.

The whole Tumblr invasion thing might have coincided with a time I wasn't frequently posting on Veeky Forums so I might not have noticed it, but I definitely remember /pol/fags flocking in more clearly than I remember any particular outburst of lefty sentiment. That being said, I'm also a leftist who lives in a really really liberal area so I might be desensitized.

>left to the dull groaning of grognards arguing the same lgs arguments day in and day out.

that's pretty much what it always has been though

>What happened to this place?
the low hanging fruit have been picked in the early years. the remaining fruit require more effort to pick and the people here are too lazy for that.

disregard all other explanations.

>op samefagging to answer himself
what's your obsession with oats anyway

four pages of low-quality quests and another three of failed ones meant there was nothing worthwhile to read here

>/pol/ becoming popular causing far-right posters to come to Veeky Forums for /pol/ and start crossposting into other boards
Crossposting isn't always a bad thing, because even if the new Veeky Forums posters remain into the other stuff we can all nerd out over the Veeky Forums versions of those things together. When a /pol/tard crossposts it just drags unrelated bullshit with them and pisses people off who just want to talk about nerdy games, or guns, or giant fighty robots, or whatever it is their board is ostensibly about.

What happened is that people forgot how to check their own respective bullshit at the door and just. Fucking. NOT. It's not Veeky Forums that's changed, it's society at large that's been changing for years.

i liked the existence of questthreads, it was just too many

>bringing politics into the discussion for the sake of bringing politics into the discussion

I miss quests. There were issues sure, but wasn't it a part of Veeky Forums? Why get rid of it :(

Not really, I expressed an opinion (that it's obnoxious when people drag their political beliefs into Veeky Forums, and that /pol/ posters are particularly well known for doing so), I made zero value judgements about whether or not their politics are correct or incorrect.

Also go gargle a ten foot long spiny dildo you shiteating pile of human garbage.


Anyone that see this post, make a creative thread. Bring us the sort of content you'd genuinely like to see on Veeky Forums. Be the change you want to be. I dare you.