What are metaplots of your setting/campaign? What are players supposed to deal with?
What are metaplots of your setting/campaign? What are players supposed to deal with?
The influence of evil stars, some tainted by the far realm, is growing. They are corrupting peoples and planets of the universe.
The lingering legacy of a man who sought the power of gods, and discovered something beyond even then. He was defeated and bound, but even now he struggles, echoes of his strength leaking out into the world. It empowers the heroes, and yet threatens the very stability of creation. I still don't know whether they'll loosen in chains, or slam the lid down once again. It's been an eternal cycle of high and low ages, eras of power where the strength is set loose, eras of weakness when it is chained. But now is the highest the power has ever been, and if they set him loose it could be a turning point, for all the ages to come.
A primordial is capturing ancient dragons to drain their power to fuel his own return to power. Pc's are essentially choosing between the lesser of two evils. Who will fuck the world less?
A vast void has overtaken reality such that nothing can escape its ever present maw.
The gods fell silent 300 hundred years ago and once a year the sun doesn't rise for a month during which ravening hordes of ghouls and worse stalk the countryside and villages and cities turn up as ghost towns once the lights come back on
Everyone hates gnomes and people eat them.
I thought they would be sympathetic but now they're helping to round them up.
Holy fuck that is old.
What I wouldn't give for the arcanum gnomes image clip.
Had a campaign that died.
Straight high-fantasy Pathfinder campaign.
It would be revealed they are actually inside of a giant computer program.
The program running it all was once called Mcafee-Norton and it has split into two. Mcafee has been continuously resetting the world over and over again in the hopes of eventually creating the "perfect" world. All previous attempts form what is essentially the Underdark.
Norton is just trying to shut the whole thing down. Lives have been lost and there is so much suffering based on Mcafee's arbitrary whims so he wants to just turn the whole thing off and hope that eventually something outside will fix whatever caused the split in the first place.
The original band of adventurers are Methods that existed before the split.
This is fucking cool as the bottom layer of fucking hell
I don't know how I feel about this
What is it about gonmes in particular that always makes them the most hated race in any setting where kender dont exist- seriously ask 90% of people what their least favorite fantasy race is and they'll say gnomes.
The villain is trying to take over the world so he can sell it out to an interdimensional invasion force, who are also bankrolling his efforts. Essentially he's buying into a grand scheme of evil, and the world is his bargaining chip.
The players are slowly being framed for the assassination of the king by a cult that is working to summon one of the gods slain in the last great magic war and free their homeland from the invaders.
I'm loving this idea of the players doing an investigation.
However all the clues they find point to themselves as the perpetrators. No mind tricks or anything, just pure evidence planting and fabrication.
Oh, it's less subtle than that. They've been tasked by a local duke to deliver a 'birthday present' to the king, believing it to be a chest of gems. What it actually is is a mechanical blade, spring loaded into the chest that can only be opened by someone of royal blood.
While PCs are trying to prevent a world war and reassemble God, elves found the planet they're on and are going to invade with their fleet. Players will have to repair the God's capital ship and join him to fight elven intergalactic empire. It's a middle-age fantasy setting atm.
I'm loving the idea of a BBEG being frustrated at all these bandits stealing a deathtrap that they think is a chest of gems.
Yup, that's actually the plot of the next session! They're going to be asked on the road what's in the chest, if they say it's a gift for the king then during the night some bandits will try and steal it. I think there's a lovely bit of irony in the characters fighting to get back something that's only going to cause them trouble down the line.
They're the least "necessary" standard fantasy race because they're just quirkier halflings. That's it. They might have some shitty one off tech gimmick and some vague relation to fey, but that's it. More often than not the race is used to make a lolrandom quirky dude with no other personality traits.
seriously, does anyone have that screen cap of the arcanum quotes explaining the whole gnome half ogre breeding thing?
Multi plot campaign. There are several interconnected plots and several independent plots. All are happening at the same time - so were-rats are trying to take over the local human city while orcs are invading the elf woods with the support of Drow. Both plots are advancing along - building allies, taking losses, depending on what the PC's do.
Meanwhile an elder spider being is breaking through the barriers between worlds, causing evil things to fall in to the PC world and ultimately destroy the world itself.
Players get a number of plot hooks between sessions and during, make decisions, and as they address things or not - plots advance.
Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade is about to kick off, and they've been tapped to instigate and lead elements of the Screaming Vortex in it.
There's not enough room for both Halflings and Gnomes. In most settings, the two should just be merged.
Whether the Gods know better than mankind, and it is better to trust their judgement or to depose them should the opportunity present itself. They're currently on the trail of a cult thats trying to do just that, and Im looking forward to how the party splits on that.
You know the thumbnail makes it look like black cat is summoning an enormous pair of breasts
what kind of newfag are you that doesn't recognize longcat and tacgnol?