>agility and endurance
What type of character would this be?
Agility and endurance
Other urls found in this thread:
An endurance runner.
A scout/ranger
This. Came here to say exactly this.
Hill tribesman message runner.
AC from dodge. HP from Endurance.
It would be a tank. Put some abilities to draw aggro on him and he's a good meat shield.
Maybe a messenger or transport of some kind
Something needs to be protected and it needs to get to its destination quickly. The tough/fast guy is there for that.
Snake charmer, obviously.
fireball magnet
Basically this.
But he's not even that fast.
Endurance runners aren't exactly famous for their agility. I'd see more something like a dancer, a free runner, or a martial artist.
someone who's fat, but also fast?
Shaolin Monk.
John Cena
>competent grappler
>does a lot of wierd shit with his hands
>jumps off turn stalls
>just won't stay down
>like jesus fucking christ stay down John
>very stealthy (you can't see him)
A young child.
>Somebody who doesn't know what endurance is.
>getting SUPLEXED multiple times
>Still getting up
>not endurance
Wrestling is retarded and gay in a very non-fabulous way.
>con is not physical bulk!
manlet detected.
Out of a class system of a particular game, this would be a support character that needs to spit out buffs, throw their friends, and generally get shit done that isn't stabbing people in the face or setting them on fire, and not die in the process.
Martial artists
I'm sorry you forgot how to have fun, user
A wolf.
>I'm sorry you forgot how to have fun, user
The joke's on you; I never knew how to! I've always hated wrestling, even when I was a little kid who thought The Dukes of Hazzard was cool (I mean, they jump over shit in their shiny car which has that cool horn; what's not to love?).
is that not pretty much just a monk? maybe one that would be focused on defense?
An acrobat/free runner, Faith from Mirror's Edge is a good example. Someone who doesn't get winded easily, can use the environment to their advantage to get out of sticky situations,
and is able to fight fairly competently with some form of martial art.
Or a tank who tries keeps attention on himself and dodges attacks rather than taking the blow directly to a shield.
That one motherfucker who flawlessly dodgerolls ten million times while waiting for opportunities to sneak in scratch damage.
He's slower than Guldo.
Either an athlete (I'm thinking of a Muhammad Ali-style boxer, who's good at taking hits and both concentrating and frustrating the attacking enemies) or some kind of ridiculous wardancer, who's always moving, always doing things in an overly elegant fashion, but manages to be nigh-invulnerable on the battlefield
Nigga's infinite SLA: invisibility is OP.
The fuck does being a manlet have to do with not being a fat fuck? Do you people just spout le ebin shitpost mems without thinking it through, or what?
Think matadors
martial artists in theory (but fuck monks being so MAD)
ip man
>parries all your shit
>takes multiple beatings from heavyweight boxers
jacky chan
>dem stunts (acrobatics)
>gets thrown in hot coals
>is immediately up to fight on after downing half a liter of booze
if instead of giving bullshit reasons to allow unarmd combat to deal weapon like damage it focused on incapaciting, it'd make it relevant
>MEEP MEEP intensifies.gif
The Dark Souls Meta
American Ninja Warrior
Or that one mansomewhere in Africa who supposedly is effectively the only viable drug pipeline between two nations, coz he basically runs across the badlands to cross the border between two nations, and the border guards cant keep up or trap him, as he's unpredictable, damn fast, and certifiably insane.
And he reportedly acheives this superhuman feat of endurance and speed using high-grade amphetamines. DON'T BE LIKE THIS GUY, KIDS! DRUGS ARE BAD!
Flippin Havelmom
Dance marathon champions. Failing that,
Assuming you're using endurance as a way of saying resistance against damage refer to:
Only concrete, correct answer I've seen (except for the matador part).
Dodgetanks' main function is to be decoys or stranded units amidst enemy lines, but they also excel in providing cover for weaker units that you need escorted from point A to point B if the enemy knows about them.
As an endurance runner I can tell you most of us are very uncoordinated aside from dancing over roots
>t. trail runner
Forget martial artists, straight up combat athletes as well.
Think about Muhammad Ali's fighting style and every rip-off ever since. Don't get hit, when you do roll with the punches, do that until the other guy is out of stamina and knock him out.
Well, what is it?