What's the evilest thing you ever put in a campaign?
What's the evilest thing you ever put in a campaign?
Child prostitutes.
a daemon who invoked psychic phenomena every two rounds
Like, particularly murderous ones? Cultist child prostitutes?
Cause... they don't seem that evil.
Child /prostitution/, though, that's evil. Slight difference.
Granted, the entire campaign was "Find the 8 things in the cube, fight the boss, get out".
my own fucking players
A bridge in Numenera broke the party in real life and has been labeled the most sadistic thing I have done in my 17 year career. In numenera I forced them to walk across a filthy sewer to get to the other side and the bridge was wobbly. They needed to make a difficulty 4 check twice or take light burning damage from the water. All of the. We're at full hea,th and had tons of healing.
I'm d20 that 4 would be a simple difficulty 12 check and I have them bonuses to cross it and they failed their roll and got slightly damaged.
They went on a 30 minute tirade about how I was the most evil gm moment I had ever done to them and promptly left the game for the night.
I think the player spontaneously went insane or something. To this day I can't believe he ended a friendship since high school over that.
I haven't yet, but I really want to give my players pic related. I'm just not sure that they'd ever figure it out.
It wasn't the loli brothel, was it?
Fight the good fight, Brother.
Holy shit that is so easy to abuse once you know what is going on. Kidnap and torture people. Make them hate you and everything you stand for. Then have them use the orb to ask if you will be successful.
That is the most evil thing I have read today.
I want it.
There has to be more to this story. There's no way people would be that autistic over something that minor
terrible little fae children seek knowledge that is forbidden. this includes knowledge of sex. they often regret their decision, but children are capable of behaving in a seductive manner to get attention.
Its our responsibility as adults to ignore children when they do this. But there are times when it does become a problem, especially with kids who have already been sexually abused or had early sexual experiences.
It doesn't really take a whole lot of effort to be against things like child prostitution or war. Its basically the status quo, saying I hate child prostitution is like saying, "I hate bad things. Bad things are bad."
Its like, "Yeah, no shit you're against child prostitution. Any other revelations you want to spring on us?"
I mean, fuck, I participated in the largest peace demonstration the world has every seen. Nearly a million people all around the globe protested against the War in Afghanistan.
I was at Hands Across America. What have YOU done?
Isn't that the artist that just got killed at that convention?
I spent 10 years fucking around trying to get my associates degree. Every time I got pulled back onto active duty. I'd gone on the record several times saying I was a conscientious objector.
did he died?
I think you're missing the point.
user is saying child prostitutes are evil. I'm saying, no, no they are not. Child /prostitution/ is evil. The children participating definitely do not qualify as evil. A slave is not evil; slavery is evil.
Got to be precise about these things.
Thats pretty legit
But what if the orb recognizes whoever has the most agency in it being asked questions and decides to show a vision that's terrible for everyone involved?
Damn, this guy's junk is like a baby's arm.
>child prostitutes are evil.
no, but children do sometimes misbehave. Children that are sexual active sometimes misbehave in a sexual manner.
>children behave seductively and we must ignote that
Wow user, good on you that you fight your urges but that's not at all how it is, you're sick.
It's beautiful
>underrated post
Oi say, that is hilarious.
>went to a demonstration
>thinks he changed the world for the better
What a useless wanker you are.
Imagine orks from warhammer but filled with malice and desire to torture people while singing horrible songs. Everytime they took a village they stopped, gathered prisoners and killed them slowly while singing and dipping their caps in blood.
Did this with a 6-dimensional space. The Arcanum, where mages hang. FOLLOW THE PATH DO NOT STRAY.
Then you use magic to alter your mind and ask questions. Or let the tortured person "steal" the artifact.
Or just have a special task force very carefully manage who gets access to the orb.
As is, it helped the Germans when they tricked the allies into using it.
Did it? They lost the war.
Yes, but it lasted longer than it would have otherwise.
I killed children in Afghanistan
Stealing this shit for my game thanks friend
>I'm just not sure that they'd ever figure it out.
That's what makes it so great, the reveal after the campaign concludes.
Just joining the conversation, but I think you are living in a nice little bubble world where kids can't do anything wrong.
Work often sees me working with young children who is having serious issues. As the other user said, a history of sexual abuse is the most common cause. One had "lost" her mother after she had sexually abused her for 4 years - and she was 12. She was way too open towards men her fathers age. Trust me, they do not act appropriate around adults, and if they meet someone who for some reason catches their interest, they know full well how to use adult suggestions.
Whether or not it works is beside the point- from a completely neutral and objective standpoint, they obviously know what they are doing, and what buttons to push. You can deny this all you want, but this is the age of the internet, they can hit up a few pork movies, and replicate the things they see quite easily.
The fact that they don't have the physique to pull it off, is what is most commonly the barrier for them. But most ordinary men below 30 won't necessarily have a problem with the appearance of a >15 kids of their preferred gender. They will have a moral problem, sure, as they should, but just calling people sick for not being a close minded autist, is kinda dumb, and enforces a taboo we really do not need.
The more people talk about it, the more likely we avoid children being abused for years on end.
Oh, that's it?
This. I travel constantly to SEA for business. And you actively have to avoid prostitution altogether to avoid sleeping with minors because you won't know by their actions or their looks if these women are 14 or 21.
My patrons don't have such worries, and that's why this business continues to thrive.
A lot of good that did. You're such a fucking moral hero, you stood around and chanted some meaningless shit and changed nothing.
Funi Funi Lab is dead?
The greatest minds of every generation must die young indeed then?
What country?
I based the BBEG off of one campaign off of the personality and real world actions, of our group's That Guy. He was the last one to realize it, and only after everyone else had (and asked me about it in private), and after he had been killed.
He was the most hated BBEG I've ever run, but one by one as the group recognized him for who he really was, they disliked him a little less. Except That Guy.
Please elaborate further.
It's impossible to figure out without meta knowledge. Since the past and present are changed, there aren't any in-game clues that the future wasn't supposed to turn out like it did. That's basically like revealing "Those orcs you've just killed made shoes for orphans! Hahaha! The paladin falls btw."
I had my players literally crawl through Otyugh shit to get through a secret entrance of a dungeon. They then decided they didn't want to try to fight or sneak last an Otyugh, crawled out and went in the main e trance still covered in shit. They all found it funny, they've yet to find a way to wash. The barbarians decided he's going to clean himself with ale.
I think your players might have issues.
The text implies that the Germans found out it was cursed when they asked who would win the war and caused their loss. The Allies were prevented from asking it that question by its own magic.
Did you know that according to a supplement for 3.5, getting covered in Otyugh shit qualifies you for a free Iron Will feat?
Don't Rest Your Head. I made a Nightmare specifically for each player. Pic related was one.
It even had it's own theme music the player it was chasing could hear when it got close. So I would just play this: youtube.com
>I did nothing, and it MEANT something!
For that matter, a million people globally isn't exactly worth a damn in the scope of things.
You are the reason the world is currently a fucking shithole where all of civilization is being destroyed and the people who created it being exterminated.
>don't call the mentally ill mentally ill
>don't bring awareness to their problems
>just accept it goyim lol pedosexuals are normal you are a bigot for saying otherwise
>Pedo decriminalization! Pedo rights! Pedo marriage!
>lol the slippery slope is a fallacy
Drown yourself in cow shit. I'll call every childfucker I see a mentally ill piece of shit.
>mentally ill
>Noticing active sexual behaviour is being mentally ill
On the contrary, NOT noticing it is a mental illness called autism.
REACTING to it, is a problem. Knowing it happens, is not.
Nobody is asking you to accept paedophiles. On the contrary.
But of course, you are likely just trolling, considering how quickly you escalated it into straight up pedo rights, when the quoted post is actively speaking against it in the first place.
>my strawman means you're wrong
Holy fuck, shut the hell up.
>you're trolling because you described exactly how faggots got normalized
>somehow this is trolling when pedophile groups are doing exactly the same thing right now in the media for their shit
Get out, childfucker enabler.
ya know when your talking about actual medical and mental conditions using the meme definition of autism doesn't help your case
>Don't Rest Your Head
This kind of reminds me of that guy that was full on skull fucking his players as much as he could, had a few beautiful post in DRYH threads from way back now.
What a retard. Noticing that a child is abnormally sexually aware is among the best tells to catch a predator.
But go on, keep it opaque. When we don't speak about shit it doesn't exist. 50's america and victorian england haven't been two of the absolute worst times in history for mental health and human rights.
All that matters is that you're not upset in your childish dream state by taboos.
I'd say the absolute worst times in human history for mental health was when the mentally ill were left in the woods to die or executed rather than the times when they were acknowledged as abnormal and set aside to be studied.
Was just about to say this.
It pisses me off so much when people who notice a problem and try to understand and explain why and how it happens, get called out as supporters or perpetrators of that problem.
So far this campaign I have had -> Nazi Doctor BBEG, Unwanted pregnancies with sudden child birth, Repeated use of the mind rape spell to ensure a loyal army, a ship made of people that the party met and bonded with, oh and a dragon that is manipulating a young male party member like a creepy old guy... sexually.
Worst part is most of these were initiated by my party, pretty much just the BBEG is purely mine.
>full on skull fucking his players as much as he could
It's DRYH. That's what you DO. I was posting a few stories to the other Veeky Forums as well, but my game group is flighty as fuck. One person gets an itch, talks about it, and then it spreads. We've gone from Fading Suns to Deadlands:Reloaded to all dorf party in Warhammer Fantasyflight in like...six months I think?
Sooo..... usually it's the DM that drags the party into the magical realm, not the other way around, right? What, did you accidentally make an LFG post on /d/?
I'm saving the hell out of that, my players won't even know what hit them.
I did something similar once. It was dark heresy and they were in a simple dungeon crawl, minor puzzles and obstacles. They come across an obvious long empty hallway with a lightly luminous floor, ceiling and walls. Sure enough the players correctly guess the hall is booby trapped after stepping on the first one, making their dodge roll and not getting wounded.
So this party is usually very clever and I figured this wouldn't be too bad, but I should mention that our Psyker is usually the slowest to catch on.
The party had plenty of gear including two grapnel guns and a psyker with levitate.
The rules were simple. The floor was the only part booby trapped. And it required the weight of a human or greater footstep to activate, at a short but constant pressure.
There were only about 6 rows of traps. They did have an automatic reset of about 5 minutes
For some dumbass reason after trying to smack the floors with a staff and getting no result the entire party sans the psyker decides to just sprint down the hall.
The psyker was the only one who thought to use wall walk and just bypass everything. The rest of the party almost died. No one bothered to use their grapnels or any other tech they had.
I still feel bad for nearly killing them with a hall of traps.
>oh and a dragon that is manipulating a young male party member like a creepy old guy... sexually.
This actually seems kind of interesting actually. I mean yeah its creepy but that's one hell of a relationship dynamic that I haven't really seen anywhere else. Do go and elaborate.
I did my psychiatry residency at an institution for underage women. Since that year I'm immediately suspicious of people who try to undermine investigation during assestment. 50% of the time they're covering up for a predator and 50% of the time they think they are covering up for a predator. The patient's health never matters to these people.
Found the first two threads that the guy put together about his plans and what not, should have guessed they'd be some of the only DRYH stuff on suptg.
Why does this fuckwit italicize every other word
The deck of many things.
I regret nothing, and it was an absolute rush to do it.
Emphasis, I suppose.
They may have thought it was a visit to the DM's magical realm.
Children working as drug mules for the halfling mafia in Warhammer 2nd. I surpassed myself with that arc, it came out pretty neat.
Isn't the point of emphasis to delineate important concepts from unimportant ones?
If it's every other fucking word it's not emphasizing anything.
Damn. I'm only a third of the way through the first thread and this is some fine art. Dudes skullfuking game is on another level.
I think you mean ostracized and forced to live with the knowledge that they're an unloved burden on their families or locked away in an asylum awaiting their full frontal lobotomy.
Worst in terms of undiagnosed, rampant mental illness.
Taboos should be discussed because understanding is the first step to social progress, or in the case of something like pedophilia, elimination. Pretending they don't exist and attacking anyone who wants to have a discussion only makes the problem worse.
I'm not that user, but children developing crushes on adults and seeking their attention is a natural part of childhood development.
It's the responsibility of adults not to take advantage of said children when they do this.
This doesn't really seem that controversial to me (though this IS Veeky Forums...).
>particularly murderous ones?
It really shouldn't be.
Part of the problem is exactly that it is such a taboo subject. The screeching autist further up in this thread, claims you are sick if you even notice it, completely missing why we NEED to see this.
Because it is a natural part of growing up, and you need to be rejected and taught how this works. You should not be ignored.
Quick, tell me what your response to being ignored was when you were 10? If your answer is "cause trouble", you are part of the vast majority of all 10 year olds.
Translate that to the childs attraction towards an adult.
It is SO crucial that the child knows what it should and should not do. This is literally half of the problem we have with child molesters, where the children does not know how to deal with it, because the parents were neglectful of them. They were never given thr understanding necessary to know how to deal with a molester.
You obviously have not had your younger female cousin grind against you in a hot tub while playing around with your face, and slapping you when you try to lift her off your lap or leave the hot tub.
Because if you had experienced the above, you wouldn't be saying what you are saying.
What are the switches? Are they alternative doors? Do you flip the switch which then changes the doors? Do you flip the switches and the room changes? Or is this up to the individual DM to decide?
Hang yourself, you disgusting degenerate.
I didn't do shit in that situation. I wanted to get out of it but I was so confounded by my cousins behavior that I din't know what the hell I should do.
Normal people don't get deviant urges from interacting with children. Which means that your place is in the oven.
Imagine doing that and then party goes "let's split up" and now you are dealing with keeping track of about 5 people's positions and stuff they do, like leaving marks on walls and such.
I didn't get any deviant urges. I was describing a situation that happened to me, which made me immensely uncomfortable. My point is that little kids can act in fucked up ways.
I really can't tell whether this is supposed to be a joke or not. Maybe because the context is kind of muddled.
>I din't know what the hell I should do.
Not that rare a reaction actually, being paralysed because you couldn't compute that a child just asked you for sex is a thing that happen to many teachers or educators.
Hence what said, anyone in contact with children should know that's something that may happen so to give an appropriate answer instead of going "wwhhhaaaaaaaat?" which may give the wrong message.
Most people will reject the advances, but will have difficulties giving a necessary lecture about the do and don't when catch unprepared.
I think that horror is hard, so as a GM I don't even try. For me DRYH is spend more with exploring the surrealness of city working with dream-logic.
Which occasionally touches the traumas of the characters.
I still have hard time accepting even the possibility that my cousin might actually have intentionally acted in such a lewd manner. I just can't deal with that idea at all. She was only like 11 at the time.
With horror you HAVE to get to the players, at least a little bit. And that means playing with their heads at a meta level. Roll save vs this monster's fear effect, or having them make a reflexive 'what the fuck is that thing?' roll and answering with "stats so big it can tear your characters apart as easily as i could tear your character SHEETS apart" isn't scary. if you've got good players they'll rp their chars fear, but they won't feel any fear themselves
If you're really trying for full blown horror you've got to really set the mood, get inside your players heads, and fuck with THEM. Done right and they'll be telling the nurses about that shit in the old folks home. Done wrong and you all you get is meh. Done REALLY wrong, and you're just another That DM. So yeah, no shame in not giving it a go, but at the same time, you're not going to get better if you're so affraid of failure you never try.
Mental illness was undiagnosed and rampant before the late 1800's, the fact that people built organizations to deal with abnormal people is in itself a step forward. Whenever people call a time period the "absolute worst" they're just screaming that they don't know shit.