Anyone have any more good fake cards like this one? Doesn't have to be Magic.
Anyone have any more good fake cards like this one? Doesn't have to be Magic
This one's my favorite. These are all from a Neural Network.
Holy shit, I've had an awful day and I'm crying laughing from these. Thanks, I needed that!
Superior version.
Pimped cards count?
oh hell yes they do.
Fresh OC
So it's a deck-out for 1WUBRG then?
well played
Damn straight
My sides just planeswalked away
As someone who never played Magic, that is surprisingly helpful. No, I don't want to go read the rules to understand Veeky Forums talking about it.
>not level two
user I sincerely hope your day gets better
this made me laugh uncontrollably
Have another.
I would play this card for shizzle.
>from a Neural Network.
Was going to say, I thought these looked like that.
Wonder if you could set one up for netrunner. Probably not, there's not much templating
Best one
Wouldn't 8 bears be 16/16?
original art for that had 2 already
Dam straight my nigga.
what does this card actually fucking do?
you counter it... and then what?
not a card but here's something
are there really snow lands?
Yes, Ice Age and Coldsnap.