Do you know of any RPGs which have tackled that subject of race/racism (as opposed to ignoring it, which if we're honest is probably the only way to do right by people in this industry) in a way that wasn't either completely one-sided, oversimplistic or all-around insulting? (this goes to both extremes of the "we've made all the iconics Sino-Hispanics, what do you mean the game takes place in Iron Age Ireland?"/"GAS ALL JEWS" scale)
Do you know of any RPGs which have tackled that subject of race/racism (as opposed to ignoring it...
This is better handled by a GM than a system.
True, but some do attempt to touch upon it in terms of the setting and such.
It's a post-apocalypses setting in which Europe was destroyed by asteroids, while Africa got of relatively unscathed.
500 years later Africa is the imperialistic superpower that comes to Europe to steal it's riches and exploit it's people.
It's an interesting spin on history and based on the idea that all people are equally awful.
The question is how this is treated by the narrative. Is the "all people are equally awful" angle adopted by the book, or is it presented as a sort of "HAHA, BET YOU WHITIES WOULDN'T FEEL SO SMUG IF THE AFRICANS CAME AND CONQUERED YOU, HUH? REALLY MAKES YOU THINK".
Now that's what I call science fiction!
Man, I'm really tired of this Western masochism. Simply reversing the roles has never been smart or profound commentary, either.
The first one. Say what you may about Degenesis, they actually put thought into the racial issue. Nobody's innocent and you got both good and bad people on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Because it would take some extremely liberal handwaving to coalesce a bunch of disparate people and ethnicities that comprise an entire continent, with centuries of history between them into a big, blobby, homogenic, single superpower, right?
Unless it's one ethnic group that just rules with an iron fist, like in China or Indonesia.
Or all those ethnicities joined together against a common foe, or you know, psycho active alien plants turning everyone into a single ethnicity that follows it's commands.
Well, that's what I would call "extremely liberal handwaving".
Still, makes me think it's a bit of a lazy setting, and still pretty racist despite the whole "kill whitey" attitude. Two wrongs don't make a right and all. Africa and African people are pretty fascinating in their own right, even if the continent has a bunch of problems. But I guess it's such a sensitive subject that people are unwilling to touch on it in earnest. So you get either Hotel Rwanda or Black Panther, with no real middle ground.
Did you read the setting? The moral complexity of all this is acknowledged by the books (e.g. "psychic flora conveniently making it so that everyone understands each other is great when you want to consolidate a continent into an international superpower, but make no mistakes, whole cultures are being ran over by the bulldozer of progress in here. This may not be a good thing.")
It is one element in a much larger world. Both sides are playable. It is treated as "This is the world now, deal with it." rather then "Oh, the poetic justice!".
Ironically there is one African faction that spins this as "retribution for past injustices" and they are generally depicted as the worst fascists in the setting.
>Western masochism.
Not really. It is a German game and black people are incredibly low on our guilt priority list.
Whatever. I don't think you're getting my point, and I'm not looking for an internet fight. Laters.
Or it could have been framed the same way it worked in Europe.
A bunch of smaller empires are looking to expand without actually fighting each other and so go and race to conquer another place.
Although the whole "Africa is a superpower" is pretty lame and makes it sound like this is not the case.
> It is a German game and black people are incredibly low on our guilt priority list.
You lucky bastards. I bet you are laughing at the whole "we were late to the empire game, amirite?"
Real WW2 with concentration camps, racism and torture.
Bad guys still manage to fit in playing with a kitten whilst conquering France.
I mean, they're playing with it using a grenade. That's almost strawman level bad guy material.
That's a water bottle.
I think a big part of why Africa is a superpower in this setting has less to do with politics and more with geography. That asteroid hit kicked up gigantic dust clouds which cooled down the Earth. A lot of Europe is now a frozen wasteland while much of equatorial Africa which was previously stupidly hostile to civilized (or any kind of) life are now paradisaical breadbaskets. It's actually an interesting dynamic since Europe is starving and freezing, but also has access to the best high-tech salvage, while Africa has all the food they could ever want (not to mention ludicrous amounts of oil, metals, and all the rest of the mineral wealth of Africa which they've never been able to set their minds on due to, ironically enough, being too busy starving) but had to make do with whatever jeeps and kalashnikovs were lying around Tripoli when it came down to rebuilding civilization. Most of Europe is barbaric tribes while most of Africa has running water and electricity, but SOME parts of Europe are working on re-establishing the internet while the Africans are mostly limited to experimenting with ever bigger tanks.
The banality of evil.
And the real tragedy of the whole situation is that it's very clear both sides would benefit most from just working together but there's so much bad blood inbetween it's never going to happen.
I give them props and completely understand why they would take that route to clean things up but I also feel that geography's impact on human organization is ancient history.
Then again since we are talking about humans getting hit by a reset button I can see geography rising up again. idk it's cool but I feel it's inelegant and lame for 100% personal taste reasons.
>bad guys
No , it is model 39 egg grenade. It is imposssible for a cat to unscrew the top cork so it is safe.
There are several scenarios and supplements for Call Of Cthulhu that tackle quite interestingly thoses issues (but it's not the case of the older publications...)
Nah, they are bad guys.
At best they are on the lighter shade of grey but they are bad guys.
>cult that sacrifices only black people because the cops don't give a fuck
Sounds about right for the '30s.
The average germain soldier wasn't evil and neither was the average allied soldier "good".
Both were forced to fight anyway.
If you think about it like that there's also Alex Abel from Unknown Armies. Black guy from da hood who instead of getting into drug dealing like all of his friends worked his ass off becoming the best fucking rutheless deadly businessman out there and ended up a black Donald Trump - and still nobody would accept him because however you look at it his race always overshadows his achievements. Even the Archetype he nearly Ascended as was The Man Who Succeeded Where You Should Have. Ironically, this would've made him the symbolic consort of his greatest enemies' patron goddess, The Woman Everyone Can Have But You.
It's an untapped resource for good Lovecraftian horror.
Right until the third ed where his pet psychopath Eponymous nearly kills him and he has to go underground from "Black Donald Trump" to "Black Bona Fide James Bond Villain".
SoS has a bit of a gentler touch, but it touches on subjects of racial identity and racial nationalism with surprisingly even-handedness. You've got the Dacians who have pretty legitimate reasons to hate white and black people alike (they're weird brown qts) because of their history of displacement and slavery, the Orredin who hate humans because letting humans live in their breathtaking magical flying city caused a plague that almost drove them to extinction, and then humans who are surrounded by crazy magic elves who are just antithetical to human civilization. Then there's the Dwarves who hate and fear everyone because they're more like space explorers crash-landed on a planet full of mutants. Everyone's racist, but it's low-key.
And then there's this fucking guy. The lead dev insists it isn't a joke but fucking look at the picture. It's CLEARLY Dick Spencer as an elf. And the guy is Elf-Hitler. And by coincidence he's a colossal racist who hates humans, but has a human girlfriend.
They're SS
Trump wasn't a particularly ruthless businessman, or for that matter deadly. I mean, as far as we know. Wouldn't Carnegie be a better one? He started off poor, was ruthless and had people killed.
Late war SS were draftees. It's only the early guys who were actual card-carrying party members.
Though even then, Rommel and Skorzeny were both actual literal Nazis, and even they never really did anything wrong besides be on the wrong side. Poor Rommel.
Yeah, but Abel's got the whole public image thing going on. Part of his deal was how he was viewed by the masses (and the fact that all the views ultimately came down to his race somehow, either positively or negatively. He could've been "the brave, exemplary black man who broke stereotype!", but he was never just "the incredibly successful businessman").
Rommel ? You must have though something and written something else.
What happened in America in the setting?
Not that guy, but even the allies liked and respected Rommel. In fact, there were various plans (never put into action) to try and engineer events to kill the Fuhrer and put Rommel in charge, in the knowledge that he realised the war was pointless and hopeless and would agree to a peace treaty.
He said rommel was a nazi , while rommel had not much to do with them in reality.
Unknown. Nobody who tried to cross the Atlantic ever returned. I vaguely remember there being something about toxic mutant algae preventing passage, but don't quote me on that. There was supposed to be a supplement about what's going on with the Atlantic, but it never came out.
I think the cat is called Hans.
The thing is, unlike the Jews, the Darcsens legit did nothing wrong other then defending themselves against the Valkyrur who basically went on a EVERYTHING THAT AINT VALKYRUR HAS TO MELT-worldtour.
>It is a German game
Of course it is.
>unlike the Jews
Yeah, how perfidious. The only opinions that should be illegal are ones *I* don't agree with!
I don't know what you're trying to say here. Having thought police of any kind is tyranny.
That sentiment would have more weight if it didn't generally also come out of the same sort of people who go into shrieking fits whenever someone mentions trannies.
Annnnnnnnd thread's dead. Good work everyone.
Gas Veeky Forums board war now!
The "shrieking fits" are because the left is using transexuals as as an excuse for compelled speech and writing radical social constructionism into the law. Look at Canada, where you can now be fined if you don't call someone by their preferred pronouns of xe, xim, xir.
You also seem to forget that
>muh bol boogie man ruining Veeky Forums ;((((
Is fiercely divided on the subject of "trannies"
I don't get that picture.
Yeah, you don't feel guilt towards black people, you feel shame in not being them.
>no RPG where the object is to round up fertile white pink pussies and send them off to the interracial breeding grounds to be BLACKED and filled with superior African seed
Ah, truly the great gift of diversity.
I miss Luis CucK memes.
I miss /tv/
Yes, that is literally what you believe. So why are you using it as a criticism?
Roses are Red
Democracy is Archaic
The entire Bolshevik movement was Judaic.
LIsten. I know fascism was a bust but hear me out.
Clerical Fascism.
Because I find it both funny and annoying that both sides of this "discussion" behave the exact same, blame the other side of doing so, base their entire approach on trying to color what comes down to "don't like things I don't like" to an issue of oppression, and are so determined not to see it that they'll automatically dismiss everyone who points it out as coming from the other side. Just like you're going to do this very post.
>Clerical Fascism.
>Nothing wrong besides be on the wrong side
Yeah, except all that stuff he did at Eastern Front and after the end of War
He smuggled war-criminals from Europe to South America for fuck's sake
Which is preferable to smuggling war criminal into Europe like Germany does recently.
The only thing he did wrong was working for Mossad.
Pretty sure you could make a FATAL campaign with that premise.