Do you know of any RPGs which have tackled that subject of race/racism (as opposed to ignoring it, which if we're honest is probably the only way to do right by people in this industry) in a way that wasn't either completely one-sided, oversimplistic or all-around insulting? (this goes to both extremes of the "we've made all the iconics Sino-Hispanics, what do you mean the game takes place in Iron Age Ireland?"/"GAS ALL JEWS" scale)
Do you know of any RPGs which have tackled that subject of race/racism (as opposed to ignoring it...
This is better handled by a GM than a system.
True, but some do attempt to touch upon it in terms of the setting and such.
It's a post-apocalypses setting in which Europe was destroyed by asteroids, while Africa got of relatively unscathed.
500 years later Africa is the imperialistic superpower that comes to Europe to steal it's riches and exploit it's people.
It's an interesting spin on history and based on the idea that all people are equally awful.
The question is how this is treated by the narrative. Is the "all people are equally awful" angle adopted by the book, or is it presented as a sort of "HAHA, BET YOU WHITIES WOULDN'T FEEL SO SMUG IF THE AFRICANS CAME AND CONQUERED YOU, HUH? REALLY MAKES YOU THINK".
Now that's what I call science fiction!
Man, I'm really tired of this Western masochism. Simply reversing the roles has never been smart or profound commentary, either.
The first one. Say what you may about Degenesis, they actually put thought into the racial issue. Nobody's innocent and you got both good and bad people on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Because it would take some extremely liberal handwaving to coalesce a bunch of disparate people and ethnicities that comprise an entire continent, with centuries of history between them into a big, blobby, homogenic, single superpower, right?
Unless it's one ethnic group that just rules with an iron fist, like in China or Indonesia.
Or all those ethnicities joined together against a common foe, or you know, psycho active alien plants turning everyone into a single ethnicity that follows it's commands.